“But of course this isn’t a recession”

I’ve been having the same kind of fights with people for the last few months. It’s almost always over politics or economics, and it’s always with people who are very uneducated on either topic. I can always see them coming from a mile away. They are the kind of people who spout talking points like they are fact but have no idea of the history or theory used to create those talking points. They are the libertarians who have never read Adam Smith (or put him in historical context) but just like to repeat the “Taxes bad!” theme. They are the kind of people who believe their opinion is important simply because they have one, not because they are right. It usually ends with me screaming “For god’s sake read a fucking book you moron!”.

Political theory does not begin with the Daily Show and end with Colbert and just because you’ve ever held a dollar in your hand does not make you an expert on the financial crisis.

So I’m reading Jezebel this morning and I come across this cute little quote:

The banking crisis was touched off by the mortgage crisis and both contributed to the financial crisis that most economists had been predicting because of everyone’s willingness to spend money they didn’t actually have.

Oh for fucks sake, this crisis was not caused because people spend $3 at Starbucks everyday or own more pairs of shoes than they can wear and put it all on their credit cards. We spend less of a percentage of our incomes on food, clothing and electronics than we did 50 years ago. Consumer goods are cheaper than they used to be. We may have more of them, but we spend less money on them than our parents did. That’s why poor people can afford to spend $200 every 5 years or so on a new TV but can’t afford $1000 a month for health insurance.

We don’t have savings now because we don’t have the incomes to support them. Wages have been stagnant for damn near 30 years while inflation keeps going up. And inflation is greatest in housing, education and healthcare. So if wages are stagnant, people find ways to make up for the lack of income. They invest in something that is useful to them both now and in the future, like their homes. Homeownership and equity have been the only things making people able to live a middle class life since their wages aren’t keeping up.

(As a kind of aside- isn’t it funny that two of the major areas of inflation, health care and education, are things that the government could provide easily to everyone if we weren’t afraid of the big bad socialist label. Universal health care and universal education from preschool to grad school would have gone a fuck of a long way towards mitigating the need pay for those things through housing equity).

But that’s all local. People’s desperate need to fill in the gaps between wages and cost of living did create the housing bubble. If you buy a house and want to keep the resale value up, you spend $40k on a new kitchen or replace all the floors with hardwood. Eventually it gets to the point where you have to keep improving your house because all your neighbors have and your home value will go down if you don’t keep up with the Jones. Ergo- housing bubble.

But the housing bubble alone is not what caused the banking collapse. The banking collapse was caused by a combo of deregulation, Alan Greenspan’s douchebaggery, and opaque bundling practices that left investors in the dark. None of those things are the fault of the individual home buyers who just wanted a piece of the American dream.

Anyways- now that I have ranted and raved for a bit, let me point you to 2 people who do know what they are talking about economically.

First- Niall Ferguson (who is responsible for the title of this post)

“There will be blood, in the sense that a crisis of this magnitude is bound to increase political as well as economic [conflict]. It is bound to destabilize some countries. It will cause civil wars to break out, that have been dormant. It will topple governments that were moderate and bring in governments that are extreme. These things are pretty predictable. The question is whether the general destabilization, the return of, if you like, political risk, ultimately leads to something really big in the realm of geopolitics.

And then Joseph Stiglitz on Democracy Now talking about how Obama has missed the mark on the stimulus and isn’t actually fixing any of the problems that caused the depression.

Go forth and learn my little chickadees. And then feel free to punch any Republican or libertarian in the eye until they spend at least 5 minutes reading something factual.

The good and the bad

I’m uninspired to post lately. I’d rather look at interior design blogs than read about politics or economics or sexism or whatever else is just going to make me frown.

In the mean time, I work. And work is as ever, good and bad. I have the problem student, who for god only knows what reason took the CAD class this quarter when he doesn’t seem to know the most basic things about computers (Q:Why is the image on my screen smaller than the image in real life? A: The same way things on your TV are smaller than they are in real life. Do you worry because they can fit whole shots of stadiums onto your TV that the stadium might be fake? Q:Why did the file that I saved on the guest login disappear? A: Because you’ve been told a thousand times that if you don’t login under your own name that anything you erase will be deleted. Q: What do you mean “login”? A: No, seriously? WTF? How are you sitting in front of that LOGON screen being such a douche? You’ve been logging in under guest just fine. Q: Why won’t this 3rd party website that is not in any way manner or shape connected to the school do what I want it to? A: Because the internet gods hate you.

I am frustrated with this student so badly that every time he walks in the lab I cringe. And then I just get angry. It’s become pavlovian.

