Miss Indiana Wetpanties!

My friend, The Naughty Professor, and I are planning a trip to the Yucatan peninsula this summer and are thinking of a visit to a newly discovered archeological site in northern Guatemala.

I have this “uhm” problem with archeological sites. I get a little excited (man you should have seen how wiggly I got at the Roman Forum). Think of it like funeral sex. You are surrounded by decay and death and all your little brain can think of is defying the inevitable.

So the Naughty Professor has called me Miss Indiana Wetpanties. I am good with a whip, but I think that just makes me Laura Croft. I haven’t got the chest hair to be Indy- thank god.

Hookergate- Duh

So a few weeks ago there was a British study published that proved men make stupid choices after looking at pretty girls.

Is it any wonder then that prostitutes might make certain politicians more open to accepting bribes from contractors?

Stupid Republican boys. I can’t wait to see how this one plays out. Where do hookers and bribery fall into the whole Character Counts slogan? What does getting someone to pay someone who is not your wife to give you a blow job have to do with family values?


Friday Playlist- Fuck the Patriarchy Edition

Nothing but Girrrrrrl Rock today.

  1. April March :Chick Habit
  2. Sleater Kinney: Dig Me Out
  3. Sleater Kinney: Combat Rock
  4. Le Tigre: Mediocrity Rules
  5. Princess Superstar: Ney York City Cunt
  6. Suzanne Vega: Blood Makes Noise
  7. Liz Phair: Fuck and Run
  8. LE Tigre: Hot Topic
  9. Sleater Kinney (Yeah I know-they’re on here alot- shut up) Step Aside
  10. Sleater Kinney: You’re No Rock and Roll Fun

A Super Jumbo Answer

to the question “Do we really want the government controlling our healthcare? They screw up everything else”

Cause the private sector has done such a fantastic job with healthcare so far– uhuh. And the Easter Bunny really does pop out candy-colored eggs every spring.

Twenty-five Kaiser Permanente patients in Northern California were denied the chance for new kidneys that were nearly perfectly matched to them last year during the troubled start-up of the giant HMO’s kidney transplant program in San Francisco, a Times investigation has found.

The Times reported Wednesday that Kaiser patients were imperiled by the massive start-up of the HMO’s first kidney transplant program, which now has a waiting list of more than 2,000. Since Kaiser took over, the number of transplants has plummeted. Patients have complained of inexplicable delays. And paperwork snafus have left hundreds of patients stuck between programs with no hope of receiving a life-saving organ.

But the government would be worse? Really, how? Being denied a perfectly matched kidney because your insurance company couldn’t pull its head out of its ass is better than what?

The United States of North America?

Read this fantastic post over at Salon’s How the World Works

One year ago, in the run-up to the French referendum on a proposed
constitution of the European Union, much was made of the “specter” of “the Polish plumber.” In a Europe with ever-fewer restrictions on worker movement, so the theory went, a horde of cheap Polish plumbers would descend upon France (or England, or Germany) and wreak havoc on existing wage structures.

This is one reason that after the accession of the so-called A8 central and eastern European countries in 2004, only three “old E.U.” nations, the U.K., Ireland, and Sweden, placed no restrictions at all on worker migration from the new E.U. members. But last week, four more, Greece, Finland, Spain and Portugal, possibly convinced by a fleet of studies opining that the economies of the U.K. and Ireland had benefited from the influx of new workers, if there was any visible effect at all, opened up their borders. Germany and Austria, which, not coincidentally, have historically been the most popular destinations for workers from eastern Europe, are still keeping a tight grip on inward migration.

For us, NAFTA and similar trade agreements we supposed to help us compete against the EU- whose population and GDP are quickly outpacing us. But NAFTA is only trade, not labor or social policy.

The main argument for both sides is that, historically speaking, every previous expansion of the E.U. has not resulted in an overwhelming rush of workers from poor to rich countries, because the benefits of membership have helped to boost
the economies of the new entrants so much that people find it more attractive to
stay home.

So maybe our real solution to immigration is to create a real alliance between Canada, Mexico and the US that includes immigration and social policy. Mexico would be required to create a less corrupt bureaucracy, the US would have to institute universal healthcare, and Canada could increase it’s population and tax base. I know I’m about to say something heretical- but maybe we should be the United States of North America. Each country would still retain it’s national identity (I think we can all acknowledge that the UK is not France) yet would benefit from a huge population and resource base. Mexico would increase its standard of living, which would increase the number of people who can afford to buy our products and decrease the number of people who need to come to this country to support their families.

Why do you deserve a pat on the head?

There has been a little running conflict about boys and how much credit we girls should give them going on in the blogosphere. I know that every time I post something girly I can hear crickets chirping and I am torn over what to do about it.

I could play benevolent educator- which is what I do in real life with a lot of you and what I do here quite frequently. But, and I’ll be really honest, it is pretty fucking exhausting to constantly try to re-educate you all.

I could just write off all boys as never being able to understand the fucked up power structure that pushes on us like a groper in a subway car. But I like to think you are capable of understanding more than that.

And then there are the boys who want a great big pat on the head for doing what they are supposed to be doing- and this one makes me want to scream. Since when do we give people pats on the head for doing what they are supposed to be doing to begin with.

I’ll give ya a couple of examples, and since it’s May we’re gonna center on parenting crap (happy Mother’s day and all that)

Unamed Boy #1: “My wife got a new job and I have had to babysit my daughter every morning this week”

Uhm- that’s not fucking babysitting- you’re her parent for christsake- babysitters get paid. You are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Mother’s never say “I am babysitting my own child”, why do fathers act like it’s such a big deal when they have to look after their own children? This was said to me, by the way, to get my sympathy and some kudos for the guy for “putting aside his very important work” so he could do this thing so his wife could work. If I remember correctly- he wanted his wife to work. They needed the money.

Unamed Boy #2 is a single dad raising his daughter by himself. Group of single mothers (and this just proves that the idiocy infects both sexes) is fawning over him for “taking responsibility”. I sat back until it was my turn to speak at which I point I said something about “how nice it must be for him to get all this praise for doing the exact same thing that every woman in the room does everyday without getting any praise at all.” In fact, single mothers usually get more harshly judged. We can’t possibly perform as well as families where there is a man.

So the point to all this blathering is why do boys think they deserve a great big pat on the head for doing what they are supposed to be doing? I don’t get a great big pat on the head everytime I wash a dish or pick my child up from school or do the grocery shopping. It is assumed, whether I am working or not, that these are my responsibilities.

I am sure the crickets will be chirping in force on this one. But at least y’all will be thinking about it.

Addendum:I am going to give one big fat pat on the head to Phuxy. He goes to school and takes care of the kiddos while his hot wife, Science Girl goes to work. I have never heard him call it babysitting nor has he ever acted like he was doing something above and beyond the call of duty. For that- Phuxy gets a head pat (and a belly rub if he’s really nice).