Two things that will inspire me to public rage

Bad manners and picking on my kid.

So last night when our extremely late bus finally showed up, the bus floor was drenched with water. And slippery. The kid got halfway back and fell hard. He hurt his back. It took him a really long time to be able to get up. Everyone on the bus was quiet.

Except the one asshole at the back. Who was laughing at a little kid getting hurt. My kid getting hurt. And not a little chuckle, but a big booming bwahahahahahahahahahaha that went on forever.

Mama Lion is not pleased.

So I looked up from helping the Kid up and said “You think it’s fucking funny picking on a little kid who just got hurt. Didn’t your momma teach you any fucking manners you asshole”

To which the doochebag responded with “didn’t yours teach you any”

“Yeah, she taught me to fucking stand up for my kid, asshole!”

At this point the dooche start muttering about how I am a “fat assed bitch”. Thank god for feminism. My fat ass- not something that is really going to hurt me. However, Dooche is a giant fat man. Not a big muscley man, but a big bellied, taking up 3 seats on the bus, fat man.

So I look back and say “It ain’t like you’re the skinniest thing at the back of the bus asshole.”

At this point one of doochebags friends says “Dude she’s mad and your being a dick. Shut up”.

When we got home and I finished telling the story to Ruth, I asked the Kid if he was embarrassed by my public display of rage. He said “Oh no, the guy was an asshole” (note that cuss words are earned in my family, last night the kid definitely earned one). Kid has always said that he “Loves watching my mom yell at people”. I figure it’s the best way I’ve got of teaching him to stand up for himself and for others.

So i’m looking at the names

being trotted out for cabinet posts.

And there are (surprise!) very few women on the list. Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius appears a couple of times (what- there is only one qualified woman?) There are 9 total, with 3 of them being possible EPA heads.

So a maximum of 6 positions for women. If they get them all.

We ain’t come that far yet, baby.

Now you may be wondering why would gender matter to say oh the Treasury department. See when you hire a fuckneck like Larry Summers, who thinks girls can’t do math, and therefore doesn’t staff the Treasury with an equitable number of women, issues like the feminization of poverty, the high rates of sub-prime mortgages pushed off onto single moms, ect. don’t get heard.

We make up half the country. We need to make sure that our voice is heard along with the booming male voices that normally drown out our smaller representation.

Things I have learned from this election

So belly button gazing election postmortem:

1) It is not enough to support a party. For the first time in my life I did not vote for the straight dem ticket. You all know that I voted for McKinney for pres. What you don’t know is that I took to heart what I said about not supporting Dem men who profit from misogyny. So I voted for the pro-choice, pro-pot republican woman for our state’s lieutenant governor. While I will never vote for a woman simply because she has a vagina, I will choose to support any pro-choice woman over a dem dude. Note that I said pro-choice. I won’t vote against my own self interest simply because someone shares my gender (See Sarah Palin).

2) Votes are earned. Obama did not earn my vote. McCain could never have earned my vote. To all the Nader voters I bullied in 2000, I have already apologized. If Gore didn’t earn your vote, he didn’t earn it. To both the Obots and the McCainiacs (you know who you are) who spent the last 10 months bullying me and anyone else who wouldn’t share their delusions, kindly go fuck yourself.

3) There is a lot of work ahead of us. Obama+Pelosi+Reid means that progressive values are going to be shoved in the closet. Not if I can help it. We must be loud and unruly reminders that Republican policies failed this country over and over. We most not let the spirit of bi-partisanship squash the truth. Dissent is what makes democracy work. Not blind obedience to the party elite.

4) There is no voice speaking up for the poor and working class. The middle class is what we hear all about, but it is shrinking as more and more people join the bottom ranks. Obama don’t give a damn about poor people (to shamelessly steal from Kanye West) but we must make him see us.

So my little chickadees- what election wisdom have you gained? Anything profound to share with the class?

Dear California- Part 2

What. The. Fuck!

Seriously, you people are off the list. We forgave you for bringing us Reagan since you’ve been pretty good generally about social issues. But enough is enough.

You no longer get to be the proggy capital of the country. You no longer to be the bellwether of social tolerance.

You were skating on thin ice with that whole Schwarzenegger thing, but since we forgave Minnesota for the Jesse Venutura thing, we had to just raise an eyebrow at your gubernatorial choices.

But Prop 8- seriously. You passed fucking Prop 8? You are going to write NEW discrimination into your laws. Do you know what century it is?

You are off the list. Done, finished, kaput. No longer the bringers of casual style and civil liberties. You are assholes in flip flops from this point on.

That is all.

I have only just begun to fight

Last night I explained to the Puppy the difference between liberal and progressive. Obama is a liberal, I am a progressive.

The Dems need us, the progressives, to keep at them.

Last night I watched as a huge barrier to power came down in this country. This morning, as I do every morning, I took the bus back into my old neighborhood and was hit fresh in the face with all the work that still needs to be done. The bus went past the tent city in the U-District that our liberal, Democratic mayor is desperate to to get rid of without actually having to do anything for the homeless people that populate it.

I got to the Central District, and while the faces on the black men that hang around on the corners were decidedly more smiley than normal, I notice that they still don’t have jobs to go to.

And I think back to the ads that kept running on CNN from AARP. The first thing Obama put on the chopping block, before he was even elected, was health care. How brilliant of AARP to run their Divided we fall commercials in between news snippets of the country turning blue all around us. Thank you for reminding me that there are many many many more battles to be fought.

And while watching Obama make his acceptance speech, I couldn’t help but growl a bit when he got a too hypocritical. While i was toughed by the 106 year old black woman who got to vote, hearing Obama talk about women getting the vote grated on my nerves like sandpaper. Obama says he will be the president to everyone, not just those that voted for him. And that he will listen to the voices of his dissenters. Will he really? Will people like me, people he used as fodder for the election, people like my black neighbors who ain’t got a dime in the world let alone a stake in to stock market, will we be heard? Will our needs be met? Or will we be the first sacrifice to political expediency?

I have to remember that our greatest presidents had people like me pulling at the edges to make them do the right thing. Roosevelt had the bonus marchers and the Socialists and the Anarchists to rile up the public. They were the reason that progressive policies were the rule of the day. The elites needed to make concessions to the rabble rousers.

So I have only just begun to fight.

Get Your Girly On

I have been much heartened to see the number of McKinney voters coming out and proud today. And while I’m not gonna beat anyone up for voting for Obama, and I’m only gonna raise an eyebrow and question your intelligence for voting for McCain, I thought I should give a little prize to the Green voters out there.

So I give you Le Tigre videos.

Hot Topic (I freely admit to needing to google many of the awesome feminists they name in this song. But I do know who Vaginal Cream Davis is)


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