
So after a fairly miserable Christmas break with the Puppy, last week started out good. I thought we had worked some stuff out and i could now resume my normal life and deal with some huge issues that have been put on the back burner while we “worked on our relationship”.

And just when I was feeling ok and getting shit done, the Puppy had another bout of stewing over something stupid (I think he was hurt cause i made fun of him for being a 27 year old who has his mommy do his laundry). Anyways, I ended things. It turns out I was exhausted and boring and bored because he’s a giant time sucking hole of neediness. Every time I spent my time and attention on something that wasn’t him (like my Kid) he felt hurt by me in some new way.

So Friday night I ended things. And I just had the most restful weekend in months.

Besides, he hates that I am sarcastic. That’s a fundamental part of my personality and one that ain’t ever gonna change. One ex boyfriend said I’m Dorothy Parker and i like it that way.