that last paragraph

This story about a gypsy childhood just hits me in the chest.

I changed schools 17 times. If I could, I’d live out of a suitcase bouncing around the world from one place to another. But the Kid, the Kid still complains because we changed houses once in the last 6 years- not schools but houses.

Oh to be on the road I would give anything.

And in the very very near future- I will be. (Details are still top secret- I shall fill you all in when I can).

How bloggers waste time- surreal edition

You should know, before reading this, that my gmail status is set to “Hold on there Margaret Atwood, you’ll get shaken baby syndrom” and that is why I am Margaret. OD is Sparkles because she is mildly peeved that I stole that for my staus before she did. Sucker.

me: Yes- sparkles- I know you are off doing important things, but i thought I should tell someone that i appear to be in the center of a silent police action- lots of flashing lights but no sirens, and a helicopter circling around with big spotlights

Ouyang: not sure why you are still online there margaret…
me: because sleep is for the weak

Ouyang: many moons, no sleep

me: sure

Ouyang: that’s how I roll

me: a rolling stone gathers no sleep

Ouyang: it’s hard to sleep w/ all that moss choking you anyway

me: true dat
I like calling you sparkels
I think I shall keep it up
Ouyang: it’s a fun name
and makes me want to kill unicorns

me: Actually- I think it should be Sparkles Glitterbits

Ouyang: hmm…cani have tassels?
it would also be my stripper stage name

me: tassel pasties yes
my stripper name is…..
Margaret Atwood

Ouyang: or mmy superhero name…and my power would be shitting rainbows

me: pissing rainbows more like
you’d shit magical honey turds
Ouyang: i would shit glitter and honey and piss rainbows, then?
all before bedtime

me: yep
stripper name or my little pony name- it could go either way

Ouyang: I can’t find any kale, so I tink I will be serving meatballs w/ a nice salad

me: spam meatballs salad and spam
or just meatballs salad and spam

Ouyang: spam spam, spam meatballs, spam soup, salad and spam

me: ah- that’s my favorite
unless it’s spam, spam cake and spam
that’s a good one too
Ouyang: spam cake spam spam frosting spam spam icecream and spam

this entire convo may have to be poster- it’s too surreal for anyone to believe
Ouyang: BURMA!
me: spam,chicken and spam, spam lemonade and BURMA!
Do not go gently into that good spam
fight fight for the dying of the spam
Ouyang: you are so funny when you are sleep deprived

me: I’ve heard that before
and off topic 9was there a topic) I have decided that Ann was the kickass of the Bronte sisters. Screw Charlotte.

Ouyang: i am horribly underread

and no, there was no 9 topic

me: are you making fun of my typos disease
that’s typist
and wrong
Ouyang: i would never…

Edited to add
Ouyang: you forgot to mention my obsession w/ spam

me: if they can’t remember that I posted an entire video about spam dedicated to you then they are too dumb to be reading

Ouyang: bwahahaha


I have to learn how to make a gluten free version of this plus add the lights and sound effects in time for the Kid’s birthday next March.

I am fairly sure that peace in the middle east is an easier prospect than a wheat free, special effects ladden tardis cake.

Virtuous foodies can suck my left one

Ah the moralizing middles, what would us poor people do if they weren’t around to preach to us about the goodness of fresh, organic fruits and veggies and lean meats and unprocessed foods. I mean here I’ve been subsisting on a diet of macdonald’s and frozen pizzas when all along I could be feeding my family nutritious salads and whole grains!

Seriously, virtuous foodies are just one more aspect of the middle class values that don’t solve poverty. The whole spiel about eating healthy means jack shit if you don’t give people the money and the access to actually eat healthy. It’s just another way to make poor moms (and it is specifically moms) feel like shit because organic apples are 4 bucks a pound and that’s out of the budget.

We poor moms,we know about nutrition. We’ve had it pounded into our brains the same way you have that more produce, less processed is good. Some of us (ahemmmm) are even foodies ourselves.I’ve been cooking since I was way younger than the kid, and the Kid has his mom’s foodie tendencies. He reads cookbooks like he reads comics. And there are very few women in America who don’t know what the calorie per gram amount is for sugars, fats, proteins and alcohol- even poor women. We get it.

What we don’t get is the money to make that standard of living possible. We have to pack as much caloric punch into a dollar as possible. And I’ll tell you, when all you’ve got is a buck and you’re starving, a snickers goes a whole lot further than a bucks worth of organic celery and carrots.

So unless the virtuous foodies are gonna go screaming to congress about food stamp allotments that allow for organics and farmers markets that take ebt cards and tax incentives to get grocery stores into food deserts, then suck it.

I don’t need another lecture.

When I play the dozens

I play to win.

So Joe Wilson- douche du jour (douche du jour may have to become a regular feature)who heckled Obama’s healthcare speech (still not a fan of Obama- but what would the reaction have been if a dem had done that to Bushy).

So someone set up this lovely site to help garner support for Wilson’s opponent.

After refreshing a few times, I gotta say if you’re gonna play, go all out. So I think these need to be added to the Wilson Disses

Joe wilson has an unusual relationship to hood ornaments

joe wilson doesn’t wear a flag pin

joe wilson inhaled

joe wilson loves to smell his own farts

joe wilson bites his tonails, fungus and all

Joe Wilson eats endangered species eggs for breakfast

joe wilson took candy from a baby

Joe Wilson kicks puppies

Feel free to add your own in comments -but any insult that insults more people than just Joe Wilson- ie sexist, racist, classist, ableist, homophobis, etc- will be turned into the barney song.

What not to wear

One more time folks-

There is no magical piece of clothing that will save you from oppression. A bikini is no more freeing than a burka, and vice versa. Women all over the world, in every kind of clothing imaginable, have been raped, harassed, groped, cat called, killed, etc.

There is no magic piece of clothing because clothing is always just an excuse or a symptom, and not the cause of abuse.

We will know we are free when a woman, any woman, anywhere, can walk down any street naked as the day she was born and not be bothered. Since that day is still very far off, arguing over the merits of one form of clothing over another as tools for liberation is silly.

The clothes don’t dictate the oppression, the oppression dictates the wardrobe.

Eye Candy

Who says feminists hate men, or that women aren’t visually stimulated?

For Gidget Commando- Cade Courtly (how have I been missing him on my tv?)

And since I tend towards the very British when it comes to imaginary crushes:

And from the best spy show ever (Spooks) :(Ruth watched one episode of this show with me and her immediate comment was something about how I was totally having gay sex fantasies about these two- and she was right)

And the ONLY thing that make the Twilight movie worth watching is this guy- granted he is totally breaking the french rule for age difference (half your age plus 7) and my own personal “if they can’t buy their own drink they are too young” rule. But he’s still pretty to look at.

Leave your lusty requests in comments.