But there is good. I’ve spent the last 4 or 5 days trying to drill holes in my bedroom walls at home to hang up closet rods so the the Kid can have my closet. The walls are lathe and plaster. And a pain in the ass. I nearly blew out a drill (after I borrowed it from work). So in my frustration I’ve been asking for help (Thanks Uncle Jim!) and I asked my boss who lives in the same neighborhood. Instead of telling me what he thought I should do, he packed up his tools, came over and in less than 20 minutes I had 12 feel of closet hung. He also took a look at the shelf I had bought to go over them (only 8 feet long- oops) and took some measurements. He’s making his students custom cut me proper shelves and is leaving them on my porch tonight. He said it’s no big deal, I’m school family. After literally spending hours trying to do this myself, I could almost cry for the kindness.

(BTW- even with an entire wall taken up with my clothes, my room is looking pretty fab. Now I just have to do the same for the Kid. Which will be rough since the closet is maybe 8′ by 8′ with severely slanting walls and a door that is no more than 4′ tall.)

Keynesian isn’t enough

First- go read this. It’s short, I promise.

Let’s take this part as true:

And here’s the bottom line; despite what is said about Roosevelt, no government has tried to spend its way out of a recession the way Obama is intending to do, and the way Keynes recommended. We are watching a very grand experiment.

If we are getting Keynesian spending on a scale grander than the New Deal, then why do quite a few of us feel less than excited about this “very grand experiment”?

And I got an answer for that.

Because at it’s heart, the stimulus plan and even the mortgage plan all work to maintain the systems that got us into this mess to begin with. And they don’t address any of the fundamental causes of the economic collapse, just the symptoms.

The real issue is that free market capitalism is fundamentally flawed. It will ALWAYS lead to corruption and eventually collapse. The only way for a capitalist economy to remain healthy is with a good dose of regulation provided by a strong government. It is the government’s job to make sure that wages are neither too low nor too high. It is the government’s job to make sure that business is kept honest (and not allowed to sell you poisoned peanut butter). It is the government’s job to provide the services that should not depend on profit, like education and health care, so that no one is denied a basic right because they are they low person on the totem pole. It is the government’s job to regulate the economy so that it neither grows too fast or too slow. But for years (30 at least) the government has been doing none of that.

The crisis will end eventually. Sooner rather than later if Obama can help it. But if we don’t do something right now to change the way this country works at it’s core and instead patchwork another few years of life out of this broken system, then the problems will continue to worsen. And no amount of money printing will fix it. Instead we will have the inevitably high tax bill from the stimulus and tarp plans without any permanent fix.

Spending money is fine and dandy, but spend the political capital that comes with it. We need to make the changes to the system now, when it is weak.

Ain’t no honor in it

So a dude cuts off his estranged wife’s head. (Sorry, this may be triggering for some folks).

And the dude is brown, and Muslim. That must be the reason he did it, right. It’s not the patriarchy. It’s not the entire world view that women are inferior property to be owned by men and discarded as they see fit. Nope. He must have done it because of religion.

So of course the newsbunnies have run to claim this as some sort of terrible Islamic “honor” killing. Cause shit like that doesn’t happen when good Christians are involved. Nope.

I mean, could a guy who loves Jesus soooo that he would get a tattoo like this ever treat a woman like a piece of property?

Surely he must have taken Jesus’ message of turning the other cheek to heart. Right?

Except that tattoo is on the arm of another man famous for (among other things) beating the crap out of his girlfriend. Chris brown most certainly didn’t assault his girlfriend because Jesus told him to. That would be silly.

But wait, he’s also a brown dude. Good, white Christian men would never act that way. Right? I mean they found Matthew Denni in a church camp for Christ’s sake. He not have really meant to blow her brains out.

Actually, the only constant I’m seeing here is religion. Maybe patriarchy based hierarchical religions that treat women as empty vessels to be owned by their husbands are part of the general problem, but hurting the woman you love own most certainly isn’t an Islamic value.

All these “great” brains

and no one is talking about the origin of the housing crisis. Ok, not no one, but the people in charge are ignoring the biggest problem in hopes of things continuing on as they have in the past once the crisis is over. In the mean time the Rethuglikans and newsbunnies are blaming greedy homeowners, but that’s wrong.

For the last 30 years or so, wages have been stagnant while inflation continues to rise like a hot air balloon on a cold morning. So if people, average everyday people, can’t save for retirement or their children’s education because the money the earn from work isn’t keeping up with the cost of living they turn to other sources of revenue. And because they aren’t wealthy people with stock portfolios, they invest in something much more useful and tangible to them, their homes.

And we as a society and as a country have been promoting this kind of investment for a very long time. It is almost a moral imperative that people buy a home. It is the crux of the American dream.

So people buy homes, even poor people. It’s the only way they can get ahead. And when more people buy homes, home prices go up. And with more competition, people sink more money into their homes to get more value out of them.

