It’s fucking brilliant

In comments, Jovial asked me about McCain picking Palin as his veep. My friend Nardo had a discussion about it too. Both used the word “token”.

Token- for sure. But still brilliant as far as political moves goes. She shores up the right wing fundys with her forced pregnancy ideas. She brings in right leaning independent women. She may even pull a section of PUMAs, especially since the neo-dems and Obamabots are already unleashing the same misogyny the used on Hillary. The Republicans can now actually say they are less the less sexist party (if you ignore all the slut shaming they do). As far as veep picks go, this is the one of the most amazing choices I have ever seen.

I’m still not voting for McCain. But damn. I am impressed. My question is this- are the Dems going to finally wake up to the misogyny in their own party when they are called out on it by Republicans? Or will they stay willfully ignorant to their own abusive behavior in the name of winning (which will surely make them lose).

And will Obama continue down the every sperm is sacred road now that there is no way in hell he can win the Evangelicals? Or will he wise up and realize that women do get to have complete control of their own bodies, just like men do?

I have little hope for our party. Really, if 18 million of us screaming at them about misogyny didn’t penetrate their tiny brains, can the enemy actually teach them the error of their ways?

Guess we’ve got 2 months to see what happens.