Well it’s about time

I tidied up the blog a wee bit. The election is over, and even the rabid Kool Aid drinkers are coming to their senses (Whaddya mean Obama isn’t the second coming of Jesus and Gandhi?)

I also (finally) updated ye olde blogroll. That’s all stuff from my google reader and there is good stuff to be read there.

And I added a link to my shared reader items on the left. I figure it’s time I let more people than just Ouyang Dan in on the reader fun.

If you think you should be on my linky list and you’re not, send me a comment or email and I’ll gladly add ya.

We now return to our regularly scheduled bitchez

Torchwood: Children of the Earth

Fuck you Russel T. Davies

Here be spoilers- don’t click open sesame if you don’t wanna know

Seriously- I am tired of my favorite sci fi tv shows turning into the land of sucky wrongness at the end. BSG did it, and now Torchwood. Et tu Russel?

Now granted- Torchwood is decidedly more dark and violent than Doctor Who. That’s part of the reason I like it. I’m perfectly fine with complicated moral conundrums and with the messiness of humanity. And this little mini-season of Torchwood started off well enough. All the children of the world possessed temporarily by scary alien life, Ianto and Captain Jack trying to figure out what they are to each other, and Gwen being her normal, awesome self. (Actually Gwen is her awesome self throughout- I have no complaints about her).

I liked it, right up until part 5. The thing about science fiction is that it’s not only about stories of things that might actually be possible in the near future, but it’s about how we can be better (or worse) as people. Doctor Who is ALL about that, about choosing to do the right thing no matter what and about how we always have a choice. But Children of the Earth forgot that, and Gwen points it out.

Which should have been the catalyst for Jack to do better. He’s the one quoting the Doctor after all, with his “If you harm one of us you harm us all”. And then he kills a child to save the world.

He didn’t ask the kid if he was willing (and I think that there might have been a child or two in the world with enough of a martyr complex to agree to it- IF THEY”D BEEN ASKED!), he didn’t even tell him what was going to happen. He just stuck him in the middle and melted his brain.

But even before that, no one thinks to ask the people what they want. Just ship off the poor kids as a “gift” cause no one wants to fight a war with an alien.

But no one asked the parents if they would rather fight and die than offer their kids up as a sacrifice. No one asks the kids if some of them would be willing to go off with the aliens, instead they pick the poor schools and load the kids onto buses while soldiers hold their screaming mothers back.

No one is allowed to make their own choice in this whole thing, and that is what is wrong with this whole thing. It was more like watching Keiffer Sutherland on 24 than watching sci fi, and 24 is torture porn for the worst kind of conservatives.

There is always a choice. Always. And only the worst kind of people think they can make that choice for someone else. For the most part, the entire Doctor Who series and it’s spin offs have gotten that, not just understood it, but it has been a central theme. This time though, tmissed the fucking boat.

From now on all Marriott hotels will be known as the Rapes-alot hotels

Some of you may have heard this horrific story (trigger warning) of a woman who was raped at gunpoint in front of her 2 little kids in a Marriott hotel parking garage. That would be bad enough, but Marriott has decided that classic victim blaming is the way to go in defending itself from the victim’s law suite.

Marriott may or may not be legally responsible for damages. I don’t know enough of the specifics. But rather than defend themselves on rational grounds, the company has decided to use the oldest victim blaming/slut shaming techniques in the book.

So I wrote a little email to Marriott’s general manager, Joe Kelly. (Shakes has other links up if your in a tea spooning mood). Also, seriously, we all need to find a way to include the Rapes-alot hotels in blogsposts for awhile. Let’s show them that victim blaming isn’t the way to build solid business practices.

Dear Mr. Kelly:

After reading this horrible story about a woman who was raped at gunpoint in front of her two children in one of your parking garages, I will have to think twice about ever staying in one of your hotels again.

I do understand that sexual violence is incredibly pervasive, and that your hotel isn’t responsible for stopping all rapes everywhere. However, your company has made it clear that not only do you not protect your guests, but that you will stoop to the lowest level of rape apologism and victim blaming when something goes wrong. Quite frankly, knowing that if something horrible were to happen to me on one of your properties that I would be doubly victimized not just by a criminal but by your staff as well is enough to make me stay away and to tell all of my friends and family members to stay away. Actually, I think in the future I am going to refer to all Marriott hotels as the Rapes-alot hotels. it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Do you think it might possibly have been cheaper to settle with the poor vicitm in this case, rather than accusing her of being complicit in her own rape and dragging her babysitter, pilates instructor, and tennis partners into the case in order to harass her? I mean the PR costs alone to get people to stop calling you the Rapes-alot hotels are going to be astronomical.



Me + a box of red vines= 24 hours of stomach badness and heartburn worse than most hangovers.

In the future I shall stick with twizzlers.

That is all

A note for the nice guys

I’m going to do for you what no one ever did for George Sondini, not the women who said he was “nice, but….” and not the PUA that he went to to find out how to pick up young women. I’m going to tell it straight up and hopefully you’ll get a clue. If you pay attention, you’ll be happier, and maybe one less misogynistic asswipe will think it’s his duty to kill bitches and hoes.

1) When we say “you’re such a nice guy” we are trying to let you down easy. Sometimes it’s because we actually care, but usually it’s because we think you might be a bit of a sociopathic nutbag and we don’t want to push you over the edge.

2) Stop thinking that “nice guy” equals nice. It doesn’t. It means we can sense the desperation coupled with woman-hate coming off you. You reek of it, like a sick animal. Try being a good guy instead. Good guys are polite, sweet, thoughtful, well groomed, etc, AND don’t think they deserve to get laid simply because they don’t beat women. Good guys are the kind of guys you can trust never to turn into stalkers or date rapists. They can handle rejection. They don’t hate all women just because a cheerleader in high school never gave them the time of day.