Saturday Music and Furniture Moving

So the Kid is moving into my closet next weekend (the closet is the size of a NYC bedroom folks, so it’s not too terrible) and I am rearranging my room so I can hang closet rods on one wall (sorry lathe and plaster, but it’s cheaper than buying a wardrobe). I went thrifting yesterday and found an old 1940’s vanity which has replaced the card table i was using for a desk ($14.99- and I’ve been coveting one of these forever).

To help make the labor go faster, I’ve been playing Gang of Four. Best described as disco punk and an obvious influence on bands like Franz Ferdinand, I love love love the Gang of Four. They had a wee resurgence a few years ago when they played the Live 8 concert. The lyrics are political, the beats are dancey, and it hits all the happy revolutionary buttons in my brain.

I love a man in uniform

Natural’s not in it

My newest obsession

Ruth and I watched Bizarre Worlds last night. And they were talking Turkey. And now I am obsessed. Not just because of the history and the archeology and the culture, but because of this. Manly men, covered in olive oil, wrestling in the grass.

So fucking hot

One of these things is not like the others

I’ve been thinking about parity lately. It’s hard not to when bankers are crying over salary caps of $500k a year while minimum wage (even with increases) is still far behind the actual cost of living.

If you or I were to rob a bank (no guns, no violence, just a scary note and the threat of violence) we’d be facing some serious jail time. But if you are a banker and you rob the treasury department with threats of violently collapsing the entire world economy, you don’t get jail time. You get TARP money. And you still get to hand out annual bonuses and bitch about salary caps.

Now if you or I had to apply for government assistance, there would be some serious investigation into our finances. If you own a car worth more than a couple thousand bucks ($5000 I think), you have to sell it and use up that money first. If you have stocks or bonds or a 401k even a prepaid funeral plan, you have to use that up first. Then maybe you can get some kind of government help. Maybe.

But if you’re a banker, and you’ve run your company into the ground, your own assets are safe. The government will not require you to sell off your vacation house and pump the proceeds back into the bank before writing a check. They won’t even require salary cuts or end bonuses (who the fuck gives out annual bonuses at failing companies anyways?)

Now the bankers are screaming that if you put restrictions on salary, you’ll run off all the top brains who will take their wads of cash and go elsewhere. Good riddance I say. But isn’t it both morally and fiscally responsible to subject failing businesses that receive government money to the same kinds of pressure and investigation that we subject poor people to?

But one of these things is not like the others. The mere act of having money makes you insulated from the requirements we place on every other person in the country. And that is not ok.

Dear Fauxgressive Liberal Dickwads

Do you believe in choice? I mean really truly with your whole heart believe that people have the right to control their own bodies? Or are you just saying that you believe in a woman’s right to choose because 1)no intelligent woman would ever sleep with you if you said otherwise and 2) you want to have abortion as an option in case your girlfriend’s birth control fails.

Maybe I’m being a bit too hard on the boys here. How about you girls? Do you really believe in choice, or do you believe in choice under certain conditions? Do you believe it’s ok for a poor brown woman to have abortions, but make snide comments if she chooses to have babies instead? Have you complained about poor single moms draining the system with their multiple babies? Have you bitched about someone having multiple abortions instead of using birth control or just keeping their legs shut?

Choice is simple people. It means that people get to decide for themselves whether or not to have babies. Period. You aren’t really pro-choice if you are denigrating someone’s choice TO reproduce. You are actually just as bad as the forced pregnancy douchebags, but coming from the opposite direction. Just like it’s not a big leap fro the forced pregnancy nuts to go from banning abortion to banning birth control, it’s not a big leap from limiting the number of pregnancies a woman can have to forced sterilization.

Here’s the truth peeps- there is absolutely no good reason to have babies. None. Every single reason anyone will ever give you for having babies is, at it’s core, a selfish one. Same thing is true for people deciding to not have babies. AND THAT IS OK. Really, it is. It’s a choice that we have to make on our own. And for some of us, the actions of say a poor single mom who seeks fertility treatments and ends up with 14 kids seems insane. But I bet the idea of choosing to never have kids at all seems just as insane to her.

And lets not forget how fucking sexist and classist all this Octomom crap is. If she were married, she’d get her own reality tv show to help pay for all the babies. She’d have giant corporations falling over themselves to donate diapers and clothing and cars. But she’s single, and poor, and has a “funny” name that doesn’t exactly sound waspy. And that makes people think it’s okay to tear her to shreds and hope for disaster to strike her kids.

So if you really, truly, absolutely think you are pro-choice, ask yourself if you can support someone else’s choice when it goes against everything you believe? If you can’t, you’re not really pro-choice. Instead, you’re giving the forced-pregnancy blow hards fuel for the fire when they scream about forced abortions.