RQ Cooks: The Best Stuffing You’ve Ever Stuffed In Your Face

For a long time, I thought I was incapable of making stuffing that was yummy. I figured that since my drunk turkey was the bomb, if was ok if I was stuffing deficient. But the truth was, I was trying to make stuffing for vegans using shit stuffing mix from Trader Joe’s (FYI NOTHING GOOD EVER COMES FROM TRADER JOE’S. DON’T BUY SHIT THERE).

Once I gave up on satisfying the vegans and using crap stuffing mix, the stuffing got drastically better. The rules of stuffing are this: keep it simple, don’t cook it in the bird, and use tasty animal products.

What you need:
(This is to make a huge amount of stuffing. You can easily halve it to go with a chicken dinner or wevs)

2 packages of cornbread stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good. This year I used some box of something else that was on sale. It was good too. )
sausage (I use 2 rolls of Jimmy Dean Sage sausage. But I have also made sausage from scratch using ground pork and that was so fucking good)
poultry seasoning
salt pepper
chicken stock (Better Than Bullion is the awesomest. I can do stock from scratch but this way easier)
Butter (read the stuffing package to see how much you need)

In a large saucepan, brown the sausage over low heat so you can render out as much fat as possible.

When sausage is cooked, remove from pan with slotted spoon and set aside.

Add a wee bit of oil back into the pan to supplement the sausage grease that’s all ready in there

Turn heat up.

Add diced onions and celery. I use a whole thing of celery, including the leaves and saving the end bit to make stock later. Also I use 3 large yellow onions. Cook till onions are translucent. Add spices. Lots of spices. Then add the sausage back in.

Meanwhile, in a great big fucking bowl, pour in stuffing mix. Add chopped parsley (I use 2 bunches of curly parsley, but flat leaf is fine too). Melt butter in microwave. Measure out stock according to package directions.

Put onion & sausage mix in bowl with stuffing. Mix. Then add your stock and melted butter. Mix again. Taste. Add spices if needed. You really can’t go wrong with poultry seasoning the hell out of it. Really. And don’t forget the pepper. That little bit of bite is important.

Loosely pack the whole mix into a giant lasagna pan. Bake, uncovered, in a 350 oven for 45 minutes.

And that is stuffing so good people will whisper “It’s better than my…..” It’s also super fucking easy, so yay.

I promised someone a funny Thanksgiving post

So after the kitchen was destroyed and everyone was lounging with full bellies and much booze, the cheesy movie marathon started. First we watched the Thanksgiving classic, Cannibal the Musical. Nothing like cannibalism as portrayed by the South park dudes to cap off a night ritual animal slaughter plus pie.

Then we watched this bit of awesome and awful. They broke the budget on lame (that’s la- may, not lame) fabric in this film. This film was steam punk and tricked out mopeds before hipsters were born.

The end of the movie even includes a timely hippies in the park, police with riot gear sequence to remind us all that protesting and anti-protesting are timeless. Plus the whole movie made in 1980 about the wild future of 1994 being watched in 2011 gave me the chance to whip out my Werner Herzog impression “Are we looking at the past looking the future that is really our past?”

Now excuse me while I go nurse my hangover with turkey and pie.

Thanksgiving Day Massacre

Well that explains Tuesday’s rage-a-thon. Motherfucking communist invasion fuckers. On a day where I cannot possible spend my time curled up in a moaning ball of pain clutching a hot water bottle and keeping multiple layers of towels between me and all upholstered furniture. No, I have to go cook a fucking turkey.

And the birth control pills that are supposed to regulate this shit- not working. Pre-pills I did not get all PMS ragey. I maybe cried over a sappy commercial. So far the only BC benefit I get is actual birth control. I also get pimples, ragies, seriously lowered libido, and periods that are no shorter (7 days) or lighter, or more scheduled, than pre- pills. Plus I still get the cramping, nausea, and fevers that my fucking period brings.

This is going to suck.

It’s a Question of Trust

The other day on ye old book of the face, I had a conversation with an old Elizabitchez commenter from the way back about the Occupy Movement’s little racism/sexism problem (also ableism is a huge issue, but that wasn’t a specific part of the convo). Since I haven’t gotten said commenter’s permission to post hir part of the back and forth, I’m just gonna quote myself.

