Unless it’s your feet in the stirrups

It’s not YOUR abortion.

Sure, guys can feel bad about abortion. But in the end, they are not the ones faced with the physical responsibility of choosing between pregnancy or abortion. They also don’t have to face nausea, vomiting, weight gain, back aches, pre-eclampsia, diabetes, infection, insomnia, death, etc.

Of course, the prevailing attitude of these men is “I never really thought about it for the woman,”.

Of course after reading these guys’ interviews I have no doubt to why some woman would not want to be tied to these guys for life through a baby. I’m pretty sure the women think they dodged the world’s crappiest bullet.

Oh the fricken humanity!

The later it gets in the game and the more I like Clinton. Oh I know she has some great big issues when it comes to Iraq and she’s more moderate than I would prefer.

But damn, the woman has 16 years of being the dead center of the rethuglikan and media bulls eye. She’s been incredibly strong, stronger than most of us could be under that kind of pressure. Can’t the woman cut a break. “She’s too cold, too aggressive, not likable”.

So when she shows some emotion and gets the slightest bit misty while talking about where our country needs to go, of course everyone jumps on her for being an emotional girl. Fucking hell. I’d much rather have a president who gets misty over our country rather than one whose only emotional states seem to be dickwad cowboy and tantrum throwing tyrant.

Thanks for doing all the hard work for me

Erica Barnett actually does the hard work of explaining why she’s not for Obama.

Ralph Nader quietly comes out in support of John Edwards
. I hate Nader as a candidate, but as a public rabble rouser and endorser he might redeem himself for 2000.

Fame done right: George Clooney to boycott the Golden Globes and the Oscars because of the writer’s strike- other celebs follow. And Brad Pitt’s project raises over 10 million to build houses in New Orleans.

It’s Monday and I have no coffee. That’s all you get till I’m caffeinated.

Just to make B jealous

Yesterday we got two containers of nearly perfect blackberries, some gorgeous fuji apples and a bag of delicious cherries.

Just to make B even more jealous, we got them with the Safeway card she so kindly sent me for Christmas. Every time I pop a juicy, delicious cherry into my mouth I will remember to thank the postal gods, the inventor of gift cards, the Chilean fruit industry and B for being the coolest blog friend ever.

RQ Cooks! Americanized Cubanos

If you’ve ever lived in Florida, you know the awesomeness that is a Cuban sammy, or Cubano. It’s simple and perfect and awesome.

Whenever I talk about them to people here in the drizzly cold Northwest, they want to know where to get them. Since you can’t get them here (Seattle has exactly one Cuban restaurant that is sooooo far out of the way that it would take 3 buses and more fortitude than I have) I have to tell them the truth. You can’t get them here, but you can bribe me to make you one.

So a normal cubano is pork, ham, cheese and pickles on a specially grilled roll with mustard. But as you peeps know- I am lazy. Grilling a roll in a special press is too much for me and the only way I’m getting pork sliced for sammies is if I have a leftover pork roast. So I half-ass it, and the Kid says they are The! Best! Sammies! Ever! They are basically extra-awesome grilled ham and cheese.

I start with sourdough bread cause it does nice things in a frying pan. On both pieces of bread, I spread a thin layer of mayo and good mustard (I’m not from the south, so I have a minimum of 3 kinds of mustard in my fridge at all times, I like spicy brown for sammies).

Now the stacking is important. On the bottom do a relatively thin layer of cheese. I like sharp cheddar. Then super thinly sliced ham (pastrami works well too). Then a layer of thinly sliced kosher pickles.

Melt some butter in a hot frying pan and throw the sammy in with the cheese side down. Cook until just golden brown and flip. Do the same for the other side. If your cheese was sliced thin enough, this should be all you need to melt it.

The heat will make the mayo-mustard combo a bit dribbley. So enjoy with a napkin very close by.

Words Mean Things 2- “Was she attractive doing it”

I must be a glutton for punishment, I am watching Fox News Sunday and the bobbleheads are talking about the debates last night.

While discussing Clinton, they say (sorry, you peeps know I am no good at transcribing live teevee) “yadda yadda yadda, had to be tough, sell her message, yadda yadda yadda”. But the part I am 100% sure I heard correctly (because they fucking repeated it) was “but the real question is ‘Was she attractive doing it?‘”

Attractive? Fucking attractive! If Clinton had a penis, they would have used the much more appropriate effective. Fucking attractive! I could care less if the next president is “attractive”. I want someone who fucking gets results and is EFFECTIVE.


To the fabulous Bianca Reagan of Steve The Penguin! She’s published her novel (also called Steve the Penguin). I get to review it and I am just dying to read it.

Bianca writes sharp, funny commentary about life and pop culture and everything in between. I shoulda blog rolled her ages ago, but I am nothing if not lazy.

Roll on over and tell her congrats. Or better yet- buy her book.

(Crossposted at the pink place)