Favorite pet story ever

I was telling my dear friend, Rosa Limon Sobrosa, about my little furry creature named Ruby dream and how Ruby was a rabbit but not a rabbit.

Turns out that Rosa had a rabbit named Ruby once long ago. Ruby was very sweet to Rosa, but not so much to Rosa’s boyfriend. Did you know that bunnies can scream? Apparently they can and they are just as territorial as cats. If they don’t like you, they will pee on your stuff. Also, bunnies can sometimes suffer from false pregnancies during which they will tear their own hair out to make a little bunny nest for their non-existent babies. Rudy did this once and Rosa came home to find that under the covers of her bed as a gory scene of ribbed out bunny hair. She thought her dog had made Ruby into lunch.

So Rosa loved her bunny and her boy. The bunny loved her Rosa but not the boy. The bunny peed on the boy’s clothes whenever she got the chance. The boy, being a human and all, regularly had to poop. Whenever he pooped at Rosa’s house, Ruby the bunny would follow him into the bathroom and then start to bunny scream at him while he was trying to take a crap. Ruby would yell and stomp her hind bunny legs while the poor boy was trying to drop the kids off at the pool. And when he was good and vulnerable, with briefs around his ankles and in mid-poop, Ruby would attack the boy. He often came away with Ruby inflicted scratches. Ruby’s reign of torment finally ceased when the boy screamed for Rosa while on the can so he could prove just how much the bunny had it in for him. Rosa loved them both, but in the end only the boy was giving Rosa hot sex, so the bunny had to go.

But what about the baybeezzz

I have some lovely, well meaning, liberal, environmentalist friends who every now and then start bitching about population control. Whenever I hear population control I hear a dog whistle for “Why do poor brown women keep popping out babies they can’t afford” because if these well meaning liberals were really serious about population control they would get vasectomies at puberty.

The thing is, I understand carrying capacity and what happens when a society exceeds carrying capacity (either there is war which decreases the number of people in a system, a new technology has to be invented to change the carrying capacity, or the civilization collapses). I get that we are looking at a future where oil has or is about to peak and global warming is going to have serious effects on food production and water resources (just look at the current drought in the south east ). But what does not work to keep populations from booming is hand wringing by imperialist countries over exploding populations in India and China. Shaming women for doing one of the few things that they are ever given any credit for in misogynist societies doesn’t work. Limiting assistance funds so that more people will starve or die of disease doesn’t work. Hell, even China’s one child per family program hasn’t worked at keeping fewer children from being born. It just lead to girl babies being abandoned in favor of boy babies.

What works (and works VERY quickly- within one generation usually) is to give women access to education and economic opportunities. Women who have opportunities to do something other than being a mother will choose those options and women who choose to have children and an education will have fewer children. Period. No hand wringing. No guilt. Just education and economic opportunities. It’s very simple.

And while you’re thinking about all those “women having babies they can’t afford” maybe you should take a look at these numbers. The situation may not be as dire as the hand wringers suggest.


The Kid is playing a character who dies of illness in a Turkey day play written by his classmates. originally he was supposed to be shot int he head and thrown over the side of a boat. They decided illness was more realistic.

I have some issues with the hoopla of Thanksgiving, being that a large chunk of my DNA comes from people who were killed off by the colonizers of the New World. I once heard a story about a native guy who took a flag to Spain and claimed it for the Iroquois(I could be wrong- I was 7 at the time.)I thought that was the height of awesomeness.

But we still celebrate carb fest every year. We don’t do long tortured days spent with family members who hate us (anymore). Instead I have a giant party full of people I love and who love me back. And I do like the idea of being thankful for stuff- so here’s my list of things I am thankful for.

1) I have an awesome, tenderhearted kid who is more thoughtful thn most grown ups.

2) I have the best set of friends a girl could ask for. This year, since everyone knows I am broke, they are all contributing cash to the Carb Fest fund. I felt horrible for having to ask because I love to feed people, but everyone has just been incredible.

