WWTSBQ- Backhanded Allies Edition

I keep wanting to like Jeff Fecke, I really do. He really does want to be an ally.

But Jeff has thrown his hat into the “Why won’t that stupid bitch quit” already ring.

He couches it in kindler, gentler terms so us dumb girls don’t catch that he’s really saying “Either take your boobs and go home or play nice. Like a good girl. And stop with the meanness”. Or as one commenter at Shakes said “She can stay in the race as long as she’s not trying to win it”

Lemme point out a few things.

No other candidate with this many delegates has ever been put under the same kind of pressure to quit.

No other candidate who polls so well in the national election and keeps winning swing states has been under this much pressure to quit.

But she’s a girl. And the Precious doesn’t want to compete with a girl anymore. He won’t debate her anymore. And she is looking at a couple of major wins in the next round of primaries. And Florida and Michigan want their votes counted too. It’s just too much for the Precious to endure.

But according to Jeff, if Hillary wants to stay in the race she totally can. As long as she avoids any mention of her opponent. Or his flaws. Or his lack of experience. Or his sexism. Or the fact that the working class doesn’t trust him.

Wait- you know what. Hillary has been avoiding that kind of talk. She’s talked about policy and issues, how she would solve the serious problems of this country and how she really does care about us “bitter” little people.

We, the people, have talked about his lack of experience, his sexism, the fact that we just don’t trust him.

Is it really slacking if I repost a good post

While chatting with teh Hot Bulgarian (I wonder if he knows I was bragging about him in a post at Dr. Socks? I also wonder if he knows that according to the media he and I can’t possibly have sex because I am a Hillary supporter, but that’s another topic). Anyways, he asked what a recovering economist was and I thought the best way to describe it was this post from last summer.

HE had to read it so now you do too

Assumptions about power

A good friend once said to me “Economics is the math of self-fulfilling prophecies”. Since she can’t remember saying it (blames red wine) I am stealing it for myself.

Maybe a better way of explaining it is that economics is all about assuming that all actors start from a completely equal place and that all actors follow all the rules all the time.

Tell me, where in history have people ever actually acted like that? Can you? No, because people don’t act like that and people don’t start from the same equal playing field. There is no “law of gravity” when it comes to people’s behavior.

In economics when exceptions start pilling up to disprove a theory (like “trade benefits everyone”) instead of rethinking the theory economists will say “they weren’t following the rules”. But not following the rules is exactly what happens when power is concentrated. Look at any human system- be it politics, education, sex and relationships, employment, sports- anything where there is section of people with enough power (financial, physical, whatever) to alter the rules to their benefit- they will. Women live under the daily fear of rape from all men(when statistically is a small number of men who do most of the raping), employees (who massively outnumber employers) have little ability to alter their pay or benefits on their own, politicians are much more easy influenced by powerful lobbies than individual constituents, sports stars get away with rapes and murders- etc (but not with dog fighting- cause dogs have so much more social capital than women these days).

So a better way of saying “trade benefits everyone” is saying “trade benefits the more powerful actors in a situation”. That is decidedly different from everyone.

I’ll give you an example using corn- my favorite to pick on subsidized crop. We subsidize the hell out of corn, that’s why in America everything is sweetened with corn syrup instead of sugar cane and why ethanol additives in gasoline are from corn products instead of some other plant. Under NAFTA we were going to start shipping out super subsidized (and therefore super cheap) corn to Mexico. Now Mexico is not a corn-free country. You might have had these things called corn tortillas- they come from Mexico, and tamales, also Mexico. For a good chunk of the population, corn is a staple food and a staple crop. But it is not subsidized by the Mexican government. Corn farmers in Mexico do not have a giant agri-business lobby. They are mostly small family farms, the kind we romanticize, but filled with brown people who speak Spanish instead of white people in Iowa.

So the Mexican government agreed to import the subsidized corn as long as the US agreed to pay tariffs on the corn for several years so that corn farmers in Mexico would have a chance to transition to some other form of employment. That’s nice, a little band-aid for the family farms.

But that’s not what happened. Instead Mexican ranchers that wanted cheap feed, tortilla factories and businesses that wanted to switch from locally produced, unsubsidized sugar cane to cheap corn sweeteners got the Mexican government to ignore the tariffs as soon as NAFTA went into effect. Mexican corn farmers were reduced to subsistence farming.

Now an economist would say- they weren’t following the rules (either by subsidizing the corn in the first place or by ignoring the transition tariffs) except that is how most international trade agreements end up. Rules that are meant to protect those with less power are ignored while those with more power benefit. Actually, that phrase right there sums up our entire social structure.

