Bush’s War

I’m really fucking sick and tired of people blaming Hillary for Bush’s war.

And I really have a giant crush on Joe Wilson. When Hillary becomes Madam President, I hope she picks him to be the US Ambassador to the UN.

Here, Joe Wilson (who was anti-war Iraq war before most of us even knew a war was coming) smacks the grin off Obama’s anti-war stance.

That’s it- I’m suing the Obama Campaign For harrasement

Seriously, the trolls have taken over. They were harrassing the fabulous Redstar over at Hillary1000 (Dudez- it’s a PRO HILLARY SITE, the only reason you are there is to harass)and our resident stalker is back.

If you peeps could see the sitemeter stats for how long he spends on this site everyday- you’d be freaked. I gotta wonder if he ever takes a break, or works, or leaves his cheetoh covered basement lair, or has friends or sex with anything other than his own hand. It’s really fucking creepy.

And Shakes can’t even put up a post about sexism directed AT Obama without the trolls coming out. You have reasonable Hillary supporters going “yep sexism is bad” and Obamabots screaming “racism is worse!”

Even if I believed all the Unity propaganda about Obama- his followers make it impossible for me to vote for him. It’s like Fundy Christians. Jesus may have been a righteous dude, but his followers are fucking nuts. And I ain’t going near that shit.

American Idol VS Supergirl

The latest awesome video from GeekLove

And GeekLove has this little request:

Here’s my latest video, “American Idol Obama vs. Supergirl Clinton”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n…8oHLJSvrFA& eurl

It is about our “presumptive nominee” and why Clinton is a stronger candidate against John McCain.

I would appreciate your support in publicizing the video on your blog, if you feel it is appropriate. If you do, can I request that you ask your readers go to youtube and RATE, COMMENT, and mark the video as a FAVORITE to help further promote the video.

Thanks for your support.


She just wants them full

Food prices are skyrocketing, but us poor food stamp shoppers won’t be seeing an increase in benefits until the fall.

Damn summer vacation.

Summers are always hard money wise. I can never be sure if I am going to work (and this year I am pretty sure that I won’t even be able to find temp work like I did last year) and I can’t count on the Kid getting 2 meals a day at school like I do the rest of the year, so grocery costs go up because I have 10 more meals a week to provide.

It used to be that food stamps got us through almost 3 weeks. And I can cover a week on my meager salary. But with the prices like they are, I’m lucky if they last 2 weeks. And that is during school, when I don’t have to think about breakfast and lunch. For the last 6 months or so, the end of the month has been scary. Even our staple poverty food, brown rice, has had the price shoot up drastically.

So when people start bitching about poor people eating crap, I want you all to remember this:

“The level of desperation is just frightening,” she said. “People are calling, saying they have no idea what they are going to do.”

But even as demand is rising, many food pantries nationwide have been forced to cut back on the amount of food give to individual families because higher fuel costs and commodity prices have sliced into private donations to the pantries.

For now, many of the needy, including many in Kladis’ store pushing carts laden with soda pop, bags of cookies and chips — much of it cheaper than healthier food — are doing what they can to stretch their shrinking buying power.

“The bottom line is, a mother trying to feed her kids is not really picky about what she puts in their bellies,” said Dan Gibbons, executive director of the Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation. “She just wants them full.”

ETA: Remember kids, the milquetoast Dems could have fixed this problem back when they were deciding on stimulus checks, but they lost their spines on the way to Capitol Hill

Your elected officials are failing you- Again!

So once again the milquetoast Dems that we’ve elected are taking something that is wanted, hell needed by a huge part of the population and squashing it.

Universal healthcare- “it’s too expensive”.

All I can say is- wevs dudes. You haven’t done your fucking homework.

We are spending 16% of GDP on healthcare now. We will be spending 20% in less than 10 years. Our nearest rival in amount of healthcare spending is Switzerland- at 11% (and Switzerland is one of the late comers to universal healthcare, that’s why they are about 3% higher than countries who have had universal healthcare for decades).

Unless we reign in spending on healthcare now, there will be no way to do it in the future. And that means we need politicians to grow the spines we elected them for, stand up to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies and institute universal healthcare now. Not later.

And we need somethings that make well funded politicians quiver in their boots. We need real universal healthcare, with everybody on it. Yes- it must be compulsory. You may not need healthcare now, and you don’t want to pay for it. But I can guarantee that at some point in you life, you will have to go to the doctor. It is unfair to everyone else if you get to opt out of the system and then burden it when you’re most expensive. Not just unfair- it breaks the system.

The pols are also going to have institute caps on medical costs and make participation in a national system a requirement for practicing medicine. We have seen, with dental programs for the poor, that if you don’t require participation then you don’t have anyone participate. Perhaps we throw the industry a bone with more student loan forgiveness?

And, maybe the most scary thing, caps on drug costs.

And for the whiners, the “We’ll have to wait forever for appointments” people, the “I don;t want the government picking my doctor” people, I suggest you watch this:

The PBS Series- Sick Around the World. It goes through five capitalist democracies and their health care programs. It’s worth watching the whole thing to dispel all those myths about the horrors of socialized medicine.

Part 1

Links for the rest

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8