3) I live in a place where I can have as much sex as I want and as many kids as I want. I was thinking about this the other day. I think that if there is a god, s/he must have decided that all the work of making an individual thing is to tedious, and so we have sex instead as a reward for doing the hard work of creation.

The TeeVee is Edumacational

This picture has nothing to do with TV or Ancient Greece. I just wanted an excuse to post a picture I took of Mayan penis sculpture.

What I learned while watching PBS

In ancient Athens, men were required to hold a pair of freshly cut and still bloody animal testes while speaking in court. That is the origin of the word “testify”.

The Patriarchy hurts men too

As per the comment policy, idiotic comments will become fodder for for future blog posts.

From someone who calls himself “Laughing” and found us via a google search for the phrase “i really hate women” comes a comment on a post written by DeeK (who is most decidedly a dude)

I think I’m going to do this one up Heartless Bitches style. My critiques of the comment will be in bold. Here we go.

This is funny. You think sexism is one way? Why do men hate women? Because women hate men that’s why.

Wow- right from the beginning we get circular logic and a misunderstanding of how most isms function. Sexism, like racism is the product of a society where one set of people is given unearned privilege over another. In order to maintain the cognitive dissonance that unearned privilege creates tools are used to other the unprivileged section of society. That might be too deep for Laughing though. I suggest a quick look at the Feminism 101 site.

it is because men can not dress up like women or even share an emotion without being degraded for it.

Actually, that is a condition set up by men. The patriarchy is what makes men seem weak for acting like women by showing emotion or dressing up (that’s a new one I must admit. I have never heard a guy whine about how he’s not required to wear back breaking shoes and pantyhose before)

It is because of women who stand overhead and judge men on a constant basis.

Which is funny because actual judges are overwhelmingly male (Hello Supreme Court!) And the standing overhead part, are we women growing super tall or is there a vicious cadre of judgmental feminist stilt walkers that I don’t know about?

It is for the women who raped me as a boy who to this very day go on teaching in the school system. All, because no one will even acknowledge that boys can even be hurt.

Rape is a very serious problem, but 70 percent of all rapes are committed by men. It is very sad that you were victimized. Feminists acknowledge that men can be raped too, but it is our current patriarchal system that makes female on male rape go unpunished. Boys who are raped by women are treated as if they have made a great sexual conquest instead of having been assaulted. Women didn’t set up that construct, but feminists are the only ones working to make enthusiastic consent a requirement for sex. To us, everything else is rape.

It is because society shows women kicking men in the groin and its supposed to be something funny. To destroy our malehood, our babies.

Right, and violence against women is never treated as a laughing matter.

Strike us in the core of our being. yet, society has miseducated generations of males and females that women dont even feel pain, much less even get hurt anywhere.

Actually, we have about a thousand years of describing women as the “weaker sex”. Women are taught from the time they are little to watch out for all those big strong men in the world who will hurt you and that if you’re not careful enough in how you act, dress, where you go and what you do then being hurt by those men will be your own damn fault.

We have countless films depicting men being slaughtered in every conceivable way. Yet, not one woman is ever showing truly suffering. Male life is cheap but women are worth a ton of gold.

Films are for the most part fiction. In real life, women and children are the overwhelming victims of war. Soldiers get the glory, but civilians are the casualty.

Men are shown sex 24 hours a day then told that they are inferior because they dont want it. We are told that women want it all of the time and have triple O’s and so one and so on and we best keep up.

Really, cause what most people are taught is that women don’t really like sex, they just use it as a bargaining chip to get what they want. When a woman shows signs of sexual agency (or shows that she wants pleasure for pleasure’s sake) she is treated like a slut and a whore. Men are treated like they are some kind of unthinking sex animals who only don’t go around raping everyone in sight because women act as gatekeepers to the almighty pussy. Feminists want men and women to be able to have sex and orgasms when they want and to NOT have sex when they don’t want.

But then it doesnt matter cause most women would much rather have sex with each other so whats the point of man’s existence?

