There is no amount of capitulations we can make

to the Republican fucknuggets and their banker friends.

There is no amount of bailout money that will get them to see the light. NO AMOUNT.

There is no tax cut great enough to get them to behave in a moral manner. If we charged them no taxes at all they would be blackmailing us for bailout money because somehow they think they are more important to the country that those of us who go to work everyday doing something that actually produces something.

They do not want to meet you half way.

They do not want to negotiate.

And every time you give into them, by say giving away almost a trillion dollars in bailout money or scrapping family planning funds to poor women – they just think they won. So they will push you further next time. And they will use whatever money they just robbed from the American people to get more Republicans elected.

Bi-partisanship is not in the best interest of the country. If we wanted a divided working together, we would have let the Republicans keep control of the House and Senate. Or we would have elected John McCain.

But we elected Democrats. Please remember that is what you are next time a rethuglikan banker comes with his hat in hand.