The wisdom of large monkey boys

Me: if you got a half an hour to change anything in the world, what would you do?
kid: i would invent some kind of shrink ray
me: why?
kid: then i would shrink all the people and we wouldn’t need as much space or food
me: but you’d have to shrink the cows and chickens too, or what would we eat?
kid: nope, chickens stay the same size but then one chicken would feed a whole bunch of people
me: but how do you kill a giant chicken?

The danger of moderation

I was watching the movie Conspiracy the other day and was struck by a horrible thought. The movie is about the terrible meeting where the Nazis decide to exterminate all the Jews in Europe. There was a bit of a debate about whether they should kill them all now, or just sterilize them all so that there would not be any more Jews born in Europe. Both options are awful.

But I found myself not exactly siding with the sterilization camp, if only because it didn’t mean certain death for 10 million plus people. The movie made sure to point out to us viewers that both choices were rooted in deep seated hatred of Jews. The actors did a pretty good job of being thoroughly despicable. Yet still, because the only two choices given were awful, I found myself gravitating to the less awful.

Now, I am not a Teabagger claiming Obama is the second coming of Hitler (that distinction currently belongs to the great state of Arizona and their racist new law). But we are consistently being given only two choices, two awful choices, when it comes to the governing of our country. Do we keep the crappy health care system we have that kills 40,000 people a year, or make a slightly less crappy system that still won’t cover everyone? Do we leave the banksters that held our entire economic system hostage alone, or do we put in place a regulatory system designed by the people who brought us the meltdown to begin with?

We are missing the good options, the right options. We are missing the person who stands up at the table and says “that’s fucking murder”. There are more than two options for fixing this country. The best options are not being suggested by the people we have given the power to, but because we only see the two main options, we can’t even see how horrid they are anymore. We keep choosing sterilization over outright murder, but neither choice is moral or good.

Perhaps it’s time for another competion

Last year when i got linked on a horrid forced pregnancy blog we had a little competion to see who was more charitable- godless whores or good christians. As you can imagine, the godless whores carried the day by about a hundred to one.
so douchey steve baldwin overspent by 2.5 million bucks. I’ve gotten about 200 bucks this month (which is more than double last month) and should have had enough to pay our bills and keep the internet on, but silly me bought some groceries.
So if you think that i’m a better entertainment value than steve fuckin baldwin, throw some change in ye old donation jar. Sure, i’ve never made a movie as douchetastic as biodome, but i have brought you such hits letters to the president that include the line ‘douchebags in tacky blue suits’.

Stephen Baldwin beg-a-thon

Apparently, some Christian big wigs have set up a website where people can donate directly to the blonde Baldwin brother because he had to declare bankruptcy last year. $2.3 million or so in mortgages, tax bills, credit cards, etc. They SAY it’s because Hollywood stopped offering him roles because he’s a Christian.

Well, bully for Stephen. Why does he qualify for this largesse when so many other people don’t?

The boatloads of other decent people down on their luck didn’t buy multiple homes in pricey Hollywood, expecting the good times to go on forever. They didn’t publicly lambaste the people they hoped would hire them–seriously, if you’re hiring for a position, would you hire the guy who gets on every Christian TV show to talk about how evil you are? Many of those people who declared bankruptcy (if they were fortunate enough to have that option) are probably good, God-fearing Christian folk, too, and perhaps even ones that many of us godless harlot-types would respect for their overall decency, hard work, and lack of pretense. Some may have made mistakes, for sure, but in this society, the rich pay next to nothing for huge mistakes they made with deliberate indifference, wreaking devastating consequences for the whole world. Regular folks, on the other hand, better not charge something extra on their credit cards or they’re screwed for life.

Stephen, honey, sweetie. Maybe people stopped hiring you because (1) Hollywood is notoriously fickle to begin with, (2) you acted like a jerk in public towards the very people who were in a position to hire you, and (3) you just don’t bring anything all that interesting to the table as an actor anymore. (Though if the Christian entertainment market is so damned huge, as it’s purported to be, why aren’t you getting hired for blockbusters in that field?)

Not to mention that whole spending-beyond-your-means thing. Isn’t that what people on your side of the debate love to throw at those of us on our side? Come on now, be honest. Why do you deserve that sort of obscene hand-out for screwing up? It’s not like you’re a Wall Street wizard or anything.

I think a lot of people deserve that kindness more than you, though if people want to donate to you, I say it’s their money and they can do as they please. It just doesn’t make them any more Christian or moral in general than the rest of us. For those caring people (Christian or not) who still cling to the notion of “deserving poor” versus “undeserving poor,” I suggest that there are deserving folks in your own back yard who could use the helping hand a lot more than some Hollywood type who bit the hand that fed him.

I was going to

Write a long post on earth day and why so much of environmentalism regressively relies on the unpaid labor of women, but its hard to write a long post on my phone and i have yet another raging migraine. Instead i am going to contemplate the best way to sterilize a power drill for at home brain surgery.rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide? And just to make it topical which one is more environmentally friendly?

The tactics are always the same, big whiny wheel edition

As I was attempting to drown myself in a bathtub full of tea tree oil (mosquitos people, they think I am an all you can eat buffet) I had this little thought.

MRAs are to child support* as red state conservatives are to taxes** as misogynists are to women*** as legacy graduates of Ivy league universities are to affirmative action****.

What is the common theme? These are all groups of people who contribute less to society than they get out of it, and whine the whole fucking time about what little they do have to put in.

All oppression has the same goal. Anyone who tells you to shut up about it, or that fighting against it is useless or futile, is probably one of the big, whiny, squeaky wheels getting more out of the system than they put in.

So what are your examples of big whiners getting more and paying less and complaining all the time about it? It can be racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia. Take your pick.

*for all their whining, 70 percent of child support cases are in arrears and in some states more than 50 percent of cases haven’t seen a single payment in the last year. Yes I harp on this fact. It’s important and ignored.

**red states almost universally get more money from the federal government than they pay in taxes. The opposite is true for blue states.

*** Seriously, do I need to explain how misogynists benefit from sexism? It was just national pay equality day for starters.

****Yes, I have actually had an argument with about with someone about how their legacy admission was soooooooo earned while affirmative action promotes the undeserving.