Bible reading 101

Dear Gov. Sanford:

You know that commandment about not taking the Lord’s name in vain? I am assuming you know it. Hell I know it and I’m not a Christian. But I think you maybe might be misinterpreting it. You see, I don’t think that god really cares about whether you use his name as a curse word, I think (if he/she exists at all) that the point is not to go around claiming that it’s god’s will for you to do something you want to do, like start a war or stay in a political office.

I think if I was god, I’d be peeved at your comparing your choice between staying with your devoted wife or running away with your soul mate as a Kind David type situation. David was acting as a judicious arbiter, you were acting like a selfish asshat, bound to cause pain to both women and your children because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. David didn’t cause the situation where 2 women needed his decision, you did.

Perhaps you might wanna re-read that part of the bible. You might also want to read what Jesus taught about fidelity. Now mind you, I’m a godless agnostic who thinks monogamy isn’t for everyone, but I also don’t endanger the welfare of an entire state or enforce rules I can’t or won’t follow onto others.

I’m just saying……..