We are more than just the sum of our vaginas

I heard form a friend who heard from a friend who heard from an Obamabot campaign employee that Obama is in negotiations with Hillary to give her the VP spot.

Apparently someone in the Democratic leadership figured out that you can’t win an election if a quarter of your party refuses to support the nominee.

What they fail to realize is that we are not so blinded by our need for a vagina in the White House that we will see past Obama’s serious failings just because he’s decided to give our candidate the do nothing job of VP.

Hillary being Obama’s number 2 mitigates as much of Obama’s lack of experience, sexism, and messianic cultishness as Gore’s being number 2 mitigated Bill’s affairs or Cheeney’s being number 2 mitigates Bush’s entitled stupidity- in other words, not at all.

So should the Democratic party do something so obviously condescending – I am still voting for either McKinney or writing Hillary in.

On the other hand- if Mr Postage Stamp resume wanted to take the VP spot, spend a couple of years seeing how running a government is different than running a campaign for head cult leader president, I would have no problems. He is younger and less experienced. I would hate to see our highest office turned into the corporate cliche of the woman who has worked for decades becoming the number two to the bosses favorite nephew.


I didn’t get your standard Mother’s day brunch and card this year (thank gawd!). Instead I got free tickets to see Cake at the Paramount and then lots of boozy good times over pitchers of beer and greasy pub food. That is the best Mother’s day present this Mother’s day hating mom has ever recieved.

And I forgot just how many Cake songs fucking rock. So here’s a few to remind you all.

I Want To Love You Madly (for a very special Farm Boy-should you be reading about yourself again)

And of course- How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle ( I’m friends with the musicians or with the ushers- that’s how I do it)Remember kids- excess ain’t rebellion.

(BTW the above video makes me totally think of the college age Obamabots)

And finally, for Ms. Jay and her fab ghetto bootay. For taking me to the show here is a video just for her.

(I’m not actually kidding about the usher part- at one point I dragged Ms. Jay past the easiest entrance to our seats because “I may have taken that poor usher’s virginity and then not called him back after he asked me if I played Halo”)

Trolling and Male Privilge

Why are trolls almost always boys? Why, like rapists, can they not take no for an answer? Why don’t they leave when you ask, demand, ban, block, and delete them?

Rotten Feminist knows why. And she is dead on right (resident troll take note- she describes you perfectly with these words)

He relies on assumptions and stalker-like tactics. He is indignant that we refuse to “hear his voice” either by ignoring him or out-right deleting his comments. And he operates with the attitude that he is right, and all other ideas are WRONG.

And now I have someone new to add to my google reader.

On Good Germans- Revisited

When you’ve got as many old blog posts as I do, you run the risk of repeating yourself, often. And I do that.

A long time ago I wrote a post to Jovial and Wonder about good Germans. Both are progressive Christians, you know the kind that actually follow Christ’s teachings instead of using the bible as an excuse for greed and hate. The point of the post was that my disgust over the corruption of Christianity was not the fight they needed to have. The fight they needed to have was with those people who also called themselves Christians and then distorted the message so that ALL Christians get painted with the crazy paint.

And now I find myself in the position of the Good Germans.

My party has been taken over by a charismatic cult of personality.

And over and over again I am threatened, harassed, bullied, and extorted to put my support behind The One. For the sake of party unity, for the sake of the November elections, for the sake of the Supreme Court, for the sake of the war. I am being bullied into supporting someone who gives me more pause than even 100 years McCain. McCain is awful for sure, but he is not running as a transformative religious cult figure.

And I cannot be a Good German. I believe in my gut that Obama is more wrong for the democratic party and for our country as a whole than any candidate I can remember. He is the Reagan of the Democrats, and we all remember how truly awful the Reagan years were for anyone who wasn’t white and male and American. Reagan is not a name anyone with real progressive philosophies would invoke in a positive light.

I understand those Dems who will hold their nose and vote for Obama for fear of the the supreme court or destruction of the party. But please understand, I cannot and will not be a good German on this. More than just the integrity of the party is at stake.

I cannot vote for someone who will use poor people, working people, brown people who aren’t AAs, and women as scapegoats.

I cannot vote for a Demoratic party that has turned itself into the party of elite “liberal” thinkers.

I cannot vote for a Democratic party that is not inclusive of everyone.

And I will fight my own party tooth and nail to rescue it from the cultish turn it is taking. And if I cannot save my party then I will work my ass to find and create a viable alternative for all of us who have been shut out (again) from democracy.

If we don’t fight it now, in the beginning when it is easiest, then the fight will get much more difficult later.

Speaking of the work mothers do

So the Kid and I have had a lot of time to talk since he was deprived of internet and television for a few days. It turns out he really does love his dear old mom, but not if there is manga to be read.

He’s studying American history this year and they are learning all about the constitution and the civil war, etc. He said “the Civil war wasn’t really fought over slavery, it was over state’s rights”.

And then I gave him the condensed for a 13 year old version of this post

You may have some romantic notion that the Civil War was fought for philosophical reasons over the enslavement of fellow humans. The truth is actually based in the functions of a capitalist society. As the north industrialized and started selling more finished goods that were more capital intensive than agricultural raw goods from the south, slavery became an impediment to the wage system.

