Sexuality, intentional communities, and the idoloatry of marriage

At this point these are just random thoughts…. I think American Christians, especially of the “evangelical” persuasion, have made an idol of the “Traditional Family”

Do gay/lesbian people and celibate people have a common difficulty fitting in to the evangelical christian world?

I know from outside the church it might seem like the two groups have nothing in common – celibate people by definition don’t have sex, therefore (supposedly) aren’t engaging in “immorality” so should have the approval of all the good little curch folks, yes?

oh no, no, no, my friends…

While there are whole online and in-person communities of “Christian Singles,” a large percentage of which function as much more than simple mee(a)t markets. However most of them seem to have at their core the idea that that singleness is a “condition” (cured by application of a wedding ring??) or a “season in life” in which we’re all just out there waiting for God to bring us our One True Love, with whom we will then rush to the altar, say our vows, and settle down to our true business… having babies and building a “Christian Family”

Well what about the family of God? What about Paul’s comments that the married person’s attentions are divided between heaven and earth, while the single is more free to attend to the things of God? what about the hints in the bible that in the “last days” people will be relieved that they have no children?

Within a few months of splitting with my ex (to whom i was not legally married, but i did consider him my husband, and many of our friends came to understand us likewise) I was talking about the breakup with a friend, and expressed the thought that maybe i wasn’t ready to be married. I’m sure she meant well, when she opined that i should get ready as i wasn’t getting any younger. >:| note to self: statements of the obvious are hardly ever encouraging.

New Rule

Some of you may have noticed that I almost exclusively use the terms girl and boy instead of woman and man. There is a reason for it.

When I call grown ups boys, many of said boys will say things like “oh baby, I’m all man”. This gives the the opportunity to point out to them how if they dislike being diminutized so much that they need to assert their manhood when I call them a boy, then they need to stop using the word girl to describe a woman. More thoughtful boys will just ask why I only use the word boys. Then a simple explanation of why works.

But this kind of tactic only works with people I am around long enough to have this conversation with. Lately, before I even know someone well enough to know their name, I am confronted with girl/man problem. The cartoon about a “girl who knows how to treat her man” is something that I can say happens about once a week.

So, since I know that being rational with idiots never works (try debating with a conservative redneck sometime) I am no longer going to point out to the girl/man users that they are being sexist. Nope, I got me a better plan.

Instead, I am going to ask them if it’s hard to be a child molester in this day and age since they are being so open about wanting an underage female as a companion. 10 bucks says that the next time they want to call a woman a girl they think twice about it.

Male privilege = getting my attention or else!

Last summer, on a warm August morning, I walked my son over to his day camp at the community center down the street. I did this every weekday morning that I was in the country and we usually took a shortcut through the playing field.

On my way back I was listening to music on my headphones and I walked past a guy who was just hanging out. He was old, at least 65, on crutches and had a cast on his leg. As I walked past he started shouting the “hey baby” crap at me. I could hear him over my headphones but I ignored him. He started to chase after me ON CRUTCHES when I didn’t respond. He started yelling shit like “bitch you shouldn’t be shaking your ass if you don’t want attention” etc.

I turned around, pulled my headphones off and told him that if he didn’t shut up I was going to kick his ass, and I absolutely meant it. He said something about how I couldn’t kick his ass and how he could kill me. I laughed, pointed out that he was old and broken and walked off. I was a bit shaken up but proud that I had told him off. Today though I am really glad he didn’t have a car or a weapon after reading this.

A woman was in serious condition Wednesday morning after Orange County
deputies said a man deliberately ran her over.

The woman and her friend were apparently walking down the side of the road near Orange Blossom trail and Jordan Avenue late Tuesday night when the accident happened. Deputies said the man responsible wanted their attention and wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Just to make it simple- here’s an easy breakdown so you can understand the problem from a male privilege point of view

1) Women are created to be attractive so that men will pay attention to them

2) All women are attention whores so they all should appreciate any type of attention they receive from men

3) Women who don’t show the appropriate amount of respect when receiving attention from men (i/e dropping to their knees and offering a blow job or at least flashing their tits) are teases even if they weren’t trying to get any attention at all. If they didn’t want attention then they shouldn’t have left the house.

