forrests and trees

in the shared items section is a piece from grasping reality with both
hands about the difficulty companies are having finding qualified
employees even with 14 million people who are unemployed (and the
scads of people who are underemployed). the author thinks the obvious,
classic econ 101 solution is to offer higher wages to fill those spots
He’s missing the forest though. What those companies are saying
with their refusal to raise wages in order to attract a bigger, better
pool of workers is that they don’t think the current
unemployed/disemployed rate is high enough yet. I bet my deliciously
fat ass that they won’t think they have an acceptable applicant pool
to pick from until the published unemployment rate is closer to great
depression 25% levels, which if the real disemployment numbers hold
true would put us at 50% disemployment. Won’t it be grand, when
employers can get high skill, college educated workers domestically
for minimum wage or less if they are salaried and outsourcing is over?

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

I get mail

Gross and disgusting mail.
‘I think your a hard core woman on the outside. But maybe your soft to
your man hidden deep down inside. i think the shell needs to crack and
im the hammer. lets see what youve got come on i dare you to reach out
and touch me’

Of course the only response to some gross dude emailing his desire to
hammer me till I crack is public shaming via blogpost. (ftr, all
typos and misspellings in the quote are original and not the product
of blogging via phone.)

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

rq watches movies so you don’t have to

The entire plot of The American can be summed up like this: George
Clooney has sex with gorgeous europeans, kills people.
the worst movie i ever saw (which is not this one) was Don’t Look Now
with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie. It’s basically an extended
european sex vacation with dramatic shots of Venice interspersed with
shots of sutherland and christie rolling around in satin sheets, plus
there’s a killer dwarf. the american belongs in this genre, european
sex vacation plus death (so it’s art and not porn). i will give a tiny
nod of approval to the costume design though. i wanted every single
outfit the ladies wore when the could be bothered to wear clothes. so
i guess this makes the movie have more in common with dead model vogue
pictorials than with any actual film.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

what do you call

a president who reveres reagan, talks football on fox with bill
o’reilly, and courts thenational chamber of commerce?

you certainly can’t delude yourself into thinking he’s some kind of
stealth progressive. he’s not even liberal (by the american
definition). and for those sad sacks holding on to the community
organizer theme, the right wing has community organizers too. they run
crisis pregnancy centers and local chambers of commerce and the racist
minutemen in Arizona. it’s time to stop kidding yourself about who the
president is and what side he’s on.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning


now jamie fucking oliver is fat shaming poor americans in 2 languages.

and my love affair with v-me wanes. they could have just given rick
bayless a show if they wanted to bring on the white chef dudes. he
speaks the language, his food is awesome, and with his anthropology
background he tends to treat the (poor and/or brown) people around him
with respect. instead i’m watching jamie fucking oliver pull the
repressed white dude trying to be cool in a black church shit.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

the fat yoga teacher

i’ve been watching a lot of v-me, pbs’ spanish language channel,
because the rest of the channels are crap and to improve my spanish.
every morning they show aire yoga. it’s a great to learn verbs for
body movements, though mostly in command form. but that’s not the best
the teacher, Anna Silvetti, is a certified fat lady and she is
awesome. i’ve never seen anyone who wasn’t a contortionist bend like
that. and from my admittedly meager spanish, she doesn’t seem to talk
about weight loss at all. increasing flexibility, feeling centered in
your body, yes. but not a single thing about weight.
i’m almost tempted to grab some floor space and give it a try after
watching her.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

shorter everybody

in discussions between Sebelius of health and human services and
governors over medicaid costs:

sebelius: here’s a list of the ways you can save money by screwing
over the poor people you’ve allready got. you can eliminate things
like coverage of prescrition drugs, dental services, vision services,
respitory care. poor people don’t need to eat, breathe, see or take
expensive medicine!
governors: but what we really want is to screw the poor we don’t have
yet. can’t we change those pesky eligibility rules?

sebelius: lalalalala, i can’t hear you. you can increase cost sharing
for poor people with copays. lalalalala
governors:grumble grumble grumble stupid poor people, grumble grumble.

the moral of this story, kids, is that neither govenors nor the fed
gives a flying fuck about poor people’s health. wtf good will
increasing medicaid eligibility in the obamacare bill have done if
medicaid now only covers a doctor telling you exactly how you’re going
to die since medicaid won’t cover the drugs you need

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

onward christian godbags

fine, you wanna be a person, or more specifically a president, who
like to loudly proclaim your jesus-lovin at events organized by other
jesus-lovers. but could you please at least remember the kind of guy
your son of god claimed to be? he wasn’t all ‘whatever you do to the
least of the too big to fail banks you do to me’. i’m pretty sure the
eye of the needle remark wasn’t some reality show competition judged
by donald trump. i’m pretty sure ‘Turn the other cheek’ isn’t a move
you perform in order to snort meth off a rentboy/baggage handler. i
would have so much less ire towards christians if the actually acted
more christ-like.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning

can i get a hell yeah?

i’ve been exceptionally productive this week, and it ain’t even friday yet.
i’ve successfully navigated multiple beaureacratic quagmires, got the
kid to do his school work with minimal teenage angsty face, cleaned
house and made plans for future financial improvements (maybe).
don’t be shy peeps, what do you need a hell yeah for? big or small, i
think we could all use a hell yeah right about now.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning