Yay California!

As I’ve told you all, the Kid is studying the constitution in school and last week he had a debate about gay marriage in his classroom.

The Kid, being a child who has always been around gay people and who has a mom who falls pretty near the middle of the Kinsey scale, came out to me as straight when he was 8. Conversation went like this-

“So mom, I think I’ve got it figured out”

“What do you have figured out”

“There are men who love other men and they are gay”


“And there are men who love women and they are straight”

“Yes, and there are also women who love women and they are gay too”

“Okay, I think when I grow up I am going to be straight”

“Okay kiddo, but those aren’t the only choices, there are people who love both men and women too”

And at that point I think gave his little 8 year old brain more info than it could handle. But I am told that it is pretty normal for kids who are around lots of gay and bi people to come out to their parents as straight (if that’s what they are).

So we have been more than tolerant (tolerant implies being kind to people who you think are different- we think people are just people and should get to love who they want)in our home. And he of course took this into the debate with him.

But the interesting part was talking to him about the constitutionality of DOMA afterwards.

My favorite poly sci professor ever, Mac Murray, is an old school civil rights attorney. He’s the one who enlightened me about how the gay marriage debate is finally going to end in this country. And I got to pass this little nugget onto the Kid.

In article IV is the full faith and credit act.This means that all states must give credit to the public and judicial acts of other states. This includes honoring the marriages of people married but moved to other states. Once we have states that have full legal marriage for gays and one of those couples moves to state that doesn’t have full legal marriage, they can challenge on constitutional grounds. And if the Supreme court (where it eventually will end up) stays true to the constitution then gay marriage will HAVE to be allowed.

But it must be marriage. Domestic partnerships don’t fall into the full faith and credit act. And as we all know, domestic partnerships are a half assed attempt at placating people without giving them real rights. It’s the gay version of separate but (not) equal.

So yay California. Your supreme court’s ruling that domestic partnership does not equal marriage puts us one step closer to that day when the Supreme Court says “a marriage in one state between gay people must be honored in all states”.

And the Kid will be happy yo hear this when he gets home tonight.

Dear NARAL, a break up letter

I received this morning’s email regarding your endorsement of Obama for president. All I can say is “et tu, NARAL?” Did ya drink the koolaid?

Since when has “some control over their own bodies” meant bodily autonomy. I already have “some” control over my own body. I choose what to eat and when to sleep and thankfully who I get to fuck. But NARAL, I counted on your political action to work towards getting me full bodily autonomy.

And now you’ve gone and endorsed a candidate who not only wouldn’t know reproductive rights from a hole in the ground (No, seriously- he had to be reminded by an aid that voting to confirm Roberts wouldn’t be good news for any of his female supporters because he just doesn’t think about things that don’t involve his penis) but he also thinks misogyny, race baiting and classism are viable campaign tactics. being that you are a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE I would takes this to mean you think his political actions are just and good.

And for an organization whose stated goal’s include electing pro choice candidates, I am surprised that you endorsed Obama who has in no manner, way, shape or form shown himself to be pro choice. He has shown himself to be dodgey with his “present” votes in the Illinois senate on the issue and changeable with his comments on parental notification. But so far there is nothing about him that says definitively- “I believe women should have the full rights to their own bodies that men have”. Quite the opposite actually.

I applied to be one of you summer canvassers. Please tear up and or burn my resume. I will instead give my time and my money to PATH or Planned Parenthood or hell I’ll just stand on the streets and hand out free condoms, but I will not support an organization for choice that supports candidates who want to restrict my right to choose.



Sorry Kids

But I’m off to help a hot Bulgarian escape from the dungeons of Microsoft.

I know it’s West Virginia Night ! w00t!w00t! eleventyone!1!111111!!!!!1 But since I will be too busy getting my groove on to fight trolls, comment moderation is on.

Instead I hope you will all enjoy these lovely Decemberists videos and come to understand why someday i will have Collin Meloy’s hyperliterate lovechild. He’s what Dickens would have been if Dickens was a rockstar.


Sixteen Military Wives

Los Angeles I’m Yours!

Hey West Virginia!

Don’t forget to vote!

So little known story about RQ when she was a tiny girl of about 2 involving the great state of West Virginia.

I had hippy parents who would buy antiques in the south and on the east coast for cheap and haul them back to California to be refinished and sold at a ginormous mark-up. During one of thee trips we lived in an old hotel in West Virginia that was on the Pony Express route. It was owned by my parents friends (who lived next door) and my dad was rehabbing it. There are lots of funny stories about my dad trying to live off the land and make possum stew (he got as far as skinning the thing before he gave up and drove us an hour and a half into town for MacDonalds) and about being chased out of the house by both bears and snakes. I learned to swim in the creek (crick) behind the house cause we didn’t have indoor plumbing and that’s how we took baths.