4) Teases and whores deserve what’s coming to them. They were asking for it.

Most guys don’t get how unnerving it is to be yelled at by some stranger. They think that like in publicity- all attention is good. But being yelled at by some stranger or even just having some random guy on the street tell you to smile are not the same thing as having a friend or acquaintance compliment you on your dress or hair or shoes. One action is part of enhancing or creating a social bond between equals, the other is one person turning another into an object for their own gratification and not for the benefit of the person being commented on.

Add the ever present threat of violence that women are warned about everyday from the time we are old enough to know we are different from boys, and this kind of harassment is enough to make me want to get a concealed weapons permit.

It’s the Progress Stupid

Hello again all! There hadn’t been much activity here so I have not posted anything of late. Nice to see that the spirited (haha) conversations continue.

Many of you know I am authoring a book tentatively tittled 1648: An Astrological History of Europe from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age. I can say with 100% assurance that the period between Neptune-Pluto alignments, approximately every 495 years, offers a more precise way to divide history into manageable portions than the more arbitrary ones of five hundred years etc. I am also finding that the Neptune-Pluto divisions also coincide with the familiar terms of the Middle Ages, The Bronze Age, etal. These divisions gives us the current “wave” (my term) beginning around 1892 and ending in 2384. We are in the first phase or quarter of that wave.
For a long while I had trouble classifying what this wave means. The problem is typically postmodern, too much information instead of not enough. Many of the candidates included global warming, globalization, the new power of women, integration of minorities into the mainstream, how to define religion in a post-modern world, etc,. All of these help define the issues we know face. But the more I ponder them, the more I conclude that these represen symptoms rather than the actual condition. But, seeing them this way lead to a more universal truth: it is the progress, stupid!
Until the last wave, 1398-1892, progress was NOT a given. Indeed, a purposeful march toward progress, the assumption that humans could use their minds to improve their conditions, was shunned as counterproductive and wasteful. Religion also cast a heavy shadow as human-centered progress removes God as the main factor governing our destinies. However, since the damn broke during Age of Reason, human generated progress was assumed as a given. But as we know, progress giveth as much as it takes away.
It is my contention that we have progressed beyond our abilities. What I mean by this is best seen in the climate change scenario, but applies to other issues such as demographic imbalance, income distribution and globalization. Machines gave us abilities to produce ever faster, stronger, more productive, bigger (ands smaller) machines. Science helps us live better and longer. At the same time, we have brought ourselves to the brink of ruining the planet by overpopulation and various forms of pollution. I.e, we moved to quickly without determining the consequences. Now, we cannot return to old ways, but cannot continue with our current path. Something must be said for the old attitude of seeing progress as counterproductive and wasteful.
If my Neptune-Pluto wave model holds true, then this is the first wave than began with human-based progress as a given. The first phase of any wave deals with defining what the overall means. My opinion is that we need to define what human-based progress really is. If whatever we do brings us closer to our overall demise or global destruction to the point of making most life untenable, then is it really progress? The answer seems to be a resounding “NO”.
Then if “progress” really is not progressive, what is it? No, there are no simple answers, but not attempting to answer the question is even less progressive.

Happy Birthday, Happy Blogiversary, and a Fuck You Very Much all at once

Today is my birthday. It is also the anniversary of this little adventure called The White Papers.

It is also the 4th year of the Iraq war. The paranoid conspiracy theorist in my head still thinks that part of the reason for starting the war on my birthday was so that the neocons could get one more giant dig into a progressive. But I’m not really that important.

