Dear Taylor Marsh

Just fucking stop.

I know that you are eager to write Clinton off completely so your conscience can feel better about supporting Obama. I can understand that. It is natural, and if nothing else it shows that there is still some integrity left to you.

But making stuff up is not cool, and you should seriously consider not doing it.

Hillary did not concede. There is no part in her speech that says so, and there is more tahn enough evidence that she is keeping her delegates. Thus, your hurry to write her off is not only a blatant lie, it is also very intellectually dishonest, and the smell of wishful thinking can be felt from my side of the pond.

You can choose to believe that Hillary is happy about the turn of events, and that she wil wholeheartedly support Obama from now on. Unfortunately, those of us with, you know, brains and an allergy to koolaid, might choose to think otherwise.

I am sure that Hillary would have done that, should Obama have won the primaries fair and square. He didn’t. Votes who were not cast for him were given to him, the DNC broke its own rules to broker this shit in a closed door meeting, and delegates he hadn’t earned were also given to him.

Since that didn’t happen, I seriously have issues believing that she would bow gracefully to those who not only stole HER nomination, but compromised the party, shit all over democracy and are heading towards a catastrophic failure in the fall.

This is a truce and nothing more. Obama does not have the pledged delegates to win the nomination as of now, and the Sds are worth nothing until Denver.

Yes, it does make sense that Hillary would suspend her campaign, because she did go into a serious amount of debt while keeping on. YOU were one of the people who encouraged her to keep going at all costs, remember?

But a truce is not the end of a war, and this is a war. Obama is having problems against MCCain now, and one can only imagine what the situation will be in August. The Republican attack machine is good, and this time they won’t even have to lie about him, the truth is damning enough.

Until Denver, the Democrats do not have a legal nominee. It’s that simple. Much as you would like to remove that bit of truth, it is still there.

Mind you, I can understand why you are acting as such. Few people like to be seen on the loser side. It is probably even harder for you, since you have a career to think of. I can understand that. Most collaborationists have that sort of a reason.

I refuse to believe that senator Clinton would put the party above the interests of the people she defended all her life. If she did, that would make me lose all respect for her. It doesn’t work that way.

So, seriously, shut the fuck up.

The crazy- it burns.

I have to post this troll comment cause it is just too fucking funny to ignore.

From Lance (I’m not a misogynist despite my porntastic name) Thruster comes this gem:

You sound like a serial killer who preys on women because ONE dumped him. Your bigotry knows no bounds. Nothing like damning everyone for the sins of a few. ~

I don’t know what that means exactly. But I am rarely mistaken for a dude, and this is the first time I have ever been called a serial killer. Cereal killer I might understand, I can certainly throw down with the frosted flakes.

No wonder they think they can write off the working class and Latin@s

The Precious, showing that I’ve been right all along in saying “Dudes- He’s a Republican!” is recruiting young evangelicals.

Let’s see, what might that show to us feminists who’ve been treated like whores and harlots by Evangelicals for not knowing our barefoot, pregnant place in the kitchen.

Oh yeah- Obama hates you and you and you, wait, you’ve got a penis so you’re okay, you’re properly subjugated so you’re okay, but he hates you and you and me too.

ETA: OMG OMG OMG! I just figured it out. Obama isn’t running a campaign based on Rethiglikan method. He’s running a campaign using megachurch recruiting methods. OMG OMG OMG. The Obots are the Mormons on bicycles or the Witnesses with Watchtowers, but with less manners than either set.

Free Trade Requires Free Movement Of People

I’m reading Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton. I am a sucker for this genre of English lit, the social conscious raising of the Industrial age that includes Dickens and Wilkie Collins.

It used to be in England that charity only came from the parish you were born in. If you were born in Buckinghamshire and moved to Surrey, it didn’t matter if you had spent your entire life working and paying taxes in Surrey, you would have to go back to where you were born if you needed assistance, like if you became terribly ill and needed medical care and couldn’t pay for it. In the book, a poor man with typhoid fever faces that problem. The trip home would kill him, and his wife and all of his children were born in the town that won’t help him.

Reading a story like that in Mary Barton reminded me of this story. A legal US resident from Honduras goes into labor prematurely, and then into a coma. She has health insurance, but it doesn’t cover long term care. The hospital, rather than do what it is legally required to do and care for her anyway, tries to have her deported back to Honduras so they don’t have to foot the cost of care.

