
So I am trying very hard not to be freaked out and paranoid.

But someone ripped the downspout off the front of my house.

Like they were trying to climb it.

I don’t know when. I do know it was in the last 2 days. My neighbor pointed it out to me when we were talking earlier.

And now every single noise is freaking me out.

RQ goes where journalists and blogger boyz fear to tread

And actually talks to black people.

Tonight’s conversation with my African American Neighbor:

Me: Hey Kare can I ask you something?

Karen: Sure Lizbeth

Me: What do you think about Hillary/Obama?

Karen: Well, we’re split. I like them both. But my problem with Obama is that he ain’t never lived in no ghetto. He don’t get how hard it is for people like me.

Me: True enough. But hey Karen, I keep hearing from white guys that if we don’t give Obama the nomination, black people are are gonna rise up and riot violently.

Karen: You know us. You live here. It ain’t gonna happen.

Me; That’s what I thought.