Gmail’s chat feature is killing me

It’s way too easy to chat this way. I used to avoid chattiness but now i am having conversations like this all day

me: exactly
I need a nap. it’s a damn shame having to come to work after getting a massage

Sylvia: I need a nap too.
But I am gonna try to send out an application to the Seattle Aquarium!
Yeay, fishies!

me: YAY! You could tell them about how you were teaching about sharks and a student said :Ms. J, are you part black”

Sylvia: lol!
Oh yes!
That would TOTALLY get me the job!

me: Can you put “rocking ghetto bootay” on a resume?

Sylvia: Prolly not…. Might not be as well recieved as I’d hope.

me: You never know. I am thinking my next resume should include something about my cougar skills

Sylvia: rerow!

Dear Australia

Congratulations on dispensing with your own right wing asshat, John Howard, in recent elections.

May I just say that I am insanely jealous that your election came a full year before ours and that we lowly yanks will have to suffer through one more year of Bush. I’ll be honest, our country is in such a state that whoever wins in 08 may not be able to save us.

So party on Aussies, and if any cute Aussie boys want an to marry an American girl so I can escape the coming doom, you know where to find me. (I’m also down with English, French, German, Spanish, and Canadian boys)


Many days of eating turkey, and turkey, and stuffing with turkey, and mashed potatoes with turkey, and salad with turkey and just plain turkey…

Tonight we had Ben and Jerry’s for dinner.

The little wheels are turning

Sometimes I feel like my brain is one of those whimsical Rube Goldberg machines and that it takes the longest possible root to the most elegant explanations. And sometimes inspiration lands on my like a piano out of a window.

I’m in the middle of a Rube Goldberg thing at the moment.

As a kid, politics was the religion of my house. We spent Sundays watching Meet the Press and reading the paper. My mom always told me that politics is not a spectrum from left to right, but a circle where the right and left eventually met in totalitarianism. It was her argument for the moderate middle, and I believed it for a long time.

But now I don’t see that it makes any sense unless you are arguing for moderation. I think that the left’s attempts to appear moderate have sent us running to the far right in an effort to keep at a constantly changing mid-point.

What I have decided is that there is a spectrum for policy and another, independent one for execution.

You can have lefty dictators (Stalin) though the nature of conservatism is one that is likely to limit access to power and policy making, there must be a few conservatives out there who actually respect the idea of pure democracy (just because I have never met one doesn’t mean they don’t exist).

That’s what I’ve got so far. Now all I need is a candle that burns through a string that then releases a spoon that launches an egg that falls in a hot skillet that catches on fire and sets off the smoke alarms that make the whole thing more clear in my head. Simple- no?

Belated Thanks

I am hungover and didn’t got to bed until 6amish. I threw out my back lifting the giant turkey in and out of the oven. It was an awesome night.

So things I am thankful for:

1) I have the awesomest kid on the planet.

2) I have really cool friends

3) 20-something year old boys. It was 2 young guys who stayed to clean up and watch Shaolin Soccer (and one of them who gave me -uhm 3 or 4 helpings of “dessert”. Actual line spoken last night “How about the guest bathroom, every time I brace myself on the counter I land in turkey juice”)

4) Chess pie. It’s like sugar in a creamy sugar filling with a sugar crust.

5) My friend Dave’s vegan zucchini bread. OH MY GOD! I have never had anything so delicious and it was vegan and gluten free. I have no idea how he did it.

6) Deviled eggs. I made 18 eggs, they were gone in under 10 minutes.

7) Spanish wine. we had a lovely Spanish rose, but it was the Cava that people were throwing down for to get a glass.

8) Singing with friends and family. I got a Woockie seranade of “You are so beautiful to me”, the Kid and I sang several rounds of ” The sun is a mass of incandescent gas” and the Naughty Proff dedicated “Fat bottomed girls” to Ms. J and I (Though Ms. J has the superior ghetto bootay)

9) Advil, advil, advil

10) Boys who will do a finger puppet reenactment of the Medici’s fight against Savonarola with me while arguing about how to pronounce Medici. I say it’s med-I-chi, he says it’s MED-i- chi

We now interupt our regularly scheduled program

The turkey is bathing in a liter of wine and butter
the green beans are blanched
the cranberries are sauced
the portabellos are marinating
the salad dressing is made, though the salad is not

I still have to make the stuffing, eggs, potatoes, yams. Finish the beans, mushrooms and salad. I also have to do laundry, beat the Kid into vacuuming, and misc other cleaning stuff.

And because a former stable boy (hot, brilliant and 10 years younger than me) has just come back into town and is coming tonight I need to bathe, shave my legs, change my sheets and clean my room and my bathroom. The turkey may not be the only thing getting stuffed tonight. Meow.

Who would play you?

Shakesville had a post up the other day about “who would play you in the Shakesville movie?”

My ex, Mephistopheles, said I was Karen Walker minus the rich husband. Let’s see:

Funny Voice- check
Fabulous rack- check
Love of Vodka: check
Desire to serve a party mix of uppers, downers and candy corn at social events: check
Cruel wit: check
Prone to grabbing people in inappropriate places (both location and body parts): check
Likely to say something that will make you guffaw in social situations: Check

So I guess Megan Mullally (only 10 years younger and with longer hair) would play me.

Who would play you in a movie?