Peep Show!

I made a promise to the Queen to report on this year’s WaPo “Peep Show” contest (I can’t find it on YouTube yet to post the actual video, so you have to follow the link.  CLICK THE LINK!!!).  A few national papers do a diorama contest featuring those disgustingly sugary snack that some people mistakenly think are for eating.  I have a news flash…Peeps are for Playing!

Most famously for microwaving!  Seriously, if you haven’t tried the Peeps in the micro yet, you simply must!  But use a paper plate, I have ruined too many good plates with this demonstration.
So, Happy Freakin’ Easter, Peeps and loyal subjects.

Bon Voy Wegie!

So I am off for my adventure in gay Paree. I’ll be back in a week with a suitcase full of french porn and wine (won’t customs have a blast with that?) and hopefully some kick ass pictures, funny stories, and a completely condescending attitude towards food.

Chang’e and Wonder will be holding down the fort. They know that like all teenagers they are not supposed to have a party while I’m away, but that’s because what’s a party with a queen hitting a beer bong?

In the mean time, lemme just say this.

You peeps are so sweet, I could microwave you all.

When the Queen’s Away

the Kids will play!
We miss the Red Queen, but we will have some fun anyway!
Virtual Pub.
Open Chat.
Let’s be Kool and kick back tonight, royal subjects!
If you drink leave your keys in the Jar at the bar!
Wonder!  You.  Me.  Dancing!

Dear Senator Obama

Please stop being a whiny assed baby. Ohhhhh the former president hurt your feelings. Wah.

Seriously dude, if anybody can say that you aren’t qualified enough, I think it’s Bill Clinton.


Cookie Porn!

My darling friends gave me wonderful birthday party, and an even better birthday gift: cookies.

But not just any cookies, dirty dirty cookies.

Yep, those are peens and boobies. But the real fun started when we posed the cookies in naughty ways. Below is gay bukkake cookies

And my personal fave, the 2 boys and a girl menage cookies.

Can I just say, the frosted cocks were delicious.

Important Decry for the Queen’s Peeps!

Never fear, loyal subjects!  While the Queen is out traveling the Kingdom you will not perish from boredom.  In my official capacity as Comes Palatinus I will be posting in her absence to ensure the happiness of her subjects.

And while I am prone to rants of epic proportions, I will do my best to keep you amused as well.
While she is away, we wish the Queen a safe journey and a happy return! 
And if it’s not too much trouble, maybe a little something for the Comes Palatinus.  😛

A quick ten minute break

bahhhh- so much to do so not enough time to do it.

I’ve turned to forced labor of the monkey child. He’s had to scrub toilets and kitchen floors.

And while sitting here filling up my mp3 player for several long ass flights I ran across a post at Pandagon about the embarrassing crap that manages to find it’s way onto our playlists.

So I am going to fess up.

Somehow, there is Avril Levine on my mp3 player. I do not know how it got there. I am scared that it might have been put there to torment me, to push me into insanity.

While I will freely admit that I like old Micheal Jackson (Don’t stop till you get enough is one of the most boogeying songs ever) and through Micheal Jackson, some Justin Timberlake. And while I am mortified to no end, I like No Doubt’s Bathwater.

But I don’t know where Avril came from.

So kids, I shared my darkest secret. Fess up. What artist makes you blush to the roots of your hair when they show up on your playlist?

Allright Peeps

Her Royal Highness (me) has to clean my house, do my laundry, pack, hem a pair of pants, shave things, get keys made, reassure the monkey that 8 days is not that long, recover from last night’s Battlestar Galactica & Grape NeHi marathon and you know, attend my own birthday party.

Needless to say- posting will be light today.

SO consider this a delurking open thread. Got something awesome you wanna blogwhore, drop it here. Are you new, did you just find us. Say hi, we’re mostly friendly.

And of course- any new I Am Hillary links are most welcome. I’ll put you into the We are Hillary Blogroll.

And while we are being Hillary, go check out Roxie’s World (best blog written by a 13 year old dog ever). Roxie is getting honorary Hillary status for her teary- making post: Hillary: A Valediction
