When did you know?

I know the exact moment when I started (re) liking Hillary. It was December 7, 2007. And I think it was probably about 5 in the morning.

And it was this clip

I was an Edwards supporter. Then he got all misogynistic for a minute, then he dropped out. I will freely admit that for the last few years I had forgotten how much I liked her as First Lady and bought into a shitload of the misogyny that was being thrown her way.

And then I saw her laugh at Maria Barteromo. And now I remember why I love her. And if you can’t see from this video why she is the only person with the chops to pull us out of the current shitswamp of an economy, then you need glasses.

Why write when you can chat

Quelipoth: hey

me: hello chickadee
Quelipoth: let me ask you an intereting question
me: you never ask me dull ones
Quelipoth: consodering that we have evidence showing Obama was losing until the moment he started attackign clinton
and that most of his campaign is based on mysoginistic attacks against her
me: yes
Quelipoth: is it ethical to hold Obama supporters, even those who have not theemselves personally attacked her with sexist slurs as being at least partially accomplices in the sexist attacks their candidate performed against her?
me: That’s a tough one.
Quelipoth: considering that teh message their support conveys is that they do not care whether Obama wins by disenfranchising women?
me: They aren’t responsible for his campaign, obviously, but it was his supporters doing the bullying at the caucuses
Quelipoth: well, they aren’t responsible for his campaign, but their support of it can be regarded as an endorsement of its methods
me: and NO candidate can win by alienating women
that’s absolutely true
Quelipoth: yes
me: and i have seen a few Obama supporters come out agianst the sexism, but not against the sexism Obama himself uses
Quelipoth: so, since we haven’t seen a movement by obama supporters to ask his campaogn to stop teh sexist attack, does that make them all accomplices, even if it is just by turning a blind eye?
me: just the stuff that the media spews
I kinda feel that way. That’s part of the reasson why i have lost some friends over this
Quelipoth: this is kinda why I have reached the conclusion that no progressive can support Obama while in possession of all facts and in good faith, and that some cognitive dissonance is involved
Sent at 2:37 PM on Monday
me: yes- though there are a shitload of “progressives” who think women are not fully equal. See Kucinich and his support for Ron Paul.
Quelipoth: i also think that Libertarian Democrat is the best description for obama
me: maybe
though I think he might be something else entirely
Quelipoth: the guy is not a progressive, and his weird belief that talking and free market will solve everything is a bit scary
me: that just makes him a classic liberal
Quelipoth: i think it makes him a post modernistic one
classic liberals were not afraid of wars when the need arose
me: nah- I think sexism falls firmly into the classic
Quelipoth: sexism is ever present. [frown]
me: But it doesn’t have to be
Sent at 2:41 PM on Monday
Quelipoth: it does, because otherwise the bepenised beings migth have to earn their keep
me: I think the whole problem is people seeing Obama as a new type of candidate. he’s not really. He’s a very traditional liberal who just happens to be black
Hillary hasn’t run on being above the political fray, she’s run on her own merit
Sent at 2:44 PM on Monday
Quelipoth: which is where i have a problem
me: Oh me too
That’s why the obamabots are scary. They are not looking at things rationally, but they are looking at him as a messianic figure. And there is a reason politics and religion shouldn’t mix

As you wish

So the Bulgarian and I both have a love of movies. Lots of movies, weird movies, funny movies, foreign movies. I took him to Scarecrow last week because 1)He had never been in the most awesome video store on the planet and because he was telling me that Serbian films are very good and Scarecrow has a giant (I mean giant) section of foreign films by country.

So he pulls out this Serbian film- No Man’s Land. “It’s very good movie” he said.
“Oh I know, I’ve seen it”. I think he was impressed, though I watch A LOT of foreign films.

We ended up renting Almodovar’s What Have I Done to Deserve This. He sure does like the frustrated wife kills husband plot. Though I think Volver was better.

Anyways, yesterday we were chatting about Eastern Promises. I mentioned that the naked fight scene was weird and hot. And how all I could think of through the whole thing was that he should be protecting his bits. The Bulgarian had the same thought.

At one point he typed “As you wish” to me. Being a good, goofy American girl, that line makes me think of only one thing. But he hasn’t seen it. Shocking, really.

In addition to teaching him about ROUSes and who Inigo Montoya is, I want to make a list of classic American movies that I should recommend to him.

So peeps- what movies do you think I should put on that list. I already own Casablanca. I know some Hitchcock should be in there (Notorious being my favorite- it’s got Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant and they got a long smooch past the censors by having them talk during the kiss). I don’t think I need to recommend things like the Godfather or Rocky, they are popular enough on their own and I really can’t sit through that much misogyny, again. Maybe the Magnificent Seven (Steve McQueen and Yule Brenner, hubba hubba) though I know it’s a remake of The Seven Samurai.


