Snippets of google chat- I am the Second coming of Jesus

Sylvia: MeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowMeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!!!!!!!!!

me: bad kitty
Sylvia: I have started sleeping with a spray bottle by my head. Now when Jax tries to get too annoying, I just spray him in the face and he runs away!
It works great.
me: whee- kitty torment and sleeping, two of my favorite things
I need a nap
a four hour nap
Sylvia: Does coffee help?
me: not so much
I’ve been sucking down gallons of caffiene and i still sleep 12 to 16 hours a day
Sylvia: Hm. Maybe in France your chemistry got switched around, and maybe now you need to drink de-caf.
Or not…
me: or maybe I’ve developed some weird european sleeping disease
Sylvia: Maybe George gave it to you!
The Curse of George!!
me: I would so love to blame this on him
That is it- france was lovely, george made me ill
Sylvia: Makes sense to me. That about sums up the trip pretty well, too!
me: Yep, so it would totally figure that the effects are lingering
Sylvia: Well, it’s good that you’re going to get whatever it is checked out soon.
me: yeppers
I’m just bummed that I won’t be my normal sparkling self this evening
Sylvia: Well, you’ll just have to show him enough of your sparkling self to make him want to see more!
me: or drink heavily
Sylvia: So this is wierd…. I just found a random Slog entry about a random painting titled “The Bible Doesn’t Mention It, But Jesus Loved to Sleep Twelve to Fourteen Hours a Day”. You’re just turning into Jesus!!!
me: OMG- I am soooooo the second fucking coming
That explains so much

Much ado about nothing

So a NYC mom lets her 9 year old son take the subway home by himself after he had been pestering her for months to let him do it.

So of course there are all sorts of freaks who think she is the Worst. Mom. Ever!

How dare she try to teach her child to be self reliant! How dare she teach him not to be terrified of the world around him and to explore it instead. OMG, this poor child may actually grow up to be independent!

Since the Kid was in 4th or 5th grade, about the time he regularly started missing the yellow school bus in the mornings, I’ve let him take the metro bus by himself. He used to take it home twice a week too after chess club. And to meet his friend William at William’s mom’s work.

The only reason he doesn’t take it all the time now is that his school is walking distance (about half a mile) and William moved to Sacramento. But he takes himself to the grocery store and the video game store and the library all by himself all the time. And he has, since he was 10.

I am not a believer in sheltering kids from reality. They never learn how to protect themselves if they are kept out of the world. The Kid has had a few problems on his own, but always from other kids. And he has learned how to deal with them. He knows that he is fully capable of standing up to a bully (or 3). He also knows that the number one cardinal rule of our house is: DO NOT FREAK OUT THE MOMMY. This means being where you say you are going to be, coming home when you say you are coming home, and answering your cell phone (this last one got him grounded when he didn’t get any reception in the library and didn’t answer 24 missed calls).

A (Quasi) Daily Meme

You Are a Lemon

You have a very distinct personality. And if you’re not being sweet, you’re a little hard to take.

You’re a bit overpowering, especially in one on one situations.

And while you are very dominant, sometimes your power is needed and appreciated.

You can liven up a dull situation, and you definitely bring a fresh outlook.

You are a bit of an acquired taste, and you tend to grow on people over time.

People feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending time with you.

Dear Ann Coulter:

Some WASPs do and have thought about blacks, and not just in the Driving Ms. Daisy, fetch the help kind of way.

I am not a WASP (cause I don’t subscribe to the religion thing) but I come from a long line of them. My mother (mostly a WASP- she converted to Catholicism later) picketed the insurance company she worked at when they promoted the less experienced white guy over the much more experienced black woman.

But even before that, my dad’s very WASPy family were abolitionists prior to the civil war. Actually, I think they might have been the original Lincoln Republicans, back before republicans were all evil and stuff. You might not remember that though, cause you’re all soaked through with the evil.

And even though I don’t have the protestant part anymore, I still think about blacks. I live in a minority neighborhood. My son goes to a school that is 60 percent minority students and I see daily the disparity between the treatment of white and black students.

So please, as with pretty much everything else you say, kindly shove it up your ass.

H/T to Shakes

I promised you clown make up

and clown make up you shall get.

So little known fact about me. Back when I used to be a skinny aspiring anorexic, I wanted to be a fashion designer. I love fashion still, but the silliness some designers use to make their mark just blows me away.

So from the City Magazine Paris comes the following must have Printemps (Spring) Styles

For example- bright yellow Hammer pants. Yep- you can’t touch these.

Now I know these are shown with the hip (cough) gladiator sandals (do you remember wearing these last time around? Do you remember that all those extra straps mean dozens of new fun places to get blisters?) but I think they might go better with these:

No, those aren’t baby booties. They are powder blue moccasins for grown up girls (ew). Now let me say hurray for shoes that won’t sprain your ankle (unlike the heel-less heels that were fall’s folly) but these have to be some of the ugliest shoes ever made.

So now that we’ve got your bottom covered, let’s talk about your top. Specifically, make-up.

I bet you didn’t even know there was such a thing as “sexy clown” style. But if that much color is not your thing, try this:

It’s a little bit Hitler, a little bit Robert Palmer, and definitely affordable as all you will need is one oversized black kohl eyeliner.

Now on to something serious. I am all about the one giant piece of gawdy costume jewlery trend and have been looking for a suitable ring for months. I found this darling piece of bling at the St. Ouen flea market (where we were discouraged from going because the brown people there would rob us blind- I shit you not)
This baby cost me all of 6 euros and I totally would have haggled it down but Ruth wimped out on me.

Things that make me sad

When I started the little “I am Hillary Clinton” meme, I set up a google alert so that when other people did it I could keep track of them and add them to the list.

Over the last few weeks I have gotten a hundred or more alert emails for the phrase “I am Hillary Clinton”. I did not remember how common the words I and am are (silly, I know) so ALL of those alerts were for things other than my little meme.

And every single one of them was negative. Every one.

But there is no sexism out there folks, really.