So it’s four years into this pointless and badly planned war and no one seems to have any idea what to do about it. Surging is pointless, we don’t have and can’t commit enough troops to turn Iraq into the lock down, high security prison state that Bush dreams of. If we stay the course then the horrible bloodshed will either maintain its current intolerable level or, much more likely, get worse. And if we pull out, completely leave Iraq to its own devices, then there really will have been nothing gained and much lost after four years of horror and blood.

But pulling out is the only way for Iraq to find its footing and eventually some peace.

The current powers that be, namely Bush and Cheney and their foaming mouthed sycophants, still think we are a country capable of creating puppet “democracies” like we did in Latin America for most of the last century. But not this time. There was no real “Big Man” in Iraq like there was in Chile with Pinochet. Well, there was and we helped put him there, but recently the Iraqi people had their former leader executed.

The Iraqi people need the Americans out so that they can create their own government, be it a democracy or theocracy or flat out anarchy. It is not our place to force a government of any kind on Iraq. One of my favorite quotes is that “Democracy through tyranny is still tyranny”. By imposing ourselves and our politics on Iraq we are the worst kind of tyrants- ineffective. If we could justify our presence in the country by showing that the Iraqis are now safe from violence or ethnic divisions, that they are free from the starvation and shortages that they suffered under Saddam because of the embargo, that they could even walk out of their houses everyday to go to work or school, then maybe we could justify staying in the country to promote peace. But everyday life for Iraqis becomes harder and we are the cause.

So we must pull out. It will cause a power vacuum, it will increase violence in the short-term, and every death that follows our leaving will be just as much our fault as the deaths that are caused by our being there. But the Iraqis will then have to deal with each other without the excuse of the Americans as occupiers to continue the violence. Without us there, then the influence of Al Qaida (that only exists since we have invaded Iraq, not before as the foaming mouths will have you believe) will diminish.

Iraq needs a chance to organically develop a leader to take charge of their country and as long as we are there that WILL NOT HAPPEN. Anyone who works with the Americans will be suspect as being a puppet, anyone who works against the Americans will be fodder for our troops. The Iraqis must have a chance for a strong leader to develop the support and organization needed to drag a country out of civil war. It will be bloody, it will most likely be another dictator, and the Sunni minority will probably be the biggest losers. But it is up to the Iraqis to fight or accept that. All we can do at this point is throw money at the infrastructure of the country that we destroyed (and not put that money through government contracts where palettes of money disappear like political Latin Americans in the 70s).

We have failed the soldiers of our country by putting them in harms way for reasons based on lies. We have failed the people of Iraq by taking them from a dictatorship that they knew to a bloody civil war where no one is safe. Saddam was certainly not a saint, but I am pretty sure most Iraqis would prefer a false sense of security over perpetual war. We must admit our hubris and withdraw.

other side of the world

I have to say that its a bit strange being on this side of the globe. I think that we all get these romantic notions that things are better here or there because they’re there and not here and there are so many problems with here and none that you can really focus on there. That is, of course, until you’re there and then you also realize that they’ve got problems as well.

It all makes sense in the head, seriously it does.

Since this is my first real post from abroad, I figured it needed to be wordy and deep or just wordy. As someone once told me about opening bands, “if you can’t be good, be loud”. I plan on being plenty loud. How can I not? I’m in the UK and if they’re anything they’re about the subtle humor vs the American “pie in the face” kind. They suffer awful weather graciously. Wear monkey suits when they go to their day jobs and in general, are fairly pleasant even when they don’t need to be. Generally speaking though, humor wise, I prefer a mix, sarcasm and slap stick, yes, there is room in my comic universe for both Carrot Top and John Stewart.

I will say that the news here is about a thousand times better than what you get in the states, if for one simple reason, I can turn on my teevee and watch Al Jazeera and make my own opinion about it vs having that opinion made for me by cable marketing execs who fear the fallout of rightwing wacko conservatives who get their noise from the Big Dick’s secret bunker. And strangely enough, I like Al Jazeera. A little more mid-east focused than I’d really care about but you have to figure that’d be the case with a station that is based in Qatar. Otherwise, its clean (no waving flags or 18 different news banners going off at the same time or crazy graphics) and professional and unlike the Dick’s secret bunker, it is quite balanced.