“Well hell, if I had to face racism and sexism along with the possibility of getting arrested, I’d just stay home and read a book. Wait, that might be mostly what I’ve done”.

Cut to today and I find this link via Shakesville.


Some of us have been putting up with a rigged system since birth. Some of us have been fighting that rigged system since we first learned to say “But it’s not fair!” while stomping our tiny feet. Some of us have been writing, screaming, arguing, losing friends over and making family dinners uncomfortable since FOR FRICKEN EVER talking about politicians who just don’t give a flying fuck and two Americas and and and. And a some of us knew Chicagoan now President Obama was a shitface long before you cast your stupid ballots for hope and change in 2008.


And now you want us to join you. Us, the always poor, the female, the brown and the black, the disabled, to join you.

We’ve heard that schtick before and we don’t buy it anymore. You want our labor for your revolution, but you ain’t gonna get it till you’ve shown you’re trust worthy. Are you the same douchenoodles who, during the 2008 primaries, made rape threats when we said “Hey 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one is a sexist dogwhistle” (not even a dogwhistle- pretty blatant sexism actually) or pointed out that y’all only seem to give a shit about reproductive rights when your beating us over the head with the idea that “Republicans are worse”? Why yes, you are. Fuck you. We’re not coming to you damn revolution until we can trust you. And so far, we can’t.

You wanna do something revolutionary? How about you throw out a little bone to us ladies (no not that kind of bone. Zip your pants up. This is what I mean by bullshit.) and perhaps make Obama’s little come together meeting with the Catholic Fucknuggets, I mean Bishops, over the right to deny women birth control a tiny part of your protesting. Or you know, don’t. I don’t expect you all to pull your head out of your ass, to be honest. I’ve seen this shit too many times and I am really fucking tired of being right about it. I just don’t trust you, Occupy, to give a flying fuck about anyone who isn’t (formerly) middle-class, white, and male.

Inappropriate Conversations with Children- for when you can’t be ass to write a real post

Me:Did you take your medicine?


Me: All the doses at all the times

Kid: (making growling teenage face) Yes mother

Me: Cause if you don’t take it all you could get an infection and then DIE

Kid: Yes mother

Me: And then I would have to kill myself so I can follow you into the afterlife and nag at you “See what happens when you don’t take drugs!!!!” (FYI, the afterlife has extra punctuation to spare. So I used a could extra exclamation points).

Kid: changing the subject, put on sweet voice “Would you like me to get you some soda?”

Me: Yes please (makes shift eyes around the room. Where is his bottle of antibiotics? hmmmmmmmmmm)

What’s a person gotta do to get arrested in this joint?

Apparently, break the entire world economy = get a fat bailout from the Fed.

But be a poor single mom with a drug conviction and lie to get food stamps for your 2 little kids (cause bad druggies don’t get food stamps, fyi) and you get 3 years in jail. Oh and lose you kids.

A quick googling and minimal math skills tells me that the maximum amount of food stamps she could have gotten if she received them for an entire year is $6312 (The max allotment for a family of 3 is $526 multiplied by 12).

Here’s the thing- even if she received 10 times that amount, shit one hundred times that amount, and sold whatever she didn’t use, she still wouldn’t be fucking over anyone. Food stamps aren’t even cash. They are an imaginary currency unit created by the government to restrict the spending of the poorest of the poor to pay only for food. The fed makes money. The fed makes food stamps. But unlike when Wall Street banksters take fed money and pocket it, food stamps go right back into the economy. They pay for grocery stores (and the clerks that work in them) and farms and factories (and the laborers who pick, pack and process the food).

So you’ve gotta wonder, what exactly are the government’s priorities when they prosecute a poor person for surviving while bailing out a rich person who needs no help putting food on the table?

TRIGGER WARNING: About that unpleasantness at Penn State

TRIGGER WARNING: (child rape, extreme entitlement, rampant stupidity)

There are lots of things you can say about the unpleasant news from Penn State.

