Why Do Men Hate Women

Just in case you are wondering, my beautiful work at home job has engulfed me as of late; my mind has been so much into PHP/MySQL/Linux (I love open source software) that I haven’t been able to get my head around anything else. I have tendency to come and go, so get used it.

Anyway, the RQs constant reminders to not forget the feminine has been ringing loudly in my head for weeks though the topic has been in my head for years. I know this is a generalization, but one has to wonder: why do men still hate women?

Yes, I know the situation has changed. Women have more and better rights than they did forty years ago. More women now apply for school in the U.S. than men (in fact, there is a female glut for applications). Women are portrayed as strong and responsible to the point where men are seen as non-thinking shirkers. Yes, women, at least in this country, do have it better than they used to.


We are not close to a women president (Hillary will present some major problems) and the female representation in Congress comes nowhere close to representing the population of women in the U.S.

Homicide kills more pregnant women than all natural causes combined.

It is okay for a women to act like a man, take a man’s name and wear men’s clothes. But men do not take on women’s names, crossdressing is considered humorous or worse to both men and women and for the most part accepting the feminine is something that couples keep between themselves. “Act like a man”, or “man up” is still advice most men give to other men. Advice to the contrary is never heard.

And then there are reproductive rights. The war on abortion is alive and making headway. Teenage prenancies are up because access to contraception has been restricted. Viagra and Cialis are money makers, but where is the “male pill”?

On the extreme end, Islamists, for the most part, want to keep women in the Dark Ages. Without going too far, I just don’t understand how a women’s body can be considered such an issue to the point where only a husband cans see it (yet the husband could defile another woman and blame the woman for the defilement). I really don’t know where to go on the Islamist view of females, but the hatred of women seems a given in their case. Of course there is also the situations in India and China, where girls are aborted in favor of males to the point where male populations has been skewed to 60% or more.

This may offer a clue. Perhaps, man’s hatred of women was ingrained over such a long period of time that it is difficult to expunge from our cultures. Society does not change overnight. Having said that, I do wonder where women’s issues are headed. Even those who benefit from feminism, deny its existence ( I am not one of those feminists!). I do not blame anyone; taking on an unpopular cause requires a strong personality that obviates many of the things we enjoy in life: friendship, normalcy and regular work-week.

I suppose I don’t have an answer that fits in this space. I could say that in light of the history of hatred women have faced, we should encouraged by the progress we have seen, but that is a cop-out.

I can give a short answer that I tell my white friends about racism. If you are a man, and you hate misogyny, talk to other men about it. Women can only do so much. The change must come from within.

Red Apple Tunes

Ruthzilla is visiting my couch for a bit and we walked down to the the Red Apple to get dinner fixins (turkey tacos if you must know). Upon reaching the store- she realized that we were in front of The Red Apple of the Stranger police blotter fame.

Having lived and worked in this neighborhood for years, I am well aware of the soulful greatness that is played while I cruise the aisles. Mephistopheles has noticed the music too and (except for the wine selection) really likes how much cooler the people and the music in my ghetto grocery store are than the up-tight, rude, wealthy, pasty types at his Magnolia Thriftway. (FYI- Thriftway is the exact wrong name for the place- a better name would be Overpriced Pretention Shop).

It is not unusual for the Kid, the Devil, or me to be humming (sometimes outright singing) to Respect Yourself or I’ll Be There while trying to figure out what the heck to have for dinner. If anything by James Brown or Curtis Mayfield comes on – I may shake my ass a little. It’s impossible not to.

The only problem is Sunday evenings (when the neighborhood gentrifiers come out to shop) the music changes to some crappy 80’s schlock. Hopefully this is just a fluke and that I will always be able to get my soul fix in the same place that I get the cheapest avacados on the west coast.

UPDATE: According to the Devil, the Red Apple was playing soul yesterday instead of the 80’s crap. Maybe the Stranger piece helped end that little bit of hell.

I love Planned Parenthood but…

Planned parenthood has opened a new quick-service clinic in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

The clinic will not perform abortions. Instead, lotions, essential oils and
decorative carrying cases for pills and condoms will beckon shoppers inside,
where they can also get oral contraceptives, pregnancy tests and screening for
HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhea _ all in about 20 minutes. If customers are
interested, the clinic may add massages and other spa services later,
spokeswoman Marta Coursey said.

Great. I’m all about the shiny condom cases and lotions while getting birth control. However there is a problem with this set-up.

But it won’t take patients on subsidized health plans if they can’t pay out of pocket. those customers can visit one of Planned Parenthood’s 22 existing clinics in Minnesota, which operate on a sliding scale based on the patient’s income.

Planned Parenthood’s justification for this:

As federal and state aid for family planning services declines, Stoesz said Planned Parenthood will be able to expand only through clinics that pay for themselves. Success in Woodbury could lead to express clinics in other locations, she added.

I know funding is tight, but the problem is not that women who can afford it can’t get access to birth control. It’s that women who can’t afford it can’t get access.

This is a public service announcement….

But without guitar (sorry- but my lack of musical skills means I will never grow up to be Joe Strummer but I will still make regular Clash references.).