3) Because it’s sooooo important- lemme reiterate: Good guys can handle rejection. They don’t spend weeks mooning over some woman who they are too scared to actually ask out. They don’t build women up in their minds as the end all be all of their existence because they lack the courage to ask a simple question “do you wanna go out sometime?”. They can take a “no”, or a “I’ve got a boyfriend”, or a “I’m not really dating right now” and roll with it. Rejection hurts and at some point everyone gets rejected, but they move on and find someone who does want to go out with them. If you don’t have the mental stability to handle a “no” or twelve, then you have no business dating anyone. Get to a shrink’s couch before you hurt someone.

4) No one deserves sex. You won’t die without it. But if think you deserve sex, if you treat sex as an entitlement rather than as a way for 2 people to make themselves and each other feel good, then you are way less likely to ever have sex. Sex is not a hard won prize found at the bottom of a cereal box. You don’t get sex just because you wore the right shoes or went to the gym or didn’t force yourself on someone or said the magic words that secretly unlock a girl’s panties. There are no secret words like that.

5)Pick up artists are a sham. Save your money. Their tricks are tired, cliched, and any woman who isn’t pass-out-drunk sees through their crap. You wanna try handing out a “neg”, then you better be prepared for a woman to roll her eyes at you and then gossip with her friends about the “douchebag who thinks Mystery is the shit”. There is really only one recipe for sex- take 2 people, who are both attracted to each other AND want to have sex with each other, add condoms and privacy. That’s it. It’s pretty simple.

6) There isn’t someone for everyone, but there are more people out there that have potential than you think. Are you a middle aged man? Are you trying to date 20 somethings? Are you either George Clooney or Bill Gates? No. Then those 20 somethings are going to steer clear of you. Take a good, objective look at yourself. Are you short? Fat? Skinny? Bald? Poor? Old? These are not insurmountable problems. But just like you want the hotties to give you a chance despite your imperfections, you maybe wanna give more women a chance than just the cheerleader types who ignored you in high school. Besides, men who find a broader spectrum of women attractive have more sex, not less. And don’t you want to have more sex?

7) Just because one (or 12 or 20) women treated you badly does not mean all women are money grubbing whores. Remember how I said we can smell the woman-hate coming off you. That’s where it comes from. Look, I’ve had some dudes do some criminally horrible shit to me, like life threateningly awful. But I don’t hate all men. I give each dude the chance to show me who he is, and I’ve never made the same mistake twice when it comes to dating. You need to do the same with women. If you find that the same thing keeps happening to you with different women, then the problem is you and not all women. You are attracted to the kind of women who will treat you badly, and you need to figure out why.

8) No one is attracted to a door mat, but this doesn’t mean that you should be an asshole instead. If you like a woman, ask her out. Send an email or call her. ONCE. Not 17 times just to make sure she got your other messages. If she’s into you, she’ll reply. If she’s not, she’ll give you some kind of “thanks but no thanks” or she won’t reply at all. If she was on the fence and you just showed some crazy stalking behavior with the 17 messages, you’ve just blown it. Confidence means being able to take the risk that you’ll be rejected, and being able to be rejected with grace. Assholes are just the flip side of the nice guy- they are what happens when nice guys get rejected. And they don’t get laid either.

9)Stop complaining that “women only like assholes”. Perhaps all the women you like only date assholes (which says something about who you are attracted too) or perhaps your definition of asshole is wrong. Those guys you think are assholes are probably confident, non-stalkers with some charm and a decided lack of woman-hate.

10) Be interesting just because interesting is fun. Men who turn themselves inside out trying to make themselves attractive to women are boring and creepy, just like women who are completely focused on finding a husband are boring and creepy. Read a book, travel, find music you love or play in nature if that’s your thing. Do things that you find enjoyable. Be passionate about something other than getting laid and learn to talk about it. Talking is wayyyyyyyyyy more important than what kind of car you drive or how big your paycheck is or whether or not you have a full head of hair.

And if you are not sure if you are a nice guy, I’d suggest checking this out.

Men’s worst fear

is that women will laugh at them.

Women’s worst fear is that men will kill them.

Think about that while the stories about murderous douchebag George Sodini (Sorry OD- links to Jezebel) come out. Three women are dead because he couldn’t get laid. And the MRA wankers want to though him a fucking parade. (Not a link to Jezebel).

Let’s get one thing straight- no one deserves sex. No one. Not even George Clooney deserves to get laid. Sex is not a shiny prize you win at the end of a battle. It’s not a reward for good behavior. It’s not something women owe to men who have enough human decency not to rape them or beat them.

But if there is one thing that Sodini did, it’s that he proved that Nice Guys(TM) really aren’t nice. Women stay away from them because they can sense the asshole hiding right under the surface. And every single women I know has had a problem with a guy like Sodini at some point. It’s one of the things that the internet has made both better and worse. Now at least we can deal with the asswipes from a distance, long before they get our phone numbers or addresses. But we still end up with an inbox full of downward spiraling crazy rants.

Sodini is just the end product of rape culture. He was a man who thought that sex was owed to him, but wasn’t willing to cross the line to actual rapist to get it. Instead he choose murder. In a post feminist society, Sodini might have been able to recognize that his desperate need and douchebaggery were the reasons he wasn’t getting laid, as quite a few former Nice Guys have. But instead he blamed the problem on us bitches.

And that got women killed. That is why our worst fear is that you’ll kill us. That’s why catcalls are frightening and not flattering. That is why it’s hard to give a guy we don’t know well a flat out “no”. We never know when our saying no will get us hurt.

Puts that whole fear of rejection/ being laughed at thing in perspective, doesn’t it.