Hey Dan Savage!

We already know you hate the fatties, but you are making it more and more obvious that you hate the ladies too (and not in the I’m gay and just want to sleep with dudes kind of way).

You’re chosen candidate doesn’t really think it’s okay for you and you boyfriend to get married or have kids. Of course he also thinks that I, as a woman, should only have “some control” over my own body.

And yet, you keep yelling for Clinton to drop out. You think that that the fucking opinions of the BASE of the party is what is going to tear the party apart. I think you do not understand what a political base is. You might want to think about how someone whose views are antithetical to progressive ideas (what with the sexism, homophobia, and fucking republican framing) crying cause he has to compete in a real race might be the reason the party is split.

We are not required to vote for someone who does not have our own best interests at heart. I don’t have to vote for an anti-choice sexist. You shouldn’t have to vote for a homophobe. But you are. And you are demanding that the rest of us stop fighting for ourselves.

So please, STFU already.

Blub blub blub.

The line about 90 year old ladies who remember when women couldn’t vote made me all teary eyed. She’s just so awesome and gracious and kick-ass.

Hillary’s campaign needs money. Obama out spent her 3 to 1 in PA (and she still kicked his ass). If my account weren’t overdrawn she’d be getting my donation tonight. Instead- I plan on sending her part of my economic stimulus rebate (support Hillary and screw Bush, sweet). But she needs cash before. She’s got Indiana and North Carolina in two weeks and the Obamabots are going to be rabidly pissed at her massive PA win.

UPDATE Someone awesome made a 50 dollar contribution for me (and another for herself) RQ is totes fine with donations to our future fearless leader made in her name.

Slacker monkey gets a clue

So there are tons of lovely blogs out there that I have just discovered. Some are We Are Hillary peeps, or linkers or commenters or some that I have just stumbled upon.

And I find myself just a wee bit unable to remember to read everybody. And then I feel bad. Really- I love you all I am just forgetful and mostly lazy.

And then I discovered Google Reader (I know- I’m fucking slow).

So I am setting up my reader subscriptions. Drop me a linky on comments if you love me and want to make it easier on me.

One of these things is not like the other

Clinton- yes Clinton supporters waiting to hear her speak

Eck said that he felt that “Obama has some decent things to say,” but his wife, LeeAnne, was less charitable, and seemed to conform to some popular stereotypes about how the multiracial senator might play in the heartland. “I don’t even know what his name is,” said Lee Anne, laughing. “Bahama Mama? Osama?”

Eck’s words were not received warmly by the people standing around her; one man firmly told her, “His name is Barack Obama.” LeeAnne Eck looked somewhat abashed. “Fine. I’ll learn it,” she said. “But I just love Hillary. I love everything about her. And I heard that what’s-his-name doesn’t salute the American flag. I don’t like that.” At this, about half a dozen people in line chimed in to correct her misapprehensions about Obama’s patriotism. “That’s just not the case, and you shouldn’t believe gossip about him being a Muslim, either,” said a woman wearing two Hillary buttons. Charles Johns, 68, added, “And even if he were Muslim, that’s no reason not to vote for him.”

Happy Earth Day!

So it’s earth day, that one day of the year when people pledge to get all green and wholesome.

I am not an environmentalist. I repeat. I am not an environmentalist. I am not a nature lover (though I don’t have a problem with people who are). I am not a hiker who loves the pristine views of rarely walked paths. I grew up surrounded by that shit. I grew up at 7000 feet above sea level near one of the deepest, purest, fresh water lakes in the world. I’ve climbed giant rocks and been chased by bears and dug out 12 feet of snow from our driveway. I prefer the city.

That said- my carbon foot print is tiny. It’s about one third the size of most Americans . Of course it’s still about 64% larger than most other people in the world.

But I think I can still sit on my high horse and be horribly condescending for one sec. First- go read this. It’s awesome. Why is it that so many of the things that can be done and that are being done to help the environment are women’s work? They have been talking about solar power
for decades, while we change our lightbulbs and skip the dryers and use crappy (admit it) “natural” (what this means is some mildly astringent smelling water and 10 times the elbow grease) cleaners cause ehwwww the scary chemicals.

And disposable diapers? The only people who can seriously recommend changing back to cloth diapers do not understand 1) that baby poop explodes without warning- you want a plastic shield between you and the baby’s ass) and 2) Cloth diapers means taking a shit filled diaper, rinsing it out in the toilet and then carrying around a bag (or bags) full of wet shitty fabric till you can get to a washer or diaper pail. If I had to use cloth diapers on the Kid’s ass (and I certainly got enough guilt about it) then I couldn’t have left my house before he was 3.

So with all my antipathy for an environmental movement that is bent on increasing my workload- how is it that my carbon footprint looks like it does?

Poverty. Poverty makes us buy less, reuse more. We don’t own a car. I walk to work and to the grocery store, drugstore and bank. I take the bus if it’s longer than that but that doesn’t even come to 200 miles a year. We recycle almost everything, though we don’t compost (I may just start a bucket if a friend of mine actually does turn my postage stamp back yard into a garden). We buy a lot of local produce because Washington happens to be a damn fine state for growing shit. But if it wasn’t, or if it’s the middle of January and I am simply dying for fruit- you can bet your sweet ass I’m getting blackberries from Mexico, if we can afford it.

And speaking of poverty and the environment- you all have heard that because so many crops in the US were replaced with biofuel stock that there is a shortage of rice, flour and oil in many states. Costco in California is rationing bags of rice. Next time I see a Jetta with a biodiesel logo on it, I’m leaving the owner a little note about how their desire to drive does not outweigh other people’s need to eat.

(It’s not that I do not understand the need for a massive change in how we get energy- it just happens that I am a lithium-ion plug in cars and csp solar energy kind of girl. Neither of those things requires valuable farm land to stop producing food)

Pack your bags

Soopermouse and I have decided to move to Spain.

Let’s see, there is this, the Spanish defense minister inspecting the troops.
And the defense minister is not the blue suited guy, she’s the pregnant woman on the left.

Oh and Spain has a history of activist women and a government that is actively trying to have an equal balance of women in power. And there is the legal gay marriage thing. And Spain has one of the awesomest laws for prosecuting crimes against humanity.

And then there is cava. And jamon serrano. And manchego and paella.

And Almodovar and Goya and Javier Bardem.

Now I just have to figure out how to get a job there.