Moving On.

Mephistopheles and I drink a lot of cheap wine. I prefer vodka (of holy spirit of the potato) but since the only hard liquors the Devil drinks are gin or scotch, we usually drink wine with dinner. The Devil had been dying to try this box (ohmygawdyoucan’tbuythat-itsabox!) of wine. For several weeks he kept picking it up and putting it down when I raised an eyebrow at him in the grocery store. Then one night he brought the box over along with a back-up bottle in case of serious suckage.

Serious suckage ensued of course. So this is a warning. Even if wine now comes in cute little boxes that look like European juice, DON”T BUY IT!. Is not vomitious exactly, but it is flat, unispired and saccharine. It has the sweetness of Smuckers jam instead of the subtle raspberry overtones and tannic tartness of a proper bottled wine. (That was the Devil spewing adjectives at me- he got even more wordy with his descriptions. I am shortening them because I have to listen- I sleep with him. You all don’t. Let’s just say my editing of his incomprehensible spouting is the only thing saving you from chewing off your own arm at his references of oakiness.)

To put it in terms much easier to remember if you are a functional alcoholic (see last week’s Stranger poll)

The Bandit Sucks!

The Bastard is much better. Ignore the wine stains on the kitchen counter.

Joe Conason on Hayden

I like Joe Conason, enough that after reading this I am trying to consider whether my reaction to Michael Hayden’s nomination to head the CIA is a little knee-jerk. Conason thinks that while Hayden may have been in charge of the NSA wiretapping, it is the President who is responsible.

Yet while the president certainly deserves to be investigated (or worse) for his regime’s apparent misconduct, the Hayden nomination is not the most appropriate forum for that reckoning. The nomination process is meant to determine whether
the general is qualified to serve as CIA director, whether he has been truthful
in his previous testimony before the Senate and how he intends to rebuild the

So the gist is that since Hayden was acting under orders from the president, he was just doing his job with the wire taps regardless of if they were legal or not. Conason goes on to explain that Hayden is extremely qualified and may be able to bring back former CIA employees who left because of Goss and his political cronyism and mismanagement.

If we applied this same kind of reasoning to say, the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghirab then Lindy England would never have been prosecuted. She was prosecuted even though evidence from Afghanistan and Guantanamo show that the exact same kinds of abuse were systemic instead of isolated incidences.

Maybe what Conason is hoping for is that instead of going for the soldier carrying out their orders we will go for the generals (or the president) responsible for issuing the orders. But that is just good German reasoning and for someone who will have the responsibility of rebuilding the CIA, I want more than just a good German. I want someone who will understand the fine line between intelligence gathering for national protection and intelligence gathering for power consolidation. Hayden’s actions at the NSA don’t show evidence of knowing where that line is.

Friday Not So Random 10

Since shoes come in pairs, songs are coming in pairs too today

1) Kaiser Chiefs- I predict a riot
2)Kaisser Chiefs- Everyday I love you less and less
3) Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s- Barfight Revolution
4) Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s – Skeleton Key
5)Seeed- New Dubby Conquerors
6)Seeed- Dancehall Caballeros
7) The Shins- Gone For Good
8) The Shins- Fighting in a Sack
9)Ok Go- You’re So Damn Hot
10) Ok Go- Get Over It

Glorious Shoes!

Shoes do help with sore necks. Who knew? But just a few things to say about overly helpful sales people.

1) Do not tell a girl who is looking to spend money in your store that the shoes she is picking out are the worst things in the world for her feet. The heels aren’t that frickin high and I am not buying those ugly birkenstock-like things that you wear.

2) Shoes that are not flip-flops should not flop off my feet like flip-flops. If they are high-heeled slingbacks that flop I can guarantee that they will be flopping off my feet while I flip myself into a sprained ankle. I don’t care that they get you a larger commission, you aren’t paying my emergency room bills. So no- I don’t think they are supposed to fit that way.

As for the shoes I did buy- these are perfect for running around in without being ugly or uncomfortable. Not as sexy as my Italian hooker shoes (or my Italian sling-backs) but better than either for city-walking.
On a side note- since I was at *gasp, shock, horror* a mall that had more beauty stores than the republican party has indictments, I could not help but check them out. Of course I went to Sephora (crack house) and L’Occitane (opium den). I passed up Bath and Body Works (ho-hum) but then I discovered Lush. Oh my god- it’s like a punk rock pretty store. I may have told the clerk that I would whore myself on a street corner for their salt scrub. I tested the salt scrub on my hands and they are softer than a baby’s ass (and don’t smell like a baby’s ass- which is good)

Oh my aching neck!

I threw out my neck. Don’t know how, but it’s making sitting in front of a computer screen difficult. Like any girly-girl in pain I am going shoe shopping (cause shoe shopping is like morphine but with style). Posting will be light.

In the mean time- Pat Robertson, king of the loons and a bright shining beacon ripe for an alien abduction and anal probing, has decreed that the Pacific Northwest is going to have a tsunami this year. I’m not running for the protective cover of a red state yet, but how fucked up is that a religious nutbag makes some outrageous prediction and the local news actually runs the story like it’s important?