There is an old joke about a chemist, an engineer and an economist stranded on a dessert island with one can of food. The chemist creates a solution that will open the metal of the can. The engineer builds a contraption open the can. The economist says “Assume there is a can opener”.

By making assumptions of a perfect world in order to study economics, we are trying to open a can with an imaginary can opener. There are too many exceptions to economic rules. That is why “math of self-fulfilling prophecies” is so fitting. In math or any other branch of science, if your results didn’t match up to your theories, a new theory would have to be created. In economics, when you results don’t match up to your theories, you can simply discard the parts that don’t fit by claiming they didn’t follow the rules. Therefore all your theories will match your findings regardless of the actual outcome.

UPDATE: After thinking about it some more I really think it should be “Economics is the science of self-fulfilling prophecies” since economics is a social science and is supposed to follow the scientific method (you know, until you start throwing everything out because it didn’t follow the rules).

Fuck it

So my rotten child gave me some horrible version of the flue. I am chock full of snot, I hurt everywhere and I’m not happy.

And my famn damily (namely my brother) is taking his own sweet time getting back to me about helping keep the power on. If I know him, we’ll go a few days with no lights so he can feel righteous before he helps. Or he just won’t help. Wev.

And the Obamabots may have rigged the vote in Gary, IN. And Donna Brazile doesn’t think the Democratic party needs white working class voters or latinos (or women by the way we’ve been treated).

I’m going to bed. Wake me when the revolution starts.

It’s the little things the Obamabots don’t get

Via No Quarter comes this little email from the Obama campaign (bold by No Quarter)

p>From the Charlotte, N.C. Field Director Jason Green:

(Cut for brevity- the whole thing is at No Quarter)

And to do that we need your help. We need more of your blood, your sweat, and your tears. This weekend our Charlotte organization knocked on an incredible number of doors – but there are still many doors to knock, more stories to hear, more voters to inspire. So please join us as we knock on your neighbors doors and bring Senator Obama’s message of hope, unity and change. There is nothing more effective than connecting with another voter and expressing your story. Only you can do that. You know how important this is! I know I don’t have to ask, but I will one last time – please join us tomorrow. Call in sick if you have to and help us all day by canvassing or offering rides to the polls.

Tomorrow we will be canvassing at 9am, 1pm and 4pm (and whenever else you can join us)! There are offices all over Charlotte but our greatest priorities are at 1520 West Blvd and 7935 N. Tryon St. People need to hear your story – hear why you know Barack will make a great president and how his message has touched your life. Join us tomorrow in making history!

Between now and 8pm tomorrow evening, when polls close, we each have to do all in our power to ensure that Barack Obama is victorious. Now is our opportunity to not only change politics, but how Americans view and respect one another. The responsibility is ours.

Jason G. Green

Regional Field Director, Charlotte

1523 Elizabeth Avenue

Charlotte, NC 28204

Okay kids- what is one of the huge, giant differences between the Obamabots and well, just about everyone else?

Can you guess?

It’s part of the class divide thing.

The Working Class doesn’t get paid sick days. Actually, we are more likely to be fired for getting sick than to be paid of taking time off.

Now in my particular job, I have lots and lots of time off. I only work 36 weeks out of the year. What I don’t have (after five long years) are any paid sick or vacation days, eligibility for unemployment (because of how they classify my job) or the health and retirement benefits that nearly all other state employees get. I don’t even qualify for the reduced tuition that state employees are supposed to get. All I get is a reduce priced bus pass.

And I work with a whole lot of those creative class (cough) intellectuals. And they get all those things listed above.

How on earth can we expect a campaign that clearly has no idea how “the other half lives” to be of any use to us in the White House?

You know what I don’t do

I don’t go to pro-Obama blogs to start shit. (Actually, I am koolaid immune but I don’t feel the need to watch people drink the koolaid to prove it)I will happily tear an Obamabot down at my place or on other blogs that I know are 100 percent pro Hillary, but I have manners.

I also generally don’t go trolling right wing sites, MRAs (except that one time as a special request to a dear friend who I would take a bullet for), fundies or anyone else I consider to be an unstable nutbag.

See- I am not a masochist. And fighting unstable nutbags gives me a headache. And headaches mean pain.

So please unstable nutbags (YES THIS MEANS YOU PEOPLE WITH THE KOOLAID AND UNITY PONIES) go home. Have some manners. Do not comment where you’re not wanted. Or I will make fun of your penis. Cause so far- not a damn one of you nutbags has been a girl.