Okay brainiacs!

A friend mentioned a radical French philosopher who wrote between the first and second world wars that without the nuclear family ideal of stay at home wives, the military industrial complex could not survive. You need to keep the women out of the work force as a kind of back-up force for when you send all the men off to die.

Which makes sense. Think of Rosie the Riveter. Think of who it is that most wants the nuclear ideal to be an iron clad law of how families should be constructed. These are the same people who think we should be in Iraq for 100 years.

But I have no freakin idea what the name of the philosopher was and googling is not helping. Anyone wanna help a girl out?

UPDATE: So it’s actually a novel called La Garconne by Victor Margueritte, and so far I have not been able to find an English translation. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

In the history of this country

there has never been a presidential candidate so willing to walk through fire for us. Everyday she does it, I don’t know how. Everyday she takes the full serving of the hate and misogyny that we get doled out to us in teaspoon portions (just enough to let us know we well never be good enough without a penis). Neither Obama or McCain has the same kind of toughness or courage that she has (and i type that in full knowledge of McCain being a former POW).

Dayumn! I knew I always liked her

Paulina Porizkova is awesome, and not just because she had the good sense to be all smoochy over Rick Ocasek, lead singer of the cars and not exactly Brad Pitt.

I think it’s so sad when women say, ‘Oh, I’ve been spending my last few years being a mom.’ It’s like, you were someone before you had children, and you aer sure as hell going to need to be someone afterward. Being a mother is something I do daily, like showering or eating. It’s not my career.

Besides, her face- it moves! She’s not all botoxed up and unable to emote.

Once again pissing off the mommies

cause even though I’m one of them, I don’t think it’s the be all end all of human sacrifice and I really think that once we stop sentimentalizing women’s work and start looking at it from a rational place- there can be no support for the idea of the traditional stay at home wife.

So how to look at it without getting all misty eyed over our own precious little nose pickers.

1) That children grow up to be productive contributors to society is a vital function without which society would literally cease to exist.

2) When looked at without sentimentality, there is no benefit to parents in having children except for the continuance of their genetic line. Children to parents are a massive financial and time strain with NO material benefit to the parents. Especially in this society where grown children do not stay in their parents house to combine resources for the most part. And especially to mothers who are biologically take all the physical risk of having children and traditionally take most of the time burden of raising children. And in our modern society, mothers take not just the physical risk and the time burden, but most of the financial burden as well, either because they are single mothers who are the sole source of income, or because they will take a hit financially either by staying home with their kids to raise them or by missed work opportunities during post-partum periods.

3) When women choose to stay home with their children for no pay, it devalues the work of women (and men) who do caring work for pay. By having an ideal of the self sacrificing woman who gives up financial independence to care for children or family we continue the idea that anyone with a uterus can take care of children. No education or skills are required. It is not skilled labor, nor is it valuable because there is a HUGE group of people so willing to do it for free. So the people that do caring jobs for pay are seen as unskilled labor and are paid as such. I see no difference between wiping bottoms and being a garbage collector (actually I do- wiping bottoms is much more vital to society’s future) but garbage collectors are paid considerably better. All that is required of them is a driver’s license and enough physical strength to throw a bag around.

4) Women who choose to stay home and justify it as “for the good of the children” might want to check their own skills. Do you have a degree in early childhood education? Have you at least passed an infant CPR class? If you do have the early childhood education degree, you will probably supplement your income by caring for children other than your own. Which makes you no longer an unpaid or unskilled laborer. But most mothers do not have a background in skilled childcare. We learn what we can in stolen moments either from our own mothers or from books and the internet, television, etc. But much like my sitting here and using this computer may make me a skilled user but never a computer programmer, for the most part raising children without an additional education will never make you a childcare expert. It would be infinitely better to have society pick up a larger share of the cost of childrearing in order to have better skilled and educated people doing the daily work of creating productive children. Hell, even parenting classes and paid parental leave would at least look like we actually care about the quality of people raising children, and it would make childcare no longer an unpaid sacrifice for unskilled workers. And make no mistake, as mothers we are a massive unpaid labor force.

