You know how I’ve been bitching

about Obama’s use of republican framing and how it isn’t a far step from republican framing to republican policies?

Well it didn’t take long for Obama to prove me right

Obama on capital gains taxes- don’t raise them higher than what Reagan had them at. (But how are we going to pay our massive debt if the rich keep not paying their fair share?)

Obama on corporate responsibility- wants more deregulation. WTF? We already have lead painted lollipop toys for the kiddies, ecoli spinach for salads, and a drug industry that basically runs the FDA.

Obama on tort reform- he likes it. See above about corporate responsibility. Not only does he want us all eating ecoli spinach, but he wants us to not be able to sue when our livers shut down.


h/t Reclusive Leftist

Dear Obamabots:

Someone has already used the “you’re with us or against us” ploy.

Sure- some people may be voting for Hillary instead of Barry because she is white, just like the many many obnoxious white frat boys that are voting for your messiah because he has a penis.

I am not one of those Hillary voters (and I think there are fewer of those types of voters than you would like. The real racists are voting for McCain). I have yet to meet a single person voting for Hillary purely because she is white.


should Obama be the democratic nominee I will no longer have a place in the Democratic party. I do not vote against my own self -interest. I do not vote for sexists. So I won’t be voting for McCain either.

Instead I’ll go vote for a real progressive, who happens to be both a woman and black.

Damn, what are you gonna call me now that racist doesn’t fit?

On cute Bulgarian boys and hamsters

So in the wee hours of the morning, when I was all blurry eyed from web design, I asked the cute Bulgarian to take a look.

He didn’t like that Ruby and the recent comments has switched sides (neither did I) and now it’s fixed. Though Ruby takes a large space and it took quite a bit of fixing to be able to see all of her box in IE (dear hot Bulgarian- come to Firefox. You will like it, I promise). At one point CB (cute Bulgarian) could not see the more button to feed Ruby a strawberry.

“I have to be able to give her a strawberry after making her run around so much”

And I thought that was so cute that my insides turned a little mushy inside (ok- a lot mushy).

I wonder if he realizes that he is the reason Ruby’s favorite food is Bulgarian feta?

Shameless Bragging and a video

The last time this band was in town, I managed to score fab mezzanine seats at the Paramount. We were directly in front of the band at their eye level.

Seattle is a city of passive aggressive hipsters who are terrified of doing anything that might be “uncool”. My friend and I had no such problems. So we were dancing our asses off while the painfully self conscious concert goers looked around to make sure they weren’t showing too much enthusiasm.

Bucking social mores worked for us. About 4 songs, the lead singer dedicated this song to the two girls dancing in the balcony. The next day the band had breakfast with my concert friend’s coworker (they worked at the Paramount, that’s how we got such awesome seats) and I guess the band talked about how much they love seeing people like us dance to their music.

So next time you’re at a show and you want to shake your ass but are afraid you might look weird- shake it anyways.

Read me!

Shakes- oh Shakes how do I love thee. In one prefect post you have summed up what I went wading into a shit swamp to explain with my roof metaphor.

For those of you who think that we feminists just see sexism everywhere (J.C.) this is required reading.

For those of you who think there is an evil cabal of white men that propagate sexism and you should be held blameless cause you just benefit from it- this is required reading.

For all the rest of us- it’s just that good. Go forth and read.

How societies are built

Below I said that sexism, racism, etc are the framing on which out society is built. I thought I should clear that up for you peeps cause it is a REALLY important point.

There are basic things societies need to do in order to ensure survival. Get nourishment, provide shelter, reproduce, care for children to adulthood, and secure the members of society from violence.

Let’s see how many of those are “women’s work”. Women do the majority of food gathering and cooking. While much is made about men’s contribution via hunting (and it ha never been proven that just men hunted) a majority of early societies depended on the skills of women for most of their sustenance. Miss a hunt or two and you could survive, but miss the gathering and storing of foodstuffs and you will perish.

Shelter- we are not sure how labor division worked for a lot of early societies when it comes to shelter. But we do know that women are responsible for most of the shelter upkeep now. Men may be the majority of home builders (for profit) but the majority of homes are cared for by women. The difference is a few weeks or months of hard labor vs a lifetime of daily labor. Even if you want to throw in “typical” men’s labor via the home it is still a difference of daily labor for women vs weekly labor for men.

Reproduction: It does take two to tango, but after about 15 minutes, a man’s job is done. The woman still has 40 weeks of pregnancy to go. Pregnancy means a need for larger amounts of nourishment plus making accommodations for post natal care where a woman is temporarilly unable to provide for herself or her family (see Grandmother hypothesis)

Care of children to adulthood: