Math and Girls

Echidne has an awesome post taking down yet another sexist take on “Why don’t more women go into math, science and engineering?

So I am going to tell the story of one of my closest friends. R is easily the most brilliant woman I know. I adore her, respect her and am occasionally in awe of her. The only reason our relationship hasn’t fallen into hero worship is that she feels the same way about me. We very much compliment each other in weaknesses and strengths.

R has one of the most awesome feminist boyfriends ever- B. They are both math majors. They take all the same classes, do all the same tests, work on research projects together.

They had the same teacher for several classes. As usual, they did the same homework, etc. Their work was very similar, though not exactly the same because they didn’t copy off each other, but did work together to find the right answers occasionally.

B got consistently higher grades on homework and tests. On one final the professor only graded a few of R’s answers and then guessed what he thought her grade should be. B got his entire test graded and got a higher score. Their answers were similar.

So already, not even in grad school yet, and R is getting graded less fairly than a male with similar skills and abilities.

But here is where I have hope- and I brag a bit about B’s feminist cred. They are applying to grad schools and want to stay together. Getting into a good grad program is difficult enough, but getting two people into a good grad problem is exponentially more difficult. B, before returning to school, was a successful programmer. He has said that if it came down to only one of them going to grad school, R will. And he will follow her. He can get a job making good money anywhere. He is very aware that as a woman R must have her grad degree to be able to work in her chosen profession.

But R is lucky in this. Most women don’t have that option. It is normally the women who follow the men and their careers around.

So perhaps more women don’t enter into math and science careers because 1) despite what you may think gender bias in education is still very real and 2) the responsibilities we put on women to maintain relationships through personal sacrifice preclude them from spending 8 years getting a degree in a place that may not allow their partner career or education options.

That and I’ve seen the kinds of work they have to do to keep their GPAs up. I don’t know that if R & B had the responsibilities of children or even the necessity of working full time while in school, that they could keep up like they need to, despite their utter brilliance. But those kinds of responsibilities usually fall on the woman.

So I go back to thinking about the recentering piece from Feminist Philosophers earlier today. We know there are fewer women in math and science. What can we do to make it easier and more tempting for them to go into that kind of study is a much better question to ask than why don’t women like math. I can think of a few things right off the bat, like having more women math and science professors to begin with. Perhaps monitoring of grades to make sure professors aren’t consistently underscoring female students so that the onus for calling out sexism isn’t on powerless students who may have no idea that their classmates are getting graded easier than they are.

That’s just a start.

Sunday Night Music

I’m in a mood. So you all get Elliot Smith videos. It’s usually a bad sign when I start pulling out music by tragically dead rock stars. Sorry.

Baby Britain (feels the best floating over a sea of vodka)

Somebody That I Used to Know

And an almost cheerful song- Say Yes

Mushy Girl Movies

I usually hate (and I mean want to stab my eyes out with a fork and puncture my ear drums hate) what passes for a romantic movie nowadays. The girls are generally stupid and the boys are inept.

That said- I’m in a mushy girl movie kind of mood. So I rented Love Actually and spent this morning recovering from a hangover and getting all blubby. And I think later tonight I am going to watch (for the elevetymillionth time) Persuasion. And when I’m really in the mood to sob like a baby over love, I watch The Constant Gardener.

Then there are classics like Casablanca and my favorite Hitchcock, Notorious. ( You all might notice that I like my romance with a side of political strife)

So what do you all watch when you need to get your girly movie on?


With the O’bots there seems to be this misconception that I am anti- Obama because I am a rabid vagina voter who is upset that a girl (any girl) might be beat to the white house by a boy.

Lemme clarify.

I will not vote for Obama because of his own failings. While the behavior of the Blogger Boyz and the O’bots and even Michelle Obama are ATROCIOUS, it is Obama himself who has made it impossible for me to vote for him. And that doesn’t actually have anything to do with Hillary.

And I am not pro-Hillary simply because I want to see a woman in the White House (though I do very very much want to see that- if it was just a matter of getting a vagina in power then I would have supported Elizabeth Dole a few years ago). I like Hillary’s policies. I trust her experience. And I think she is the only person in this campaign strong enough to pull our country through the coming shitstorm.

For every other election, I have not had a problem voting for someone who was not my original candidate of choice. This is the first time that the “presumptive” nominee has been such a miserable option that I cannot support him no matter what.

I believe that a President Obama would do damage to myself and my family. I believe this as a women, a parent, a member of the working class. I believe that Obama has repeatedly shown through his words and actions that the things that add to the struggle in my life are things he either doesn’t care about or are things he will make more difficult for me. And being that we are so close to the edge all ready, I cannot afford that kind of ignorance or condescension from the leader of my own party.

I also know that Hillary has a long and established record of doing things that help people like me. And we need help.

I hope it’s all clear now.

A Perfect Day

Yesterday was one of those perfect days that go on forever. There was perfect weather, awesome food, great friends and much slurry drunk conversation (my favorite kind). Some of my friends are Obama supporters, not obamabots, but thoughtful people. We got to talk about the election with anyone throwing out sexist terms, which is so very rare in this election. My friends have no problem with voting for Hillary if she is the nominee, though they know that I will not vote for Obama unless he is Hillary’s vp.

I miss that. I miss thoughtful discussion with people who are supposed to be on our side. I miss intelligent debate. While there is no way my opinion can be swayed towards Obama, it is still nice to see that we have much in common with those on the other side. After weeks of hearing nothing but screaming sexists crazies rail on about “that bitch” it made me happy.

Afterwards, a bunch of us packed up and continued the drinking at my house- where every single boy in the room had voted for Hillary in the primary. Every one. And contrary to popular belief, they were young (all under 35), well educated members of the creative class. (Actually I had a house full of Microsoft employees last night- not terribly uncommon here but still I feel a bit like I’m being absorbed by the borg).

I will still continue to mock the bots mercilessly, but it’s good to know they are not all Kooliad cultists. And no one once mentioned the words hope or unity.

Which oddly enough, gives me hope.

Blog against Homophobia day

It’s finally nice here so i am running off to the park to drink sangria out of nalgene bottles and eat homemade pasta salad and hummus with cukes.

So I don’t have time to write a whole post on Blog against Homophobia day.

Instead see here for videos that will make you cry and here about the right to live love and fuck how you wish.

Gary rights obviously are about more than just the right to marry. It’s still okay in many many many places to kill someone for being gay. Even here (google gay panic defense)

That’s all for now luvkins. Enjoy your Saturday.

This Is Our Lives: The Disabled Version

In this thread on Feministe, where a dicussion of feminism & class issues took a turn for the classist, I found this tasty little Gem (emphasis mine):

May 16th, 2008 at 5:31 pm

Paraponera says:

[snip usal re-hashed classist bullshit]

“Anyway, only those who can comfortably afford it, and don’t have any major inheritable physical or mental defects, should seriously consider having children. That may not be peecee, but it sure as hell is common sense”