In which I break out of my normal behavior patterns

I am not the type of person who asks for advice. I will vent or rage or gossip, but I rarely ask for other people’s opinions on what I should do. Instead, I mull things over, I research and I generally only talk about things once I’ve already made up my mind to do it. I do, however, ask for help once I know what kind of help I need.

But this time I am going to ask for advice and suggestions.

I need a new career. I need some kind of career path that will make us middle class with minimal investment in education/ training as far as time and money go. There is a strong possibility that my current job will end in the near future and even if it doesn’t I need a living wage and benefits (which I don’t get here).

I thought about nursing (cause after the Kid goes to college I could take a nursing degree anywhere in the world) but the older I get the more squeamish I get. I’ve been known to hide my eyes during the gross parts of House.

Skills- well I’ve got 15 plus years of office admin experience. But I have maxed out my potential as admin extraordinaire and am tired of the pink collar ghetto. I also have experience in health and welfare benefits management (which I quite liked because of the technical knowledge required regarding health care law). I am good with technology but not an uber geek. I am more of a fast learning end user and pretty good at teaching it (see last 5 years of employment as lab rat). I’ve also done a good bit of writing/editing/proofreading on the side. I like proofreading legal briefs quite a bit, despite the fact that I never edit blog posts. (Plus I need a good grammar book, I can never remember when you use colons vs. semi-colons)

Have almost got my AA (one quarter to go and no financial aid money left- fuckles).

I have near super power levels of deciphering bureaucracy speak, legal rules and regulations, etc. I once nailed a bank manager for not following federal banking rules for making deposits available. He said it was the first time in 12 years that he’d been wrong about it.

So peeps- what do you think I should be when I grow up?

(ETA: During the writing of this post Ruth and I have been emailing back and forth about my not finishing my degree in poly sci for the same reasons mentioned here. Even just getting an under grad degree in poly sci ONLY qualifies me to be a cab driver. Ruth thinks I’d do well in economics (I am geeky enough about it) but it might be a bit like going to law school- too many douchebags to make it tolerable).