The never ending thank yous.

I feel weird about thanking people I haven’t seen. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the hell out of them. It’s that I don’t know how to express how gushily grateful I am without sounding fake.

So I think I shall do what I always do and just tell you all straight up how things are going with me. And then tell you all thank you so you know just how sincere I am.

My entire income for the month of September was $155. All but $30 of that came from donations. Several of you give $20 or $25 on a regular basis. This money has kept us fed and washed our hair and paid for bus fare. It means everything to us.

I am back at work, but in the long string of never ending work badness, I won’t get my first check until October 31. So someone, who knows who she is and how much I love her, sent us $50 to buy toothpaste.

We are inching by on tiny amounts of money and I cannot thank you all enough. We would be absolutely lost with out it. From the bottom of our hearts, the Kid and I thank you.

RQ and Kid