have you ever noticed….

that the things we hate most about other people are things they have
little to no choice or control over? i don’t mean hate on an
individual basis, like i hate libertarians and ayn rand fans, but
oppressive, institutionalized group hate. we hate people based on
race, gender, poverty, health, nationality, sexual orientation,
etc,etc. even religion, to some extent, is not a choice in most cases
(and in many cases even if you weren’t a practicing irish catholic or
a practicing jew in germany, you were still treated like you were)
i wonder why that is? i wonder why our most heinous biases aren’t
based on something people can control, like favorite foods or musical
taste? but maybe i just answered my own question. if we could control
the things about ourselves that make others hate us into oppression,
then there would be no way to restrict the flow of resources to an
oppressed group.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

Let them not eat cake

is it just me, or does the fact that they are taking money out of the
food stamp budget (a program which puts I believe 1.82 into the
economy for every 1.00 of cost)to fund michelle obama’s little I Hate
Fat Kids campaign seem a wee bit like marie antionette building la
petite triannon at ahuge expense to the french people so she could
play a naturalist milk maid? Do you think that organically grown
squash blossoms might be this administrations version of sanitized
sheep for play shepehearding?

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

Re: Elizabeth, it’s time to commit to vote

Dear President Obama & the Democratic Party:
I promise that come November, i will vote. I also promise that come
November i will vote in my own best interest and for 2 years you all
have shown me that my best interest does not lie with the Dems in
general. If health reform legislation can be bought by health
insurance companies and stimulus packages can be bought by the wealthy
and war can be escalated by mineral deposits, then why can’t you all
spend a bit to buy my vote? buy the votes of the 20 percent unemployed
(i’m one) buy the votes of women (you all sure have failed on that
constituancy) buy the votes of my friends and allies in the gay and
minority communities. buy the votes of the forclosed in hoovervilles
(obamavilles?) buy the votes of those of us who are sickened that the
US is prosecuting a child soldier that we’ve been holding in gitmo for
years. until you make it worth my while to vote for you, my vote is
for sale to anyone but you including 3rd parties, write ins and pro
choice republicans.

On 8/12/10, Barack Obama <democraticparty@democrats.org> wrote:
> Elizabeth —
> Eighteen years ago, shortly after graduating from law school, I helped lead
> a voter registration campaign in Chicago that generated record turnout on
> Election Day.
> That experience taught me one of the most important lessons I ever learned
> as a community organizer: When people promise that they’ll do something —
> like voting — they are far more likely to do it.
> That’s why one key part of our Vote 2010 plan this year is to get folks like
> you from across the country to commit to vote, to make sure we get as many
> people as we can to cast their ballots this fall.
> But getting the commitments we need starts with your own promise to make it
> to the polls and cast your ballot.
> Will you please commit to vote in the 2010 elections?
> http://my.democrats.org/Commitment1
> Over the next 82 days, volunteers across the country will spend countless
> hours calling voters and knocking on their doors, asking them the same
> question.
> And you can bet that I am counting on you to join them in talking to voters
> in your community.
> This election offers a stark choice. We Democrats are hard at work trying to
> move America forward, repairing a decade of damage and growing an economy
> based on the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility.
> We’ve fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a
> victory 100 years in the making, and to Wall Street, the most sweeping
> overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression.
> But after years of policies that landed us in the worst recession since the
> 1930’s, the Republicans who got us there have not come up with anything
> different from the policies of George W. Bush.
> We simply cannot afford to go backwards or let them repeal our reforms. And
> making sure we can continue moving forward starts with your own promise to
> cast your ballot in these elections.
> Please commit to vote this fall:
> http://my.democrats.org/Commitment1
> Thank you,
> President Barack Obama
> **************************************************************
> Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
> www.democrats.org. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or
> candidate’s committee.
> **************************************************************
> Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not
> deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
> To unsubscribe from this mailing list, click the link below:
> http://www.democrats.org/unsubscribe
> DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