When we hold ourselves to false ideas we screw over everbody else

A few years ago I wrote a paper about Germania by Tacitus, considered to be one of the first ethnographies. My professor was getting his phd in German history, so he was thrilled.

In writing this, Tacitus set up German women as ideal, (idealizing the native, actually) with their blonde hair and strong, buxom bodies. But also because they were monogamous and loyal to their families and husbands in ways he did not think Roman women were. At the same time he denigrated German men as filthy, drunken louts who did nothing but fight.

By doing this Tacitus made several things possible.

1) He set up German women as oppressed creatures who should be “rescued” from their horrible husbands, there by legitimizing rape as noble. Better to be fucked by a Roman soldier than a dirty German.

2)He set up German men as “other” (I know it’s weird for us to think of white people as “other” but it was the Roman empire). This made them less than human and justified war.

3) He put fear into the hearts of Roman wives. They were not buxom blondes, and monogamy was not often practiced in Rome. By creating an ideal such as this, Roman wives would have to submit to

I work really hard at examining my likes and dislikes for negative social conditioning. I want to like what I like because I like it, and not because I feel like I should like it. I want to do what I do because I want to do it, not because I think society will keep me down if I go my own way.

I had this conversation with my brother a few months ago. He was newly single and we were talking about girls. He has a friend who I think is just lovely and sweet and Bro thinks she is just friend material. That’s fine, if he had phrased it as “she’s just not my type”. But he didn’t. He said “She’s just not hot, and I only like hot girls”. His definition (which he firmly believes is the only definition) of hot is tall, thin, big boobs, red hair and completely shaved.

If that were the only definition of hot- I would never have a date. The only thing I have on that list is the boobs. But Bro

How could I possibly forget!

When writing my little list of movies I’d like to see I forgot about an honest portrayal of accidental pregnancy.

White, middle class teenage girl probably is more likely to have an abortion than give the kid up for adoption.

White, middle class successful tv host is probably going to have an abortion and not a relationship with the pot head who knocked her up.

And poor pregnant waitresses never become millionaires.

I would like to see pregnant teen discovers she’s knocked up and then goes through a nightmarish process to come up with the money to pay for an abortion. And doesn’t regret it for a second. That’s way closer to reality.

Movie reviews

I mostly hate kids movies. Sure- I love Miyazaki and the Harry Potter movies, but mostly I think kids movies are dumbed down techno-colored crap. Disney movies mostly make me nauseous. And the Kid has a love for Scooby Doo that knows no bounds. Really, when I was 10 the Scooby Doo plots were cool but now I kinda want to stab my eyes out with a pencil rather than watch Scooby and Shaggy run away from fake ghosts and monsters.

So the Kid begged me to rent The Last Mimsy so we could watch it together. This morning instead of watching cartoons, we made up some cinnamon rolls and ate them curled up on my bed while watching Mimsy in all it’s alien cuteness.

It was……not bad. Sure there were some totally crap moments where suspension of disbelief was impossible. Strangely, the magical mystery bits were believable. It was the real life stuff regarding Homeland Security that I couldn’t buy.

So if you want to watch a movie with your kid that won’t make you wish for a heroin overdose- I think The Last Mimzy could work.

But now that the kid is happily off to his own room, I’m gonna go be all grown up and watch Eastern Promises.

So conflicted

So the Kid and I were riding the bus home today (in the snow- in fucking April) and sitting across from us was a cool punk rock mom and her little baby girl, who could not have been more than 9 months old.

The mom had multi-candy colored hair. The baby had her hair dyed fuschia.

Now the rock and roll side of me was all “fuck yeah- punk rock girl!”

The mom side of me was all “Bad-No chemicals on baby heads!”

I sincerely hope the mom went the least toxic way and used koolaid on the kids head. That would be rad.

Once more for the simple minded………..

Someone has been lucky enough to have missed the massive “anti-girlOMGtehcooties” vibe coming from the obama boys. Some of us have lost friends and sleep and a place in the Democratic party over this, so it really must be nice to live in a land where that doesn’t exist.

I do keep hearing over and over and over that Hillary’s war vote is a legitimate reason for not voting for her. True, perhaps. But there are a shitload of dems that voted for the war and still have their seats.

For all intents and purposes, Hillary and Barak are the same on wanting to get us out of Iraq. For all of Barak’s sanctimonious bitching about Hillary’s war vote, he’s never seen a war funding bill he didn’t like.

It’s obvious the Hillary regrets her war decision or she’d be all in with 100 years McCain. But she is the first viable woman running to be in charge of the military. And the traditional screed against women in the White House has been about how they couldn’t possibly handle war related issues because they are too emotional and mushy brained.

So if Hillary comes straight out and says “I fucked up. Iraq was a bad vote.” she doesn’t get the pass that all of her male senate colleagues who made the same vote would get. She gets labeled as a dumb girl who we shouldn’t let near the big red button cause she might mistakenly press it and blow the whole world up.

It’s not difficult folks. Really.