Really, there’s that many lesbians in the world? And all this time I thought my straight girlfriends really just wanted to be friends with me. I didn’t know that they were all desperate to get in my pants.

in the mind of a young boy all of this grows into hatred. An hatred of women because women are the ones who allow it to hurt their sons.

As an actual mother who is raising a feminist boy who both loves women and is loved by women- I think you are one seriously fucked up piece of shit.

Women are the ones who boast about how much money they make and how many degrees they have. They are the ones who “follow the rules” and take jobs away from men because they are more obedient.

Women have to get degrees because there are not any options for an uneducated woman to have a middle class career, where men do have that option. However, women still make less money than men, regardless of the degrees they hold.

And in ANY job, part of the deal is that you get paid for doing what you’re told to do. If you got paid for doing whatever the hell you wanted and didn’t have to follow someone else’s rules- you would live in backwards land. That is why it is called work and not happy fun time.

which i nthe eyes of any true man is a sign of weakness. men hate women becaus etheir mothers abused them. there is no one else to take the blame any more. the dad is gone. Abuse starts at home and it is the mother who allows or creates it. men’s hatred of women is a hatred of his mother for bringing him into a world where he doesnt have the right to be a human being.

At this point I am going to suggest a long run of psychiatric care should be in your future. You are obviously projecting a ton of your issues onto every single woman in the world.

The scar on my arm put there by a woman who abused me as a child is a sign that I will carry for the rest of my life. Of the hate and evil done to me by all women. I hate them because they hate me. And like any living being who has been done wrong never again shall a being trust that which has caused the most pain.

See above. You obviously have access to the internet- I suggest googling the phrase “mental health professionals” and your city name.

Jews hate the germans for what they did even to this day. men hate women for what they have done. All because women wont admit that they are wrong. the day when a female rapsit is treated with the same contempt as a man. Then the World will change. until then, men will never trust women and will forever hate them until the end of time. Inside of every angry man is the heart of a broken boy bleeding and crying to an uncaring world. And it was women who give him his first tears. It will never end.

Ah yes, it will be known as the Second Halocaust in the future when history books reflect how women secretly controlled the world through lower pay and higher rates of victimization by rape and domestic violence. It will be shown that women secretly met in dark underground caverns to discuss how best to abuse our sons by forcing men into positions of power.

That knock on your door, it’s probably the men in the white coats coming to take you too a padded room somewhere. You’ve figured out our secret plan and now you must be “re-educated” before you spoil the fun for us.

WTF is up with this reading list

Kid just brought home a list of classic novels from which he must choose one to read and report on. The list is fine, though there is no Thomas Hardy and the only George Eliot book they have listed is Silas Marner. In order to avoid the “OMG what are you recommending my children read” section of over-reacting parents, books with stars are “more sophisticated- in either content or concept” and require parental approval.

My problem is what books they think are sophisticated. Here’s a sample:

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
Kate Chopin: The Awakening

Let’s see, we have Austen doing what she does best by describing the marriage market in late 18th century England. There is no sex or violence anywhere in the book. There is not even a kiss if I remember correctly.

Wuthering Heights: Jealousy, revenge and brutality are the basis for this novel which reinforces the idea that a woman can drive a man to violence. (I should note that I am not a fan of either Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre- I prefer Austen, Hardy and Dickens for that matter).

Jane Eyre: The classic “slutty women lose their mind and get locked in attics” scenario.

The Awakening: married woman is bored with her stifling life, leaves husband and children, has affairs, commits suicide.

Guess which book is marked as more sophisticated?

If you guessed Pride and Prejudice you would get a great big old sack of gold stars. So a novel where women act as rational creatures in choosing whom to marry is more sophisticated than three novels where women who act outside of societal norms get punished for their behavior.

Yes, I can see how the idea of women acting rationally in their own best interest is a concept that might be too sophisticated for 7th graders, since we rarely give them the idea through media that women are in fact rational actors in their own lives.