this vote’s for sale

there’s a large amount of handwringing going on right now about what
are all us disillusioned types gonna do come november. we could stay
home, but not voting doesn’t make a damn bit of difference in a system
that only measures votes received and not all possible voters. we can
make protest votes (which appeals to me on a deeply comedic level). we
can vote 3rd party, if there’s an actual 3rd party on the ballot.
but none of these things will give me what i want or need from my
government. actually, it doesn’t matter which end of the donkeyphant
gets power, i’m fucked either way. so my vote is for sale. shit,
politicians are for sale, legislation is for sale, war is for sale. so
why is it a big deal that i want my vote to be just as ‘free’ market
as our political system is?
will selling votes change our fucked up system? not anymore than the
rotation of elites that we currently use. but at least i’d get some
benefit from it. in honor of the late, great chasito, starting bids
for my vote is 5$ and a bus pass

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

any body in chapel hill?

exactly one month from today i’ll be in chapel hill nc, visiting the
loverly ruthzilla. it turns out she’s my cooking muse and i am
planning yumminess already.
so dear readers, if any of y’all are in the raleigh/chapel hill area
and want to meat for drinkies, drop me a line.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

obama admin thinks we’re drug adled loonies

at least that’s what his pres secretary says about us critical
liberals (i’m assuming he’s lumping us progs in with the libs).
apparently the administration is angry because we’ve made the oh so
factual conclusion that president hopey changey isn’t that different
from Bush, and they’ve decided to direct their ire at us. (nothing new
but, and fuck i hate that i have to type this, bush did something good
that obama has never even thought about- stimulus checks to people who
aren’t banksters. i know, it prolly wouldn’t permanently fix anything.
but after 2 long years of recession a fat government check would go a
long way towards bucking up the moral and pocketbooks of the non
banksters. especially since parents around the country are scrambling
right now to get their kids ready to go back to school.
but that’s not the obots way. they are more into empty words of good
will while they play ’11 dimension chess’ and not acts of good will
that may keep a family from bitter ruin for an extra month or two.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

oh for fucks sake

dear eat pray love people:
there isn’t a single person on the planet whose life wouldn’t
drastically improve with enough money to take a year off from work to
travel around the world eating, meditating, and having sex. so until
you book, movie, or promotional tie ins come with enough money to do
that kindly fuck off.
namaste (as all the pretentious yoga hippies say)

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

An idea for the Prop 8 supporters

(WARNING: Snark Alert!)

Those poor, poor dears who supported Prop 8 must be in high dudgeon today, following that decision from the meanie judge in California. They’re just trying to defend the sanctity of marriage from Teh Gays and the Eeeevil Libruls and such.

Gentle readers, I think I have an idea to soothe their rustled nerves and satisfy the Constitution at the same time. How’s about we just cancel out the more than 1,000 particular legal rights that come along with a marriage license in this country?

Yup, that’s right. Those sweet, holy people who claim it’s just about the sanctity of marriage can put their money where their mouths are. Renounce all the legal rights that come with the white lace and promises, and bring it all back to where you say it is: the sanctity, the tradition, the godliness and all that. Give up the tax breaks, the rights of survivorship and inheritance, the thousand and one automatic legal presumptions and legs-up and bonus points you and yours get for inking the license.

Oh, not so much? Well, then, I guess it’s not really about the sanctity–it IS about the rights that you think you deserve because you put a particular Tab A into another particular Slot B. And others whose blueprints don’t work that way shouldn’t have the same rights ’cause their blueprints are….icky.

So stuff your sanctity. Or go practice it peacefully, according to your own conscience, with my sincerest blessings. Or abandon it all, if you wish. It’s entirely up to you. Just don’t try to deny other people THEIR legal rights because YOU conflated your own moral squick with the legal privileges attached to a particular legal status.

whinging is for tuesdays

so i have a couple of posts i’d love to write but they can’t be typed
on my phone with its crappy character limit. one’s about how
evangelists are really no different from fetishists, but with worse
manners. the other is about how this new economic reality turns 15
years of experience into a minimum wage job,
but my phone is too small to express these things and im having a bit
of a strep thing going on, fever and achey and gross. so im gonna stay
curled up in bed and whine for awhile

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning