That Squicked Out Feeling

I gotta write this quick as it is my standing SYTYCD dinner date night. I may come back later and update if it comes out wrong.

In comments on this post a while back– Wonder, B and I were talking about that squicked out feeling you get when you get when faced with a moral dilemma.

I’ve been getting that squicked out feeling a lot these days. Every time I have to tell a fellow Hillary supporter that using racist or fear mongering tactics to bash Obama is wrong.

It would be some much easier to sit back on my heels and watch the ratfuckers on the right tell the people that Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya who wants to institute Sharia law everywhere. I mean paybacks a bitch and you get whats coming to you after all.

But I think there are plenty of arguments to be made against Obama without resorting to using the same sexist, racist, fearmongering tools that right has used forever and the left has discovered recently as a way to shut the bitches up.

I think Obama is the worst possible thing that could happen to our country right now. Not because he’s black or has a funny name or even because his wife may have been a black separatist in college (seriously- if you weren’t some kind of radical in college- what was wrong with you?), but because he is a megalomaniacal sexist with no experience, bad economic plans, and the backing of a very corrupt Chicago political machine.

So I am sucking it up, ignoring the squicked out feeling, and continuing to tell people who really are on my side that if they don’t have any arguments against Obama that don’t use racism then their arguments are weak.

Anyone else feeling squicky yet?

Good Read

I’ve been lurking at the Hathor Legacy for quite sometime. Reading their stuff has given me massive insight into those things that bother you about TV and movie characters that you can’t quite explain why.

Today they bring up an oldie but goodie episode of M*A*S*H to show the problems of being a competent woman in a room of equally competent men.

Here we have it: the trifecta of requirements our culture has for women interfacing with men but not for men dealing with women. Hawkeye was actually okay with being shown up by a woman, he just expected her to do it in a womanly fashion: quietly, with consideration for his fragile ego. He refuses to see a problem with this (he loves women, after all),

Go read the whole thing and check out their blog. Besides, it gives you an excuse to watch TV, you’re educating yourself about the patriarchy. Not killing brain cells and wasting time that could otherwise be spent reading.

The real way to a girl’s heart, er bed

Between this commercial at Shakes

And this clip at Tobes

I think that people (boys) may have the absolute wrong idea about how to go about the random hook up/ one night stand.

Here’s a hint- girl’s like sex. Girl’s like honesty. Girl’s don’t need to be played, coerced or tricked into getting naked. If you have to use trickery to get a girl into bed, you’re not really a Casanova. You’re a junior date rapist.

So how do you go about it without being a candidate for Mr. Biggest Asshole in the World?

1. Be yourself. You don’t need tricks and tips from pick up artists. A sweet, shy geek is way more attractive than a slimy dude with cheesy lines.

2. Be confident. And real confidence is being able to take rejection without turning into a weasel. Someone not responding the way you’d like to your advances does not mean you should keep trying, or should pull out a neg(ative compliment), or become insulting. That just makes you look like a desperate loser. You may not be the guy she wants, but if you don’t act like a douche then she won’t tell everyone she knows that you acted like a douche. And we do talk about that kind of stuff.

3. Be honest about what you want. If you just want a one night stand or a fuck buddy, be upfront about it. There’s no shame in it. And if you are straight up from the beginning then you give her the information to make a rational choice. We all prefer to make our choices with all the information.

4. Sometimes you don’t know if the person you’re with is someone you want to be in a relationship with, or someone you just want to have fun with. This is called DATING. It is not new. You have a responsibility to let the other person know once you’ve figured it out though. Not letting them know makes you a douche and keeps information from them that helps them make a rational choice.

5. You’ll notice that a lot of the point above involve the words information, rational, and choice. We like to think that sex is all about loins and hearts, but the brain is the biggest sexual organ there is. And the brain likes all the information so it can make a rational choice about what it wants. Choice folks. You want someone to choose to be with you, whether that is for a night or a longer.

See- that’s not so hard. Be yourself, be honest, be confident enough to take rejection. Not hard. Really.

And as Pidomon knows, the real way to a girl’s heart is knife skills, feminism and yogurt. 😉

Get yourself some education

I watched this long series of powerpoints on the gender gap in academia a few weeks ago. I think it goes a long way towards explaining why some young women are denying the massive sexism of the current political campaign, while older, more experienced women are calling it what it is.

In every discipline, science, engineering, law, medicine, and humanities, women start out at an relatively equal place. But in every discipline, over time women fall way behind. Even taking into account parenting (the great claim of asshole economists being that women fall behind cause they would rather make babies than make money)women fall behind.

So perhaps our young Obama supporting sisters really do believe they have a chance at equality. 10 years from now, I bet they feel differently.

This is how it’s done boys

Via Shakes comes some choice quotes from super hot Top Chef- Tom Colicchio

Of our final three, Richard had the most experience, the most imagination, and by far the most technical proficiency. He had consistently wowed us during the season, and frankly, this was his competition to lose. So what happened? In short, he choked. My sense is that Richard lacked that last little bit of grit that causes one to hang in there, no matter what. Call it the “Hillary” factor.

He just gets better the more he keeps talking. And now I want to have a thousand little bald chef babies with him.

Take note liberal dudes- if you want our votes (and in our pants) this is the way you do it. By being an actual feminist. Oh and knife skills don’t hurt either.

We already prove ourselves worthy

Being poor and asking for help means allowing people to constantly investigate your life.

You fill out one set of forms to get help with utility bills or when you’re behind on the rent. Another set of forms at a different agency to get food stamps or medicaid. and you have to keep proving that you’re worthy with recertifications every three months. At the same agency there is a different procedure for getting TANF money. You not only have to prove that you’re worthy, but you have to

Posting may be a wee bit light

A few weeks ago I started writing a novel. This is pretty unusual for me. I normally can’t get through more than 2000 words on any one subject before I am so thoroughly bored with it that I want to stab my eyes out. And that’s on non-fiction. Fiction gets much worse. I am known for writing “prosetry”, short bits of things that aren’t poetry but also that are much too pared down and direct to be prose.

So I got tired of all the magical teenage pregnancy stories out there. And I decided I was going to write something a bit closer to the truth. It’s coming along. Slowly, but I broke the 2000 word mark and I’m still excited about it, so that’s something. The plot seems to be working itself out in my head, but it’s taking a bit more brain space than I expected. Ouyangdan says it sounds a bit like a Jodi Picoult novel, but I think it’s going to turn out a bit more like Lynda Barry.

Anyways, wish me luck. I’m not gone, just distracted.

Sunday Linkathon

Go Read LadyBoomer. She has an awesome post with video up about the abusive and deceitful tactics of the Obama campaign in TX.

Pocochina (the fabulous awesome Pocochina)writes about selfishness and the female voter

Hillary1000 writes about the crappy Father’s Day Message Obama gave to the black community. (I told you all he has nothing to offer the black community except his skin color. Dude doesn’t really care about or identify with it.)

Tobes has an answer to Anonymous who thinks that lady brains are too small to deal with complicated technology.

What kind of food would they be……….

Via Feministe comes a post about Obama and McCain and what kind of food they would be if they were food.

Now I have to agree with this one

“McCain would be one of those wrinkly old hot dogs rotating around itself for years and years, going nowhere.”

But this one, no.

Obama: an arugula salad with heirloom tomatoes (locally grown and organic, naturally), fresh figs, goat cheese and lemon-pepper dressing.

Obama is so obviously fat free, sugar free yogurt. He’s something that we women are supposed to eat cause it’s good for us, but it tastes like crap and just makes you realize how unlike the real stuff he is.