More Poly Sci 101- Or things I completely believe

1) There is only one mistake that cannot be corrected, and that is the death penalty.

I’m not a peacenik or a pacifist. I’m super lefty progressive, but I think that sometimes revolutions need blood. But the death penalty in never a form of revolution or even justice and is the only form of punishment that has no reversal. I was watching Thomas Kahill (Spelling?) on PBS say that “No one who has money ever ends up on death row”. Poor people don’t commit worse crimes than wealthy people (Hello OJ), they just have less legal resources and therefore become fodder for our public bloodlust.

2) Just like there should be no taxation without representation, there is no representation without taxation.

Taxes, besides paying for the common good, are one of the best way we have of judging how well our government is representing us. In countries that have no need of taxes because of some alternate form of wealth (specifically oil rich countries) there is no reason for the government to bow to the demands of it’s citizens because the citizens are not paying for the government, outside interests are.

In our country, when I hear the “strangle the government in the bathtub” people start speaking, what I hear is “so that we don’t have to do what the people want anymore”. It’s not just that the no taxes people are personally selfish (though that is a part of it) it’s that there is no need to represent citizens (or tax payers) best interests if they are not being taxed. And if people are not being taxed, they have no measure of whether their government is providing the services they want. People are generally rational and understand that nothing comes free. But we also understand when we are being screwed over,

RQ Cooks

I thought it was time to share some recipes. You should be warned- I don’t measure, I make things up as I go along, and I change recipes all the time.

Leftover Chicken Salad

I tend to like to use herbs instead of lettuce when I can. I don’t stuff tacos with watery iceberg, I use cilantro instead. So I did the same for this chicken salad and used flat leaf parsley for the greens. Be sure to chop it really fine or you will end up with stringy salad.

Mix chopped up leftover chicken, chopped celery, chopped green onions (chop as high up the stalks as you can before they get yucky) chopped parsley. drizzle with some lemon juice, sprinkle with pepper and garlic salt. My chicken got marinated in tarragon before I cooked it, so I didn’t add any other herbs, but you could add some chopped fresh tarragon or dill if you like. Add enough mayo to make it creamy.

If you want to skip all the chopping and you want a really fine salad that will work better on bread- throw everything in the food processor instead.

If you don’t like mayo, use some sour cream or add some extra greens and drizzle with a good vinagarette.

Chocolate hazelnut pie

I got this recipe out of a very fancy cookbook, and it was called ice cream pie. The instructions didn’t work well- so I fixed it. It is super easy for us non-bakers (cooking is art- baking is science, I’m an artist)

1 and 1/3 cups whipping cream plus another few tablespoons for softening the nutella
1 jar of nutella
a little more than half a stick of butter (5 tablespoons I think) melted
1 pack of chocolate graham crackers, made into crumbs in the food processor

Make the crust first. It’s a basic cookie crust. Preheat oven to 350. mix crumbs, melty butter and about a teaspoon of vanilla together. Press into a pie pan and bake for about 6 to 8 minutes till crisp. Let cool completely before adding filling

Mix the whipping cream and another teaspoon of vanilla till it forms soft peaks. put nutella into another bowl and add some whipping cream to soften. Mix well with a hand mixer (if it is too thick, add a bit more cream- but be careful no to overdo it or you’ll have runny pie).

Fold nutella mix into the whipped cream in small batches. Once it is all in, use hand mixer to fluffy it up a bit more. pour in pie shell and let set up in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

The road to good intentions is paved in hell

So I spent last night taking the big memory card for my phone, converting it to work on the Kid’s phone and loading it up with mountains of music he can shake his tale feather too. I made sure he has The Sun is a MAss by TMBGs, and a bunch of the GoGos and the Donnas and Franz Ferdinand. And Keane. The Kid looks like a junior version of Keane’s lead singer and he can sing just like him too.

So then I stole the Kid’s phone, replaced his memory card and loaded up a silly picture of the two of us from a happier Christmas as his new wallpaper. That was all I could do for him.

He was happy-ish. He was glad to have all the music, but a week or two ago the Kid dumped his headphones on milk. So he can’t listen to the music. I didn’t know this (of course, headphones have not been a priority).

So I spent a good chunk of the night working on a present he can’t actually use. Sweet. Broke and useless.


I really hate Christmas. I hate that right now the entire world is saturated with gifts and presents and that tomorrow a gazillion bratty kids will wake up to rooms full of presents while my kid, who had the fucking patience of a saint isn’t even going to get a fucking stocking.

I would do what my mom used to do. She hated Christmas about as much as I do, and she was horrible to me from Thanksgiving on. Then on Christmas eve, when the guilt was too much, she’d go and write bad checks for gifts to assuage her guilt. Then the bills would come in January and she was back to being horrible again. But if I do that today, we’ll be homeless by February.

I hate all the fucking good cheer and hopefulness. I hate that every single thing on TV either tells me what a miserable parent I am cause I can’t fill the house with toys or shows some sappy fucking movie where everything works out in the end cause Santa shows up. There is no Santa. It doesn’t matter how good you are, or how awesome your kid is. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been good or bad. Actually, if you’ve been bad, selfish and small minded and ruthless, you’re probably going to have a better Christmas for it.

