More on class warfare

It’s just sheer dumb luck that I read this article after writing my post below.

This is to give you a taste of what I meant by “I know that poor people aren’t lazy (and because I know the other side- I know that despite their nice words the upper class thinks we are).”

So this article at Salon is about the greenwashing of a super lux, environmentally friendly (put air quotes on that) development in Montana. When the locals decided that there was something wrong in Denmark, Wade Dokken, the super wealthy DEMOCRAT who started the project threw a bit of a hissy fit about the lower class

For Dokken, this proved too much. When you cracked on the ultra-wealthy, you were cracking on his people, and he couldn’t let such a remark go unchallenged. He fired off a letter to Park County planner Mike Inman in which, among other things, he berated his critics for “class envy,” claiming remarks like Feigley’s were directed “at people who have had more success in life than the letter writers and blog writers … Perhaps they were smarter. Perhaps they worked harder. Perhaps they managed their money better …”

Really, the elites of our own party think we are poor because we are dumb and lazy. How does that make them Democrats exactly?

BSG open thread

First- have any of you peeps also watched the new Bionic Woman (you can see if on for free)and realized just how many BSG actors show up in it?
Not just Starbuck, but the Chief and Baltar’s lawyer. And that’s just the pilot.

Spoilers below

OMG mutiny! Cylon alliances! Leoben!

And how is it that Chief can’t see that Tory is chock full o’evil?

And the more religious Baltar gets the more creeped out I become. One true god my ass.

When Hopium Smokers Get Desperate

they doctor old documentaries to make it seem like Clinton’s supporters are both racist and hate Indiana.

Nice to see the desperation boys. You know, they say a hopium addiction is really hard to kick. It takes about 15 minutes of using common sense and a whole lotta self-examination. Why are you a sexist? Why would you give up all reason and rational thinking for a mythical unity pony? How come you were so easily swayed by someone’s charisma while the glaring reality was invisible to you? Are you really just a dumb follower who is easily distracted by pretty words like a fish is distracted by shiny gum wrappers?

I feel like chicken tonight

(Does anyone remember those silly Chicken Tonight commercials? Cause I do and now I totally have it stuck in my head)

Since that is out of the way, via NO Quarter comes a little video about chickens and Obama and debate. This is another “It’s Funny Cause It’s True” video. I should make that a tag.


Edited to add: Also from NO Quarter- the best description of Obamabots yet. “Smoking hopium” Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Class Warfare

First, go read Anglachel’s incredible post on class divide that is splitting the Democratic party.

Anglachel brings up something that has been twisting in my head for a while. I am a horrible hybrid of the two halves of the Democratic party. On one side is my father’s family, who my mother called “San Francisco intellectuals”. They have always had money. They have always been part of the thinking class. They were abolitionists. They are the western version of the WASP, or what happens to white Anglo Saxon protestants when they get some sunshine and a shitload of wealth from good real estate investments.

Then there is my mother’s side. Sure, 500 years ago they were minor aristocracy, but they have become the embodiment of southern, working class whites. My mom grew up as a “Detroit street rat”, Detroit being a place where many poor southerners (both black and white) went to get decent jobs in the auto industry. My mother’s family fought on the side of the North in the civil war, but not for the esoteric idea of equality. They were too poor to own slaves to begin with. They fought for the North because many remembered the Revolutionary war and could not bring themselves to fight against a union that had cost them so much. They are hillfolk in North Carolina and Tennessee.My great uncles all live in trailers circling each other like wagons.

So I grew up with the intellectual values of my father’s family coupled with a sure knowledge of the poverty of my mother’s (especially since my father’s intellectual values didn’t extend to him paying child support). I know and treasure things that the working class isn’t supposed to, like travel and languages and grand theories of how people should think and act. I know which silverware to use in fancy restaurants and how to conduct myself with people who have a lot more money than I do. I know about the weird foods rich people eat with gusto and how to pretend to like them.

I also know how to pull together with my fellow poor neighbors and share burdens. I know how to navigate the horrible red tape of social services (if anything I could be considered a super-power, my understanding of bureaucrat-ese is it). I know how to juggle bill payments with an “oh but I mailed that check last week, didn’t you get it?” I know that you can work you ass off and never make it out of poverty. I know that poor people aren’t lazy (and because I know the other side- I know that despite their nice words the upper class thinks we are). I know that we are not dumb, but luckless.

And there, did you notice that. That I started saying “we”. I think it is only recently that I picked my side. I still cringe over the trappings of poor white culture. I will never be a lover of Nascar or football or cheap beer. I will still love art and literature and most gourmet foods. But in the basics, I am working class.

Someone once told me that I was a “good representative for poor people” (and then asked me to do an interview in order to get their organization donations). What they meant is that though I am poor, I speak like a member of the educated elite. I was grouchy about that at first. But if I can claim my class and use my vocabulary to better our lot, then so be it. Well spoken poor people have a long history of advancing society. Even Socrates was the son of a midwife and a stonemason.

In the ghetto

So right across from my lab, about 10 minutes ago, there was a shooting. According to the 911 logs, it was an assault with a weapon. We all heard the gun shot then heard (and saw, cause my lab door is open) a bunch of girls go running into the bank for cover.

This is the 3rd shooting in 2 years. This neighborhood hasn’t always been quite so violent (despite it’s reputation). But the worse the economy gets, the more stressed out people get and the more trigger happy they become. And since this is a poor neighborhood, we are always close to the violence tipping point.

It’s not endemic to a certain race. Look at our oil wars. When resources get scarce, people fight and kill. It’s part of the anthropological idea of collapse (Jarred Diamond readers will be familiar with the term, so will anyone who has taken a class in anthropology or sociology or looked at the carrying capacity lately).Poor people are war fodder because it is easy to push us into reacting violently over scarce resources. In the shopping center where the shooting just happened is a recruitment office for the army, navy and marines. That is no accident.

UPDATE: The guy who got shot just got grazed (he’s the son of a friend of the school janitor) and the shooter got caught. But for the 2 hours of fuel for 5 helicopters and the costs of the 7 police cars, 3 fire engines and 2 ambulances that showed up, we could probably pay for an officer to patrol this neighborhood after school (when most of the trouble happens) and during the summer.


In England the people who clean out old stations of the London Underground are called “fluffers”.

I wonder if they get as much respect as fluffers in America?

Does Anyone Remember

How got started?

That it was Censure and Move On meaning censure Bill Clinton for the Lewinsky thing and then move on to the business of running the country?

(Move On has never really had a love of the Clintons or the censure bit wouldn’t be necessary)

But mostly it was a giant group of people who felt that their needs we not being served because their political reps were too busy doing something else.

So now there is a huge group of us, much like those early move-oners, who feel left out and trampled on by the political powers that be while our needs are ignored. And the phrase that keeps coming up is “Thrown under the bus”.

Maybe, as Doctor Violet pointed in a post several weeks ago, the seeds of the new progressive blogosphere needs a sort of post clearing house. Our own Daily Kos (minus the megalomania and sexism) of sorts.

And maybe that place should be called “Under the Bus” cause it would be people by those of us who keep being thrown there whenever it’s expedient for the Democratic party.

Just an idea.