This is the guy you are supporting

if you even dream of voting for Obama

These are the people you are voting for. These are YOUR people. I don’t care if you are reluctantly voting for Obama, don’t like him but will vote for him anyway just because he has the D tag, etc. By voting for him, you are endorsing and rewarding this behaviour.

By not calling it out and exposing it for what it is, you are accomplices to this attitude. YOU are one of THEM regardless of your motives. Your humanity ends when you accept any part of this. When you reward the behaviour and the mentality behind it with votes, you are one of them.

And don’t give me the crap about “Obama cannot be held responsible for his supporters’ actions”. Yes he fucking is, because he hasn’t denounced it, because he profits from it, because he is where he is now because people like YOU allowed him to get away with the mysoginy. If you lay with the pigs… and all that.

Just when I thought it might be safe

To be a little less pissed off about which asshole ends up in the White House, Obama brings the finger wagging.

So McCain- still an asshole, always an asshole. But Obama never misses an opportunity to be the disapproving school marm. In talking about the abysmal state of the US educational system, I actually like Obama’s plan for $4000 per year for college in exchange for community service. But he just can’t quit there.

But there’s one last ingredient that I just want to mention, and that’s parents. We can’t do it just in the schools. Parents are going to have to show more responsibility. They’ve got to turn off the TV set, put away the video games, and, finally, start instilling that thirst for knowledge that our students need.

Seriously! Yes it’s us lazy parents who are teaching our kids that “learning is for suckers!” Perhaps having to work 2 or 3 jobs to keep up with housing and insurance costs (which your economic plan doesn’t actually help with) means that parents have less time to spend with the kids. But the problem with the educational system is not lazy parents, it’s CRAPPY FUCKING TEACHING METHODS. And that has nothing to do with teachers, it’s how teachers are supposed to teach here. The same information taught over and over and over with just the tiniest bit of additional knowledge every year does not make smarter kids. It makes bored kids. It makes under-educated kids. And piling on 3 or 4 hours of homework per night to make up for the time spent on repeating crap doesn’t help either.

I may have yelled “Oh Fuck You!” very loudly at the tv (from the other room) when I heard him spout that shit.

Conversations with Ruth

On our way to the grocery store (Whole Foods, sad but true)

Ruth (noticing bumper stickers on car in front of us): Someone’s in a PETA car

Me: PETA is more misogynistic than Focus on the Family, I swear to god.

Ruth: Totally true

Me: At least Focus on the Family admits they think women are inferior, PETA can’t understand why we take offense when they say women are a better source of dairy products than cows.

El Nino strikes again

The no longer little germ factory formerly known as the kid has given me a very nasty cold. I think my head is gonna explode from all the snot.

Kid will now be known as El Nino, since he has the destructive force of a major weather system.

Please talk amongst yourselves while I slink off and die.

Cause Sooper Nagged Me

I read this story the other day and meant to blog about it, then up in gmail chat pops a link. Thanks Sooper. I lurves ya.

So a 15 year old girl takes naked pictures of herself and sends them out, like a dumb 15 year old might.

Now what do you think happens next. Do her parents find out and banish her from all technology usage till she’s 30? Do her friends mock her? No

She gets charged for child pornography, essentially she is charged with abusing herself.

It’s like the most bizarre version of a Victorian punishment for onanism. Heaven forbid this girl might have some kind of sexual agency of her own. We can’t have that now can we? NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnOOOOooooooooooooo

She is being a dumb teenager, I give you that. But we were all dumb teenagers at one point (hell, I was the cheerleader who sold acid, and someday I might tell you all about my underage drinking ticket). But prosecuting someone for taking pictures of them self is about the stupidest thing ever. Dear gawd, I am sure there are dozens of photos of young boys mooning cameras for a laugh, where is the child porn charge there? How about naked babies in bathtubs? Every parent has one of those (at least- my Kid was such a little nudist that getting a picture of him wearing clothes was a rare thing).

I am a parent. And I am just as freaked out about the nasty pervy abusers out there as the next mom. But a 15 year old girl is physically incapable of sexually abusing herself. There is no power imbalance or coercion or force. There is no lack of consent or need for consent for that matter. You ONLY need consent when there is another party involved.