This, in my not-so-frigging humble-opinion, is the most appropriate. (There are plenty of extremely close runners-up. Like this. And this.)

If I hear one more tearful student or alum or bigshot talking about Penn State’s healing, I’m going to make Hothead Paisan look like a genteel grandmother in a Victorian parlour. The victims come first, second, third, ad infinitum, bitches.

A year ago it was so much worse

So Kid is on antibiotics. The dentist (w00t found one super close) won’t even root canal him till he’s got some of the infection under control. Kid is still feeling super shitty. He’s slept for the last 10 hours, waking up briefly because he’s either too hot or too cold or because I’ve poked him to make him wake up and take medicine or just because I am the mom and even when your baby is half a foot taller than you, you still make sure they are breathing when they sleep. Wow, I am the queen of the run on sentences.

The dentist’s verdict was the same as the dentist who told me a year ago that Kid needed a crown. The difference is that medicaid will pay for a root canal, but not for the crown that tops it. Insurance will pay for 80% for the root canal and 50% of the crown. I’ve been squirreling away little bits of money to pay for things like deductibles. I had hoped to get a bigger nest egg before I had to use it.

So last year, when the dentist told me it would be 600 bucks to fix the tooth, I cried, right there. And freaked out the kid a bit. He still hasn’t had that tooth fixed. He’s got a bunch of dental cement holding it together. That’s not the tooth that’s making him so sick now. (Yay! Genetics! Kid inherited my chalk like teeth and his dad’s weird too many teeth in the wrong places problem).

This year, well I’ve got the root canal portion paid for. And if I sign up for an FSA through work, I can have the whole

Pardon Me If I Can’t be Bothered To Give A Rats Ass

The Kid has another abscessed tooth. This is what 10 years of medicaid dental gets you. His face is swollen. He’s throwing up. He’s in mountains of pain. He’s cranky (and let me tell you, Kid is normally the chillest person in the room, cranky doesn’t happen with him unless things are extreme). I am a sympathetic puker, so in addition to the giant hot rock of guilt turning my stomach, I am nauseous to boot.

But we finally have dental. Real dental. Not the “only for extractions done by a one or two providers in a 500k population metro area” medicaid dental. Not the “sometimes kids die of toothaches because they are poor” medicaid dental. Real dental, with deductibles and co-insurance that doesn’t cover as much as it should but covers more than the nothing of medicaid. If I get up really early and start calling around, I may get lucky and find a dentist in our plan that can take him. If I clean out my tiny savings account, I might be able to pay for it. I was hoping we could make it to January 1 before using the dental, so I could skip this year’s deductible. Oops. And we won’t talk about how I am gonna have to call into work tomorrow. I’m going to push the fact that there were people let go last week out of my mind. I am going to cross my fingers and hope that taking a day off for a sick kid isn’t going to put me next on the list of expendable employees.

This is a kind of violence. Economic violence. A thing that causes actual, physical harm to an actual living being. Kids not being able to go to the dentist because they don’t have the right parents. That’s violent. Hell, anyone not being able to see a dentist because that shit is expensive is a kind of violence. Parents skipping meals to stretch out the food budget to maybe last to the end of the month is a kind of violence. Choosing between drugs that keep you alive or paying the heating bill in the dead of winter is a kind of violence. Slow, creeping, scarier than anything Hollywood could come up with violence.

So while you’re all throwing hissy fits about property damage, I’m gonna go deal with the inevitable outcomes of economic violence done to the poorest of us. Yeah broken windows suck. But I’d rather lose every single thing I own than have my kid suffer one more second of pain. Graffiti my door, piss on my sofa, steal my last dollar. That’s all just stuff. My door doesn’t feel pain. My sofa doesn’t feel pain. My wallet doesn’t feel pain. That’s property damage. And having literally lost every damn thing that I own in the not so distant past, I am familiar with what losing everything feels like. It sucks. But it didn’t end us.

And I just can’t be bothered to give a rat’s ass about property damage. Not when a real, live human being is sitting next to me in agony because he had the misfortune to be born to a poor woman in a time when things matter more than people.