My previous post did not originate in my cerebral cortex

Rather, somewhere south of my brain stem.

My sciatic nerve, to be exact, which has lately been causing my left leg & foot to feel like they’re trapped under a 2X4.
I haven’t seen the Dr yet cause I’m scared i’ll end up shelling out a couple hundred bucks I don’t have just to be treated like a drug-seeking hypochondriac. Even though the source of my pain is likely a disc that is about to go south for the winter. That runs in both sides of my family.
I’m extremely reluctant to take the pain pills very kindly offered to me by people who need them a whole lot more than I do, ’cause it’s not best practice, doesn’t actually fix the problem, and it’s, well,  illegal. That and I’m job-hunting, and it would be kinda hard to explain on a drug test.
I don’t usually get personal here, but that’s what’s going on with me right now.
So this, and some other family experiences have informed my opinion about the dangers of, OMG the scary pain pills!!!!   you could get addicted!!!1!!!11!
I don’t take it back, 
I just felt like explaining.

I no longer believe there is an epidemic

Of prescription drug abuse.

I think it’s just another made-up way to shame people for being sick and in pain, with the added bonus of punishing people who can’t afford to or can’t convince a doctor to, actually treat what’s wrong with them, and are therefore stuck treating symptoms.

There are two ways of doing things

First- Holy Shit! The Donate Button works. I don’t know who you are, but that helps get my bank account out of the red. You are awesome and after spending this morning alternately being yelled at by charity people and sobbing down the phone to Wonder, I have a wee bit more faith that humanity is not mostly peopled by asswipes. Okay, it’s still mostly peopled by asswipes, but still. If you were here (and I had electricity) I would make you the bestest dinner on the planet and drink to your longevity. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now on to the topic of this post.

I am a huge fan of the philosopher John Rawls. He basically turned the golden rule into a blueprint of how society should function with his veil of ignorance ideas on justice. I try to live by that idea. Before I say something mean or judgmental, I try to think of myself in that person’s place. This doesn’t always work, I’m human and fail. But I try.

Over the last week I have noticed two distinct types of behaviors from social service people, and these behaviors are dependent on what kind, if any, help they are going to give.

Behavior #1: Non-judgmental, helpful, kind. Returns phone calls and offers as much assistance as they can as promptly as they can.

Behavior #2: Accusatory, judgmental, condescending and out and out mean. Vicious, actually. They do all of this and don’t offer help. Actually, they seem pretty put out by the fact that I am asking to begin with.

In the last week I have been yelled at for: being poor, not working enough, working too much to qualify for welfare, being a single parent, not receiving child support (seriously, that’s one thing that I really have no control over), being poor and having no excuse for it (sorry, I’m not a drug addict, I don’t have a bunch of kids, and I’ not disabled). I have been treated like shit by more people than you can imagine. Certainly by more people than I could imagine a week ago.

And every single person that treated me like shit refused to help. But they told me that after berating me for all the poor choices I’ve made with my life. They could have saved me the time and effort with a simple “no” but they had to spend an average of 7 minutes each telling me how awful I am.

So I have to wonder why the hell the viscous people went into charitable work to begin with. Did they start out nice? Is it that after being hit requests for assistance that they can’t help with day after day, they have just given up on the helping people aspect of their job and now use their time to vent their petty anger out on their clients? Would they have been nicer to me if they had the assistance to give? (There I go, trying to put myself in the place of the awful social workers).

I could take all that meanness coming at me if I knew that at the end of it, I could get the heat back on at home and the Kid wouldn’t have to spend another night bundled up like a polar bear on the living room floor reading by candle light. I could take a whole lot of shit if there was help attached to it. But I can’t take the shit in place of the help. And I don’t think I should have too. I don’t think being poor is a crime. I don’t think poverty is a moral failure. I would think these things even if I had money (and at one point, under President Clinton, we did) because you have to imagine that the only way to create a just society is by designing a society where you don’t know what you’re place in it will be. In a just society, you don’t know if you are going to end up a poor single mother or a rich tycoon. But I want to live in a society that was kind to both.

Dear Universe

Is it not enough that the Kid and I have been suffering in the cold, damp powerless house for the last week?

Apparently not, cause now it’s supposed to fucking snow. Snow.

And of course the damn fuckwads that are supposed to be helping with winter heat bills aren’t returning my calls. Nope.

Seriously. This is too fucking much.

I could cry, but if I do the tears will freeze to my face and I’ll have no heat to melt them.

Part of the problem

I’ve said before that the only reasons to marry are for green cards and health insurance. I used to say money too, but it turns out that I am absolutely no good at being in love for cash.

Not to say I haven’t tried. Ah hell, last year I got all stupid over a successful, handsome lawyer who wanted to make me his very well kept housewife. But I just couldn’t do it. I know I would have had a life of financial ease (not just with him but with several others who I could at least have been a very expensive mistress). BUT I CAN’T DO IT!

