burn out

is about what i’m feeling right now. did you all know there are more
than 2000 posts on this here blog, the vast majority of which are
mine, but not all. and after 2000 posts that all basically say the
same thing, i am so tired of politics. i never thought that would
happen. i wrote about the one thing i thought wouldn’t bore me. it
turns out that 5 years and 2000 blogposts is the the boring point. so,
until i can give a rats ass, let’s talk about something fun,
entertaining. Anyone got any recipes they’d like to share? complaints
or adulations in the romance department? some new music they can’t get
out of their head or a book that wowed them?
As for me, i am halfway to perfecting porkchops limonata (chops are
figured, but the sauce needs work) after a year of self imposed
nunnery i am thinking it might be time to shake my groove thing, but
not with the cookie cutter hipster boy dj type that played with my
hands in north carolina.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

no one could have predicted

think of the main political parties as frats, and suddenly the
enormous enthusiam gap between men and women for this election seems
clear. for years most of the girls have been avoiding keggers at the
republican frat house. they know that all they are going to get from
those parties is the chance to fetch beers for they boys to chants of
‘show us yer tits!’ instead they head to the keggers at the democrats
house. no one shouts ‘show us yer tits’ but the girls are still
expected to fetch the beer and clean up the morning after and show
their tits when asked nicely, wether they want to or not. eventually
the women wise up. they aren’t much better off and the price they have
to pay is too steep. why go to a party at all when you can stay home
and save the humiliation.
certainly no one (cough) could have predicted this during the
primaries, what with all the sexist dogwhistles and cat calls from the

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

ha! one whole month my bitchez

one whole month (4 weeks actually) since i quit smoking. the gum is
still making my mouth all blistery and hurty, but i don’t care. one
whole month. that’s the longest ever and i’m even doing okay around my
smoking family members. there was a wee slip a few weeks ago when i
stole 3 drags off a guy’s smoke after many many drinks. but it wasn’t
a whole one and i went right back to the gum after. so yay me.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

debt and income

there’s a link in my shared items about the rising costs of housing
and higher ed being connected. it seems like a big fucking duh moment
to me, but wevs. what also seems like a big fucking duh moment to me
is that for 40 years the real average income of people has
beendropping while consumer debt rises. now the douchebags like to
blame people for putting their morning coffe on a credit card, but
when your income literally doesnot buy as much as your parents income
did, then how else are people who are told they are middle class
supposed to do things like clothe the kids and buy groceries. if wages
had kept up with inflation, perhaps consumer debt wouls be lower, and
credit card cos wouldn’t be getting their 25%

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

more movie themes:motherhood

it’s been a really long time since i did a stupid movie genres theme,
but i’ve been inspired. so heres a few memes, themes and genres that
should just fucking die already.
1. nannies love children and know more about them than moms. moms who
need nannies are workahalic bitches who need a mouthy (always
young,hot and white) woman to show them that they are failures at
mommyhood. unless the mom is regretful that she can’t spend all day
wiping snot from her kids noses. if she is regretful, then the (always
young, hot and white) nanny will sleep with you husband and plot
2 the only good unplanned pregnancy ends in either blissful marriage,
adoption, or with the woman straight up refusing child support from
the dad. child support only exists in entertainment land to be
refused. abortions are non-existent. well they exist, but no decent
character would ever actually have one.
3. a birthing scene must always be ridiculously over the top and
funny. always. there are no exceptions.
got more you want to ad

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning


i think i have a cold, or more likely the flu since it comes with a
fever. the fam is blaming airplanes, but i am sure i got it from the
walking petri dish known as the kid. OTher Cousin keeps threatening to
waterboard, i mean netti pot me. i’d rathe someone just take a vacuum
to my sinuses. but as with trepanation, the family refuses to assist
with my DIY health care. i’d sell a kidney for spicy tortilla soup.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

the kid is allright

kid comes bounding into my room like a hyper puppy and says ‘i just
finished the first chapter of my chemistry book! that book is RAD!’

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

racists aren’t the brightest bulbs

so yesterday OTher Cousin got the police report from the cops little
break up of friday night’s youth group at the church. the complaint
from the hideous neighbors reads ‘they are holding church IN A
CHURCH’. Next thing you know brown people will be doing such horrid
things like urinating in a toilet or cooking on a stove or even
worse,watching tv in their living rooms. how dare they act like human

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

there is no welcome basket for you

but lemme give a warm ‘what’s up’ to all the new poor folks in the
country. i’ve been here a loooooong ass time and can show you around.
first things first, congratulations on being a member of the only
truly diversified class, though we do tend to drift heavily into
oppressed classes. yay! second, and this may take awhile for you to
learn, there is no such thing as a ‘good’ poor person. sure, you
nevver drink or smoke or use drugs, you’re married to your only baby
daddy, etc etc. but some douchehound is still going to claim you’re
only poor because you own a tv or a cell phone and should have
invested that money instead. oh and don’t forget the kids. you’re
choice to breed and be poor is going to be seen as a huge affront to
the system. even wealthy white feminists will hate you for that. and
now that you’re poor the state will be much more interested in your
parenting skills. poor people are generally acknowledged to suck at
both birth control and parenting.
i wish i had more hopeful news for you, but….

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

fun with homeschooling

kid: do you know how many feet are in a mile?
me: just over 5000
kid: my math book expects me to know this off the top of my head.
me: it’s useful shit to know
kid (with whining, eyerolling teenage attitude): but i allready know
how to do all this stuff!!!!!!!
me: fine, take the test at the end of the chapter and if you do better
than 85% i’ll let you skip it.

wouldn’t it be nice if public schools let you skip the seriously
redundant stuff?

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning