Battlestar morning after blogging

Here be spoilers for the series finale

WTF was that load of tripe? Seriously? A show that has been complex and and never trite winds up with such a fucking cliche of an ending that I am still pissed. I will give the BSG guys some credit though, they managed to make me thoroughly uninterested in anything the characters might have done once the credits rolled. Shit, even Friends made me kinda curious about the lives of the people on the show, but not BSG. I am pretty sure that with the first bout of cholera because they’ve given up on actual plumbing they will be wiped out.

I’m pissed. I am pissed that a show that took so much care at showing how difficult and complicated choices are took the easy way out. It was like an “ah fuck it” moment. I was jokingly saying that Starbuck was going to disappear in a poof of angel dust, and then she did! I was hoping when they showed Earth II there would be some comment about the difficulties in blending into a pre-verbal, pre-pastoral native society and maybe some allusion from a show that has used historical moments as plot fodder to the fact that a technologically advanced society was descending on a less advanced society and the complications that might involve. Instead they decided that the whole of the Colonial fleet was gonna give up technology and go native as some fucked up way of avoiding repeating past history. We’re tired of fighting with our own creations, so now we’re all gonna shit in the woods and die of influenza or childbirth or chicken pox.

There was exactly one moment that I liked, well loved. Baltar, divine instrument of “All this has happened before and will happen again” gets stuck being the thing he never wanted. The dude who did everything he could to run away from his roots, and in that running set off the chain of event that destroys the human race (over and over again), gets stuck being a farmer. Just like dear old dad.