Why can’t I do it? Maybe it’s self respect, though I am totally down with those who choose to do sex work and don’t think anyone can take your self respect unless you give it to them. Maybe it’s that I have a strong feeling that if you do something you love for money, then you will no longer love the thing you do (so no sex for cash for me. Also no owning a restaurant, selling my paintings ,

Quick update

It’s been a totally sucky weekend, though I am now at my friend CJ’s house abusing her facilities in the worst way. Tomorrow I’ll be back at work and able to write more.

I was told on Tuesday that it would take 48 hours, which meant that I would have part of the problem fixed by 2pm on Thursday. Numerous phone calls, voicemails, etc were made Thursday afternoon and all day Friday with no response. There is an automated update line that I have been dialing like phone psychic junkie that tells me that there is no information on my case. If I didn’t have a doctor’s appointment that took me months to get first thing tomorrow morning, I would go down to their office and make a nuisance of myself until they tell me something. The soonest I can harass them in person is Tuesday morning, which means the soonest we’d have power back is Wednesday. Which means one entire January week spent in the dark and cold. Shit, at this rate the money I’ve spent on candles and batteries and take out (and overdraft fees cause we didn’t have the money for candles, batteries and take out to begin with), plus the money it’s going to cost me to restock the fridge would have gone a long ass way towards paying my bill.

I’m tired of this. Really really tired. The constant struggle for daily necessities has pretty much eliminated any tiny glints of joy. I’m at the bottom of Maslov’s pyramid with no options for climbing up.

Ho Hum

I’m trying to get it into me to write something funny or snarky or angry or bitter. But I’ve got a case of the well rested ho hums and the only thing really bugging me at the moment is a pimple on my lip that looks like a cold sore.

We still have no power, and judging by the lava flow slowness of the grant people, we may not have any all weekend. Which means that you may not hear from me again until Monday afternoon when I am back at work.

But it hasn’t been too bad. It has been cold as fuck, and all I want right now is a piping hot dinner and long hot bath followed by hours of mindless tv wrapped up in an electric blanket. Instead, we’re doing urban poverty camping. Hurrah! At least we have indoor toilets.

I have found that not having power has quickly fixed some of my serious insomnia problems. Last night I did my normal wake up at 1:30am for no good reason at all. For weeks this has been my “regular” wake up time and I didn’t go back to sleep after. But last night, having nothing to distract me (like checking my email or bad infomercials) I just rolled over and went back to sleep, only to wake up again at the much more reasonable 5:30. Maybe this power out thing is a better cure for winter blues insomnia than an expensive SAD lamp and a pile of happy pills. I’m not willing to spend the rest of the winter in dark to find out, but it is interesting to think about.

So I am being as zen as possible about the whole ordeal. And I am catching up on some reading. And spending quality time with the Kid using his cell phone as a music player (it has surprisingly loud speakers for a small hunk of plastic).

Just when I think all the major crisis are over…

After last month’s thrilling rent problem and subsequent suckiest Christmas ever, I thought I would have a short reprieve from major drama, at least until my tax return comes in next month.

But no such luck.

Monday night I came home to a lovely notice on my door that the electricity will be shut off sometime today. I spent yesterday in a room full of shocked people who got the same notice. Everyone in the room with me either had small kids or was elderly or pregnant. We were waiting to find out about a grant to keep our heat on.

So I will get a grant, almost enough to keep the power on, but it takes them at least 48 hours to process it. Once I get that grant, there is another I can get (but only AFTER the first one is processed) that will cover the rest.

So I call the power company to tell them money is on the way, can they please give me the 48 hours to get the grant taken care of.

Nope. And I know that for all those desperate moms and grannies that were sitting in that room with me yesterday, it’s a nope to. We’re all going to be without heat and electricity in the middle of January. I’m waiting for the shut off any minute. In the mean time I’ve made sure that all the dishes are done, the fridge is cleaned out, the laundry is done and the heaters are jacked up so that we can retain as much heat as possible when it goes out. It’s only temporary, and mostly it means cold sammies, cold showers, no tv or computer and sleeping with many blanket for a few days. But damn, it’s January.

Now I understand, we need to pay our bills, etc. What I don’t understand is why the we only get 24 hours notice, when the power company KNOWS that the only place in town that offers federal grants for heating assistance takes at least 48 hours to process the applications? It doesn’t cost the power company any extra to send the notice out a day or two earlier, so what gives?

Hello Hello Hello

It’s been quiet on the comments front the last day or so. Is it because the comments were broken? Do you all not love me anymore? Show me some love!

Maybe it’s a good time to have a delurking post. Stop in, say hi. Don’t be shy. I mostly don’t bite 😉

Besides, it’s delurking week. It would be positively anti-holiday of you to stay quiet.