From the mod que

A lot of the things we criticize people for are stupid. John Edwards’ fancy haircuts, women’s looks, poor people being poor, saggy pants, etc.

But there is a reason that shame has developed as a social tool. It is meant to curb behaviors that are damaging to a society. So I am going to use that little social tool called shame to call someone out. I’ve debated with myself a bit on this one, mostly because I don’t actually want to give the person the attention they so obviously desire. But, I think he needs to realize just how awful he is at his core. We all like to think that any actions we take are righteous and good. This action is particularly reprehensible that is simply must be pointed out and corrected.

From the comment mod, our resident stalker troll, Matthew, has left me this:

Matthew ( wrote the following:
Did you get evicted? Typical Clinton supporter.


Now imagine the kind of person who relishes a single mom and her child be thrown out on the street. Can anyone who finds joy in the misery of others have any sort of redeeming qualities? Do you think this is the kind of person who has friends who would take him in if his luck turned so bad? Do you think this is the kind of person people would respect or admire? Or is he really just a miserable little man who no one could love because he is so full of meanness and spite that there is nothing in him that could make people would want to be around him. Do you think he could ever make someone smile? He could make them laugh, at him, not with him, but not smile with happiness and excitement at seeing him.

Such a sad little life this sad little man must lead. I actually feel pity for him. I mean, my money situation sucks. But because I am kind and compassionate, I have friends who love me and will help take care of my family. I don’t think a person like Matthew could ever know that kind of love.

I wonder if he felt any twinge of regret after sending that comment. I doubt it. I doubt that he thinks he did anything wrong. He probably is justifying his angry, obviously lonely response by calling me a bitch or something comparable. But it is meanness and a stingy spirit like his that will rot his insides and leave him alone and bitter. Poor sad little man, all alone in his tiny mind and no one understands him.

I hope, for his own sake, that he finds a way to be kind and generous. He’s got a very dark life ahead of him if he doesn’t.

A moment of silence

For the crock pot.

I have done pretty damn well for having started packing at 12 pm today. Nearly everything we are keeping is gone including almost my entire kitchen (witch means eating for the next 2 days will be interesting- oops).

Unfortunately, while trying to fit my big antique steamer trunk packed full of dishes into the back of a Subaru Outback, there was a bit of a tragedy. The Crock Pot, the thing that makes the pot roasts and pork roast and Christmas Day veggie chili, died an untimely death. I am sad for the crock pot loss, but that is a relatively small loss considering that I got my entire kitchen packed and loaded. This morning i was thinking that I would be lucky to come out with a few pots and pans and no dishes.

My neighbors have all been kind and concerned. My friends roped more friends into helping. We’ll pull the rest of this stuff out Tuesday morning and we’ll be done. I am in really good spirits ,not just cheerful but pumped full of actual spirits (moscow mules- vodka, ginger beer and lime) cause grown ups shouldn’t have to move boxes sober.

Now I am going to watch mad men and weeds and then pass out on the couch.

I do not have time to be blog nanny

Right now. So please everyone, behave yourselves.

As far as voting goes- you all know my opinion. A vote is as personal a thing as religion or choice of feminine hygiene products. You may explain why your vote is different from someone elses, but bullying people for their choice IS NOT OKAY.

We don’t like being bullied by Obots. Let’s not adopt the behavior of the abusers. Seriously. I’m a bit peeved that I even have to write this.

Now kiss and make up and play fair- or else.

Updates to the update

The sheriff won’t actually be stopping by my soon to be former abode until Friday AM. So I have some extra time.

Question is this- do I leave the mess and just get the fuck out of dodge? Or do I leave it in a tolerable condition? It’s not the landlady who has given me two extra days, it’s the sheriff. I’m just scheduled in for a later date than originally thought. The land lady has been a total fucking wankstain about this, no doubt. But I hate leaving places in a bad state.

BTW- several friends have offered to pee on the rugs in revenge. I can’t go that far.

Update- dramaville

The darling Wonder tried to intervene with the landlady on my behalf. It was a no-go. Which means I no longer fell bad that I am about to leave my house in seriously filthy condition with most of my stuff here.

Anyways. Ruth is here with a car, boxes and a bottle of wine cause she thought I needed a drink. We’re packing up what we can and staying there for a bit. They have internet. So I won;t be out of touch for long.

I love you guys. And I have some really fucking awesome friends.

Okay the zen filling is a bit broken

Somehow I have lost my cell phone between the driveway (where I pulled it out of my pocket because it was taking pocket pictures) and my house. I have no phone numbers, no way to call anyone, no way to find out if the land lady has decided that some human kindness + money is a better way to go than eviction.

I am fucked kids. I can;t even call any of my friends to ask help moving or for a place to sleep. Oh fuck fuck fuck

The creamy Zen filling At the Center of The twinkie Storm

So details details.

I told you all that shit around here was about to get much worse, and so they are. About 2 weeks ago I got an eviction notice, one of the respond either with money or a legal reason why you aren’t paying your rent by a certain date kind.

So after thankfully minimal begging, my brother wrote a check to cover all my back rent, late fees, plus September’s rent.I took a deep breath and thought I was in the clear for a wee bit, at least on the rent. Two days ago I got a notice of eviction posted on my door that says I have till midnight of the 26th to get out or the police will be helping me move. Numerous calls to the owner have gone unanswered and I was a dumb ass and didn’t get a return receipt when I dropped the check off at the post office.

I have no idea idea where we are going and the Kid comes home on the same day we have to be out. I don’t have the money to rent a truck or to put my stuff in storage. I don’t know where we are going to sleep.

But I grew up in house where packing in the middle of the night and running away was pretty common. I went to 17 different schools. We moved probably 3 times a year. I’ve been in my current home for 5 years. That’s the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere.

Moving that many times has made me a phenom at packing and chucking. I’m sitting around my house making the mental list of the must keeps, keep if you can, and the just fucking leave its. It’s easier than I thought it would be. These walls have been closing in around me and I am almost feeling peaceful at the moment. Like zen even. Perhaps all this sadness and fear comes from trying to hold too tight to certain ideals. I wanted my kid to stay in the same schools and not always be the new kid. But his school is crap and I am seriously considering home(less) schooling him. Our neighborhood has become a scary place. We’re not going to be tied to it anymore.

I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do, but I do know what I have to do right now. Perhaps it’s adrenaline. Maybe my overtaxed fight or flight response is finally kicking in with flight instead of fight. I’m so tired of fighting. Kid and I have done this before. We spent almost 2 years couch surfing and living in our car. That is probably my biggest regret right now. I wish I could just pack up my old red corolla and drive off into the sunset for a bit. But I gave up the car when we became stable and moved in here. Oh god I love road trips. I always feel a million times lighter when I can get behind the wheel and push to see how far away I can get before I have to sleep.

So kids, I’ll be packing. But not a lot. I think it’s time to travel light.

Best description ever

From Kevin at Republic of Dogs (First quoting the fab RKMK at Shakes)


What kills me is that Joe Biden is a longtime “Washington insider” (like HIllary*) who voted for AUMF (like Hillary), who dared to criticize Obama for his lack of experience (like Hillary), and is a pitbull (like HIllary), but Hillary was an evil monster who was undeserving of the Presidential nomination, or even the VP shortlist, and Biden is an awesome pick, even though she got 18 million votes, and he flamed out early.



Here’s WTF, in three words or less: “Bros before hos.”

And that my little chikadees is the heart of the New Democratic party.