It is certainly a different world here though. Yesterday there was a story concerning the controversial issue of bi-weekly garbage pickup. Basically, the news did an admirable job of attempting to tie the issue to global warming, which is now the justification for any poorly thought out policy. This is probably going to ruffle a few feathers but I don’t completely buy into the man made global warming story. Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely no issues with using less carbon, recycling, etc and I can see their merits outside of a “global warming” prism but I suppose its the cynic in me. Something about this just seems too neat, it smells. But if it makes people wake up a bit and attempt to reduce their footprint on mother earth, then I’m fine with that, gospel truth or not. That having been said, a purely financial decision and an unpopular one at that was being tied to global warming so as to lower the amount of criticism for it. Cause if you just came out and said, we’re not going to pick up your garbage and recycling every week because we don’t want to pay people to do it, that might get a lot of people’s gander up. But if you tie it to global warming, then anyone that complains obviously doesn’t care about the environment and so on and so forth. Sort of like stuffing spinach farmer relief and other pork into defense authorization bills. If you veto that, well then you must hate our military.

The justification for the 2 week pickup was that most waste is food, food is carbon but “encouraging” people to not throw out as much food since having it piling up is a bad thing, then you’re lowering carbon and saving the earth. This all fails basic logic when you start thinking about things like, well, the carbon from your grapes that you didn’t eat would still be carbon some place else, in your rubbish bin or someone else’s. Basically the only thing you’ve done is move it around like a bad shell game. Not only that, but there are people who seriously need to have their trash picked up, like families with kids (imagine two weeks of dirty diapers). This doesn’t even begin to cover things like rats and other vermin that will more than likely thrive under such a regime, etc.

Recently, there was a new tax on flying here in the UK. It was brought in to help curb the effects of global warming or some such nonsense with respect to flying. Are the proceeds of the tax going to make the airlines more efficient? No. Are the proceeds going to making airports more efficient, either by adding new systems that would mean less taxi-ing or more direct routes to destination airports, expanding airports so that flights don’t endlessly circle when there is bad weather, limiting flights so that their aren’t more scheduled than safely take off or land at a particular time, etc? That’d also be a big fat no. Basically, they’ve just added a tax to discourage the average Joe person to not fly. But a 40 pound tax isn’t going stop Joe Holiday Maker from putting off his vacation plans. A 400 pound tax on the other hand, would. But you don’t see people screaming for that, do you. Why not? Because people really wouldn’t fly. This is less about global warming and more about putting money into the hands of the government and then painting anyone against it as someone who hates the earth.

Anyway, I just with people would think a bit more critically about this kind of stuff. I’m not against paying taxes or anything of that nature (goodness knows I was for the monorail and I owned a car in the city) I just want the revenues for such things to basically go for the justification that was given for levying it. I mean, wouldn’t it be great if the lottery revenue (I’m not sure about WA but the lottery was sold in NY for this purpose) actually went to schools? Or tolls from roads actually going to fixing the road? How about global warming taxes that actually went to reducing carbon emissions? Or encouraging people to use less of it or buy more efficient cars, lightbulbs, appliances, etc? Placing windwarms off shore or using wave energy?

Been around the world and I’m cynical. Its good to see that some things don’t change. Though I do have to say that the outlook on life certainly did.

Now I wonder what those boys are doing with that new fangled Globe Theatre thing…

Just. Friggin. Pathetic.

Lacking Papers, Citizens Are Cut From Medicaid

WASHINGTON, March 11 — A new federal rule intended to keep illegal
immigrants from receiving Medicaid has instead shut out tens of thousands of
United States citizens who have had difficulty complying with requirements
to show birth certificates and other documents proving their citizenship,
state officials say.

Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Ohio and
Virginia have all reported declines in enrollment and traced them to the new
federal requirement, which comes just as state officials around the country are
striving to expand coverage through Medicaid and other means.