Remember all those times

I told you peeps that “libertarian is shorthand for douchebag” or maybe asshat, I can’t remember now.

Two stories of Libertarian asshatery today, both involving Facebook scumbag Peter Thiel. First, Libertarians want their own private island kingdoms (close enough to home so that they don’t have to deal with expensive things like military protection but still able to get out of paying taxes). I say good riddance, but will happily become a pirate queen and rob all you non-taxpayers blind. You think the Coast Guard is going to come to your rescue when you’ve committed treason? Hardly.

Next, Thiel thinks girls are the downfall of society.

Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of “capitalist democracy” into an oxymoron.

Ah yes, women who vote and participate in society bring it down. Funny how science proves him wrong. countries that have more freedom and equality for women actually have stronger economies and higher standards of living. But Libertarian asshats rarely let the facts get in their way of plotting world domination.

(I am now fully convinced that Facebook is the root of all evil- especially since it has become a tool for ex-boyfriends, including Kid’s stalker daddy, to track me down and pester me long after I sent them packing)

(Also- does Thiel seem like the absolute archetype for the evil “genius” in kid’s cartoons. I can totally see him rubbing his hands together and trying to invent a magic laser that disappears all the females in the world cause “girls have cooties”)