I hate that I can’t give the Kid anything. I hate that he is so understanding about it. If he were awful then I could at least justify it. I could tell myself that he’s too materialistic or bratty. But he’s not. He’s just a sweet, tenderhearted little monkey and I am terrified that he is going to be crushed tomorrow because I don’t have any magic tricks up my sleeve.

I hate Christmas. And now I have to go put on a happy face and pretend like this isn’t the crappiest Christmas ever and I’m not the biggest fucking failure as a parent. I’m so broke I can’t even afford booze to drink myself into happy.

I truly hope the rest of you have a much better holiday.


I have been studying political science for so long that it is rare that I hear anything profound come out of someone’s mouth regarding politics anymore. I think the last time I read something that made me go “OMG!” was several years ago while reading a biography of the first socialist leader of Sweden, Tage Erlander. To paraphrase severely- a business that does not pay it’s employees a living wage is a failing business in the eyes of the state, and should not be supported. Why would it be a failing business? Well the people who are employed are not making enough to live on, let alone contribute to the public good through paying taxes. If a business cannot employ people well enough so that they can pay taxes, then the business is failing it’s duty to the state (WalMart- I’m thinking about you) by pawning off some of the costs of doing business on to the state.

So I was watching Bill Moyers interview Benjamin Barber about his book Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults and Swallow Citizens Whole. And I had another “OMG!” moment. To paraphrase again

When politics invades every aspect of life, we call it totalitarianism, when religion invades every aspect of life, we call it theocracy, but when capitalism invades every aspect of life, we call it liberty.

We are slaves to the market economy. It invades everything we do, from birth to death. But we call this freedom because we think we have a choice. More from the interview (and again paraphrased because I am not great with on the spot dictation) We think we have a choice because we can choose over 200 models of cars to drive, but what we can’t choose is quality public transportation because it’s not available.

The freedom to shop is not true freedom. (I would say that the freedom from shopping is not true freedom either and the kid and I are in the midst of what is being called “The Suckiest Christmas Ever!”) So if we are entrenched in a society based on shopping- what do we call it?

(Editor’s note: You may have noticed the Powell’s books banner at the top of this site. If you are looking for books and you go through my site using that banner or any links, like the one for the Barber book above, and you buy books through that link- I get a commission. Yes I realize the hypocrisy of shilling for cash in this post. But buying from Powell’s mean you support one of the last independent book sellers and help the Kid and I at the same time. I have also got some t-shirt designs up at CafePress, so if you want a bitchy t-shirt, now you know where to get one. )

Red Queen Recommends

Have you ever had soda made with actual cane sugar and not corn syrup? Unless you’re a soda snob or have traveled a bunch, probably not.

One of my ex’s, someone with a pretty solid science background, told me that there was no way you could taste the difference between a cane sugar molecule and a corn sugar molecule. He’s an ex for a reason. You can totally taste the difference. Cane sugar makes the rest of the flavors pop (coke is actually a blend of lemon, lime, orange and cola flavors but you wouldn’t know that from the heavy handed abuse leveled by corn syrup).

I can tell it’s winter because all I want to do is eat fruit. We went to the grocery store and I spent way too much money for a bag of cherries and some oranges. And I was thirsty. I wanted something that wasn’t tea or coke. I wanted something that would make my taste buds sing happy happy joy joy.

And then I found Boylan’s Black Cherry soda. Oh My Fricken Gawd, you peeps. It is the best tasting thing I have ever put in my mouth. I would totally shill for the company if they would keep in soda for life. (Hint- Hint! Make me your shill!) It’s made with cane sugar, natch and real cherries and pure goodness as far as I can tell.

You know what’s nice

Googling yourself and seeing that at least some of the links actually are for you. At least 3 of the links on the first google search page are me, despite my having a much more common last name than I thought.

Now if only those damn genealogy freaks would stop googling my dead relatives, I might be the top link. A girl can dream- can’t she?

Shocking! Abstinence Only Programs Don’t Work

I’m not a big one for celebrity gossip blogging but……

Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney Spears’ 16 year old sister, is pregnant.

Let’s see, take a teenager, give her more than the usual pressures not to have sex by requiring her to maintain virginal innocence in order to keep lucrative kid’s television job. Amazingly, teenage girl still has sex, and gets pregnant.

Now if a whole shitload of money and massive public scrutiny are not enough to keep kids from having sex, then can we really expect abstinence only programs to work for kids who don’t have that kind of pressure?


Ya know, I always liked her

I’ve been trying to dig up a video clip of my favorite celebrity interview moment ever, but I can’t seem to find it. All I can do is give you this quote

Asked if motherhood is the best experience of her life, Huffman says, “No, no, and I resent that question. Because I think it puts women in an untenable position, because unless I say to you, ‘Oh, Lesley, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done with my whole life,’ I’m considered a bad mother. And just when I said no you, you went back.”

That was Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives fame. I am not a Housewives fan, but I love Huffman. I loved Sports night. I love her husband, William H. Macy. And I especially love that she doesn’t give pat answers to stupid interview questions.