Now our friends were farmers, hippy farmers and I think you can guess what they grew. When they got arrested by the local sheriff for growing pot, the locals got in a bit of an uprage. How dare the law try to interfere with a man who was just using his own property to grow something for his own personal use.

So when I think of West Virginia, I think of those old locals and their deep understanding of property rights and freedom and how they could expand those rights to a dirty hippy when the law couldn’t.

Obama may have written you off as hicks whose vote isn’t worth anything, but I know that you don’t write people off just cause they aren’t the same as you. I saw it myself as a tiny tiny child.

Books- How they make us look smart

From Hoyden About Town comes this post about the 106 most often unread books

What we have here is the top 106 books most often marked as “unread” by LibraryThing’s users. As in, they sit on the shelf to make you look smart or well-rounded. Bold the ones you’ve read, underline the ones you read for school, italicize the ones you started but didn’t finish.

I didn’t underline (just because I read it for school doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have read it otherwise) My list after the jump

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Wuthering Heights
The Silmarillion
Life of Pi : a novel
The Name of the Rose

Don Quixote
Moby Dick
Madame Bovary
The Odyssey
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
The Tale of Two Cities
The Brothers Karamazov
Guns, Germs, and Steel
War and Peace I’m reading it now
Vanity Fair
The Time Traveler’s Wife
The Iliad
The Blind Assassin
The Kite Runner
Mrs. Dalloway
Great Expectations

American Gods
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Atlas Shrugged
Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books
Memoirs of a Geisha
Wicked : the life and times of the wicked witch of the West
The Canterbury Tales
The Historian : a novel
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Love in the Time of Cholera
Brave New World
The Fountainhead Who with half a brain could finish this book? Aside from the incredibly stupid idea of objectivism, Ayn Rand is just a phenomonally BAD writer. It reads like fanboy rape fiction
Foucault’s Pendulum
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Clockwork Orange
Anansi Boys
The Once and Future King
The Grapes of Wrath
The Poisonwood Bible
Angels & Demons
The Satanic Verses
Sense and Sensibility
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Mansfield Park
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
To the Lighthouse
Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Oliver Twist
Gulliver’s Travels
Les Misérables
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
The Prince
The Sound and the Fury
Angela’s Ashes : a memoir Another really dumb book- I think anyone from a background of poverty could write this book, yet somehow we think Irish poverty is more noble and interesting that our own.
The God of Small Things
A People’s History of the United States : 1492-present
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Short History of Nearly Everything
The Unbearable Lightness of Being I HATE KUNDERA and am sad I read this.
The Scarlet Letter
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
The Mists of Avalon
Oryx and Crake
Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed
Cloud Atlas
The Confusion
Persuasion Favorite. Austen. Ever!
Northanger Abbey
The Catcher in the Rye
On the Road
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : an inquiry into values
The Aeneid
Watership Down
Gravity’s Rainbow
The Hobbit
In Cold Blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences
White Teeth
Treasure Island
David Copperfield

“I don’t believe that’s true”

You all have heard me talk about the knee patting boys who try to explain the complicated and difficult world of politics to me, a fricken poly sci major for the love of gawd!

It happened again the other day when a couple of (male) students and I were talking about the VP spot and the line of succession for the presidency. When I said that Speaker of the House comes after the VP one of them said “I don’t believe that’s true” and “How would you know so much about it?”


So this article strikes a real chord with me.

Older men, younger men, men who are my students, men who are my “friends”, seem to think that they know more about my chosen major than they do. And we’re not talking complicated theory here. We’re not talking changing philosophies. We’re talking basic governmental rules.

And then someone(a dear friend who will read this at some point) when I explained why I am not a liberal but a progressive, did the internet version of the head pat and stated that it’s because I’m young and can’t remember that liberal wasn’t always a bad word. No, it’s because I’m educated as to the proper definition and I am not a free trade monkey- hence progressive and not liberal.

I know what I am talking about. I promise the vagina does not make me stupid, naive, or uninformed on the topics that I speak about. I am also perfectly capable of researching and establishing my own well informed opinions. (Same thing happens with music, I shit you not, and I am only a former insufferable music snob. I don’t have time to keep up with it lately)

So for future reference- woman does not automatically equal less informed than you.

More Music- Calexico

After seeing Cake last night all I want to do is listen to other Spaghetti Western bands with horns.

So here’s a few videos from the Spaghetti Western masters- Calexico

First- Crystal Frontier

And their most awesome cover of Love’s Alone Again Or…

And the Ballad of Cable Hogue