We mothers like to maintain this mystique about our child rearing abilities. It is a backwards sort of power, like the idea that beautiful women have power over men in our society. The truth is that most of us are capable of producing children and in our society with minimal effort those children will grow up to be adults. We- for the most part (there are exceptions for the poor) do not have to worry about famine or daily violence or most diseases taking our children before they can become adults. But still we refuse to release the false power ideal, the one thing we can do that men can’t, because it we have been programmed for centuries to believe that it is our job to sacrifice ourselves to do a job that only we can do.

Except that there are skilled people who can and should be paid better to do it, if only we’d give up our monopoly. I am not saying that children should be carted off to be raised in community creches with no parental involvement, because there is one thing that parents- both mothers and fathers- can provide without cost that children absolutely need- love. But if all children need to thrive was love, then poor children would be much more successful than they are. Children need love from parents and skilled carers to teach them. They need to live in homes with enough resources of food and clothing and shelter (and dual incomes form two working parents can provide that better than one), but also with access to teachers who understand how little brains develop. We need to stop thinking of our children as “ours” alone. They are way more important than that. And we, as women are more than just unskilled brood mares, yet we keep clinging to that status in order to hold onto a sentimental ideal. It is not good for children or mothers or even fathers. But so far it has been an extremely cheap way for society to get half the population to do a mountain of much needed work with no pay or benefits.

Imagine this

It’s 15 years in the future and my darling son is 28. After much debt and financial struggle, I have managed to get him through both college and grad school so he can be a forensic anthropologist (which is what he wants to be). He’s just started out in the work world when he comes to me and says:

“Mom, I have decided I am going to give up my career to do a job that most people get paid minimum wage for, but I am going to do it for free. I will have no money of my own, no unemployment insurance. I will be earning nothing towards a pension or social security. I will have no days off, paid or unpaid. I will be completely dependent on the good will and job skills of another person. During this time I will be gaining no experience relevant to my education and my skills regarding that education will become quickly out of date through lack of use and on the job learning. But I hope that you will support my decision”

Of course I would say “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

Yet, when women do this, we are supposed to give them support and understanding for making the choice to sacrifice their own improvement and independence.

Nope. Not buying it. No one gets a freaking pat on the head for deciding that a life of dependence is right for them. And no one gets a pat on the head for doing something for free and thereby devaluing the the efforts of those who need to get paid for it.

Not every choice a woman makes is a feminist choice. Not every choice a woman makes should be blindly supported.

Rick Steves brings teh Awesome

I love Rick Steves’ guidebooks. Without them I would never have known of the Chagall museum in Nice or how to count on my fingers anywhere in Europe.

I love Rick Steves’ politics. I grew a major brain crush on him and Arther Frommer when they were talking about how ridiculous it is that the US government restricts our travel to Cuba. They both see it as a stupid and unconstitutional form of government interference.

I love Rick Steves’ form of religion. He’s the type of progressive Christian, like my darling cousin, that makes me feel a wee bit bad for lumping fundies in with them. Then the fundies say yet another stupid thing and well, I stop feeling bad.

I love Rick Steves’ generosity. He bought a large apartment building in Everett as an investment, but instead of renting it at market rates, he leased the whole building for 20 years to a program that provides transitional housing to homeless mothers and children.

And while I am not a pot smoker, I love Rick Steves’ for the infomercial he stars in that has been haunting late night television. It is a smart, well informed tirade against marijuana laws. All from the least likely person to ever be busted for sporting an eighth.

He’s a wee bit too wholesome for me to completely crush on him, but the world would b e a much sadder place without people like him in it.

Seriously not ready for the 3am call

Go read Bluelyon’s post about Obama and and 9/11. Go ahead, I’ll wait…………………………………

OMG! Not predictable? WTF! What the hell was the 9/11 commission about if not for proving that George McShitty Pants ignored credible intelligence that planes were going to be hijacked?

And Obama wants to be the next president clearing tumbleweeds and reading books about goats when shit hits the fan.
