This is not my idea of fun.

So the bloggy blog is a little different. Echo, which used to be JS-Kit which used to be Haloscan is going away in a few weeks. I thought of just shutting the whole thing down rather than deal with (AGAIN) changing commenting platforms and importing and blah blah blah.

But even though I can barely be assed to write something once a week, I am not totally ready to give up on Blogger just yet. If Tumblr ever makes it so I can import this whole thing over there- IT’S ON!

Right now I am waiting to see if Discuss imports all the old comments. And if Discus installed comments on Tumblr. If you all haven’t visited me over there, where I am ALL the FUCKING TIME, I have now installed comments*. So even if you aren’t a hipster with  Tumblr full of dubstep remixes (or one of the cool kids like Vest Left, the blogger formerly known as Montag, and BLCKDGRD) you can still comment on my ridiculousness over there. And it’s ridiculous. I have an unabashed love for Avengers fan art.

*As I was typing this sentence, old friend o’ the blog tested and YES comments work at Tumblr but you can’t see the option for the dash. You have to go to the actual page to see them.

Awesome things said at dinner

So I have this old friend. This awesome old friend. And during the 2008 elections we had some very heated debates. I’ve mellowed. I am all honey badger about the current election. I can’t believe I ever spent so much emotional energy on a party as shit-tay as the Democrats. I am now mostly a nod and change the subject type when it comes to what flavor of shit sandwich people are gonna swallow come November. At least in person. I have a lot of old friends and I don’t want to waste any time that could be spent discussing Dr. Who or “How the fuckity fuck does Pandora decide Outkast belongs on my playlist with The Pixies?” rather than discussing shit sandwich vs. shit sandwich with pickle. But still, the shit sandwich finds it’s way into discussions, because it’s that time. Not all of these were said by old friend, but he and I are both voting Green. (Lots of paraphrasing. I made fried chicken and drank whiskey. DO YOU KNOW HOW LABOR INTENSIVE FRIED CHICKEN IS?” “Hey remember when the Dems wanted to repeal the Patriot act?” “Remember when they cared about habeus corpus?” “I love the part of the platform that says abortion is between a woman and local control of her uterus, her husband, doctor, clergy”. “It’s all about eliminating the middle class. It’s a question of if you want lube with it. I vote for Democrats cause I am trying to slow the process” (me- in response to the above) “I vote 3rd party to speed up people’s recognition of how fucked we are”. I love my friends. We don’t all agree at the same time on the same things. But Obots they are not.