Pass it on

October 18th is to be “Tell the sexist boy bloggers to shut up” day.

Everyday here is tell the sexist boy bloggers to shut up day, but perhaps a more organized form of attack is advised.

Ideas? Do we troll the sexist blogs with inane and repetitive comments? Do we flood them with links to previous posts about the stupidity of sexists pretending to be progressives? Do we just drop helpful links to the Feminism 101 blog?

What are you going to do on October 18th? Actually I think we should rename it Shut Your Pie Hole Day, but them I am not a very nice person when it comes to loudmouthed idiots.

It’s National Coming Out Day

When kid was just a wee boy of 8 we had this little conversation:

Kid: Ok Mom, I think I got something figured out.

Me: All right, what is it?

Kid: Well, if you’re a boy and you love another boy, you’re gay.

Me: Uhuh

Kid: And if you’re a boy and you love a girl, then you’re straight

Me: Also if you’re a girl who loves girls you’re gay, and if you love boys you’re straight.

Kid: Okay, well when I grow up I think I am going to be straight and marry a girl

Me: Ok. But there are also people who love both boys and girls, they are called bi

(At this point this was too much information for his 8 year old brain and he ran off to read a book)

If the kid had said that he was going to grow up to love other boys, that would have been ok. I would have been worried about how the world would treat such a tenderhearted monkey, but I wouldn’t have tried to make him be anything other than what he is.

The Kid is absolutely his own person. There are bits of me and bits of his dad in there, but he is a person in his own right. He is not the physical incarnation of my hopes and dreams of the future, and therefore who he loves is not a reflection on my skills as a parent.

So I take the news that he is straight the same way I take the news that green is his favorite color. It has nothing to do with me. And if he had said he was gay, it has nothing to do with me. I just want him to grow up and find a place in the world for himself of his own creation.

I know that for many children the news that they are not what their parents had imagined leaves them open to abuse, depression, homelessness and suicide. I know that my first gay boyfriend, when he came out to his parents at the tender age of 15, was gang raped by a bunch of his dad’s friends to “teach him a lesson”. It broke my heart to hear that.

I can only hope that someday in the very near future all parents will take their children’s sexual orientation as something that is as neutral a statement as “I like green”. It shouldn’t be a big deal. It shouldn’t cause pain. It just is.

How bloggers waste time

Me: We could have something that rymes with wodka

ouyang: i love something that rhymes w/ wodka!

me: pear collins rhymes with wodka

ouyang: O…M…G

me: Becky look at her but

ouyang: did you see the vid on shakes about the woman who is all upset that they didn’t retouch a photo of Gov Palin!

me: I didn;t watch but i read it
stupid burns

ouyang: “i want to open an orphanage for unwaned facial hair”

me: I loved that

ouyang: i know
for fuck’s sake…if it is disgraceful to not retouch someone as conventionally beautiful as Sarah Palin, then most of the rest of the public should just stick our heads in the oven now

me: Oh I’m just waiting for the gas to be reconnected so i can stick my head in the oven. What;s your excuse for continuing to live while not looking like a magazine cover

ouyang: electric oven
me: Ah
I see

ouyang: and i just made myself cry right thre
laughing too hare to type

me: Can’t you drop a toaster in the bathtub or something

ouyang: i’ll try…but my toaster is actually part of my microwave, which is too big to go carrying around
lemme see…OOOH! We have an iron!
if i’m not back in five minutes I have done justice for Sarah Palin!

me: dear gawd- what kind of freakish contraption has a toaster microwave combo

ouyang: you should blog this

me: I tottally am
typos and all

ouyang: I got it at the Naval exchange in monterey

me: you were trading belly buttons?

ouyang: yes, as a matter of fact i was
i am the proud new owner of an inny and a toaster microwave combo

me: how many belly buttons did that contraption cost ya

ouyang: i am too embarrassed to say, in this economy

me: You were spending belly buttons like an AIG executive, weren;t ya?

ouyang: shamefully it’s true
i did enter a twelve step program, but then we got that belly button relief fund from the government…
so no worries

me: kewl

ouyang: and no, you can not borrow fifty belly buttons from me.

me: I hate to think of you walking around without a belly button to your namew

ouyang: i totally love you

me: I love you too