Keeping a slave is a fixed cost. The only fluctuation is in the original buying price, after that there is no competition to keep costs down. You could keep your slaves near starvation but when they dropped dead you would have to buy another slave. Replacement was not cheap. So the price of raw goods stays relatively high because labor costs can’t be dropped. Paid workers, on the other hand, had no initial cost and since you were not responsible for their well being you could pay starvation wages without a replacement cost. As long as there was a surplus of labor, you could keep dropping the wages lower and lower making the cost of producing your goods cheaper and cheaper. Capitalism at it’s finest (oh sense the irony there or you people don’t know me well).

And so the very next day (oh providence!) the kid had a group exercise on the Civil war, slavery and economics.

And my darling child just went and rocked the brains of a group of 7th graders.

When I asked him if he understood what I explained to him – he did the typical teenage eyeroll “Of course, Moooooooom.” And he thinks the other kids understood it too.

So RQ is not only corrupting her own child with radical ideas, but the precious children of the creative class elites as well. Their parents may have drank the koolaid, but not all hope is lost.

The Obligatory Mother’s Day Post

You all know by know that I hate Mother’s Day. I hate the schlock. I hate that instead of valuing the real work that women do (for free) we give flowers and cards one day of the year.

So I decided to figure out how much we really value mothers’ work. We’ve all seen the calculators that say if moms were paid for all they do they’d make the same salary as doctors. But we don’t actually pay moms like that. In fact, there is only one instance in this country where women are paid to stay home with their children. Welfare.

But welfare is temporary. Women with newborns have to start 40 hours a week of job searching when their child is just 12 weeks old. And Welfare doesn’t exactly pay minimum wage.

In WA state the monthly TANF (new term for welfare since welfare to work program started) grant is $440 in cash for two people. And from personal experience that amount has been the same for at least 13 years. If you include food stamps, it’s $607.

Let’s just assume a mom on welfare works just 40 hours a week caring for her child. 607/ 4.3 (weeks in a month)/40 (hours in a week) and she gets about $3.53 per hour.

(And if you happen to be one of the 30% of custodial parents who receives child support in a timely fashion and you also happen to be on TANF- your child support will go to the state first to pay back your grant money. You *may* receive an extra $50 on top of TANF from your child support but you will not get the whole amount of both child support and TANF)

And WA is in the high middle as far as grant amounts go. Tennessee, at the bottom of the heap gives a family of two $142 in cash and a total of $398 if you include food stamps or about $2.31 per hour.

That is what motherhood is worth in this country, less than minimum wage.

Let’s contrast that with the average monthly cost for infant daycare. In WA it’s about $754. That’s 20% more than the monthly TANF and food stamp grants combined. In TN it’s about $412 per month, close but still more than TANF and food stamps.

Why, if mothering is such an important job, do we pay poor mothers so very little to do it?

Because the ideal has been set of the two parent family with a mom who stays home and sacrifices herself for the good of the kids. And sacrifice isn’t really looked at as work. Sacrifice is religious term meaning to give up yourself for the good of others. But not just give up, but totally subvert any of your own desires.

And because the sacrificial mom is our ideal, we do not give poor mothers with no other resources as much money as someone who does their same job for fewer hours a day and fewer days per week. We don’t expect strangers to sacrifice themselves. Actually, the only people we expect to sacrifice themselves completely are mothers.

But children are work. And the work that a mother puts into her children is not for her benefit. It is partially for her child’s benefit, but it is mostly for societies benefit. We need children to grow up and be productive members of society. We need them to grow up to pay the taxes that will pay for social security. And now we need children to grow up and pay the taxes for our massive war debt. If we remove all the sentimentalism that has been attached to motherhood to make the sacrifice more palatable, then mothers are performing a vital function for society to continue. And they aren’t paid for it. They are financially punished for it with lower wages ($11,000 less on average than non-mothers), higher expenses and less job security.

Because we don’t value women, but we really don’t value mothers.

My Uterus Will Not Be Held Hostage

So the cry from the Blogger Boyz and their cronies to those of us who refuse to drink the koolaid and bow to the Precious is “What about Roe! What about the Supreme Court!”

Fuck you. Seriously. I don’t like it when Rethuglikan boyz try to control my behavior with threats to my bodily autonomy, why on earth would you think it’s okay coming from you.

Really it is two halves of the same coin. Don’t be a slutty whore or you’ll get punished with an unwanted pregnancy on one side and don’t be a slutty Hillary voter or you’ll get punished with an unwanted Supreme Court on the other.

How’s this? It’s my mother fucking uterus and I am a grown up woman. I think I know how to best protect it, and you boyz do not. I am sick of and tired of having to vote for shit ass people because of a threat to limit my control of my own body. And quite honestly- so far my voting for the candidate least likely to pack the court with Forced Pregnancy wignutz hasn’t done shit. Did the Dems shut down Roberts- no. Did they stop the partial birth abortion ban- no.

So my letting the immediate safety of my uterus dictate my votes hasn’t really worked out. And you boyz seem to think that is the ONLY thing feminists care about. Yes- reproductive rights are incredibly important. But they wouldn’t even be an issue if we women were considered to be full human beings with all the rights that entails.

So I choose to focus my time and attention on a candidate who understands that women are more than the sum of their genitalia.

In the mean time I’m stocking up on birth control and emergency contraception.

My uterus, not a hostage, not for sale to the lowest bidder.

Get another tactic boyz.