Same story, 200 years apart. I swear we never fucking learn anything.

With the industrial revolution, not only did goods go farther and faster than they had before, but people had to follow the jobs that produce those goods. We know that within a country. That is why we don’t have restrictions on where we can live within the US and we don’t have import taxes from state to state. And we don’t allow states to shuck responsibility because people aren’t from that state. Welfare benefit amounts may differ from state to state, but they cannot use residency requirements to issue them. You just need to prove that you live in a state now, not that you have been there for six months or six years pr your entire life.

People need to be free to move where there is work that will support their families. And the communities that those people come to are responsible for them because they are benefiting from their labor and their taxes. Even the poorest of us pay taxes, and the taxes we pay generally go straight to state and local budgets in the form of state income taxes and sales taxes. Even illegal undocumented immigrants (and I really hate that term- people are not illegal. Someone give me a new term) pay sales taxes in a community.

By disallowing the free movement of people while allowing the free movement of goods, you force a system of illegality into place. And the only people that serves are the unscrupulous employers who no longer have to follow labor laws. There is no minimum wage for illegals undocumented immigrants. There is no OSHA regulation for illegals undocumented immigrants. There are, however, rampant abuses including rape, inflicted on people who are just trying to feed their families and who are contributing to the community.

If the real problem with immigrants is that they are taking jobs away from Americans, there is one easy fix to that. Make the jobs pay better and follow the rules that other employers have to. Don’t arrest the employees, arrest the employers. If the problem is that we are shipping jobs overseas, then stop providing tax breaks to American companies that do that. But exploiting cheap labor and then refusing to bear the cost of the exploitation pisses off the people that lose jobs to immigrants and hurts the people who end up doing the jobs. While there may be short term profits to be made, there is long term damage done to society with greater wealth disparity and less social mobility. That is the role of government to fix.

ETA- TOAC in comments gave me a link to terms that better reflect undocumented immigrants. I changed the post to reflect that but kept the original in with strike throughs.

My own 50 state strategy

After all the fun I had with Ms. Brazile yesterday, I’ve decided to keep the hits coming.

So I got an email from the Obama campaign this morning (how the fuckity fuck did they get my email?) telling me to join the campaign, sign up to volunteer, yaddayaddayadda.

This is my reply:

Dear Sir:

I have been a Democrat since birth. My family have been yellow dog Democrats since forever. But none of us will vote against our own self interests.

We are poor, working class people. Many of us a are women. Many of us are from Appalachia. Many of us live in Florida.

Your candidate has done his best to alienate us on all of the above, over and over and over.

And now I am being literally stalked, harassed and threatened by one of your supporters because I won’t drink the koolaid. My blog and other blogs have been attacked by Obama campaign spammers and trolls. I have been called a slut, a bitch, and whore because I want to know what exactly Obama has to offer me, and I am not content with the answers I have gotten so far.

The behavior and actions of Senator Obama and his supporters are pushing me and my family into doing something we never thought we do- vote for someone other than the Democratic nominee. We cannot vote for a sexist. We cannot vote for a classist. We cannot vote for bullies and thugs. We cannot be part of a party that is no longer the Big tent Party and the champion of working class people. We cannot vote for a party that would disenfranchise it’s own voters over things they had no control over.


Oh yeah- I think I am going to like letter writing.

Holy Shit- She Really Does Answer Emails!

Just a little while ago I sent this to Danna Brazile’s email addy ( if anyone would like it)

Is Donna Brazile quitting the Democratic party because the Super delegates decided the election?

Just curious. Cause if she really is quitting the party I just might have a reason to stay in it. See I am one of those working class people she thinks the party doesn’t need.

Lemme know so I know who to vote for in November.


And just a minute ago I got this back

Stop the hate!!!!! Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Stop spreading hate!!!!
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile. Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah. Wait, no lemme breathe. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha

Things That Make You Go Huhmmmm…….

Boys keep throwing the same “insult” at me. As if it is an actual insult.

They like to try to snark because I’ve had many boyfriends.

True. I date a lot. A lot. A fuck of a lot. I also fuck a lot.

I don’t hide it. I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t actually see how this is an insult.

Unless they are trying to shame me and my slutty ways.

Yeah, that’s working real well.

I know a few things for certain, people who have a problem with someone else’s sex life usually aren’t getting any. And they definitely can’t be the progressives they claim to be if slut shaming is part of their repertoire.