People aren’t all bad

Since the climax of this little crisis I have had to do something I’ve been avoiding for a while, namely talking to people that I don’t know. And it hasn’t been too bad, actually.

I found out that I may have some legal recourse after all. It’s not a big chance, but at this point there really isn’t anything to lose and much to gain.

And yesterday I had to pick up the kid from the airport. I was waiting outside, smoking (now is not the time to give me grief about my one bad habit people) when a woman asked me for a light. Then she asked me about my purse, which I bought in the Yucatan a few years ago from a Maya lady. I love this bag. It’s red and pink and has the classic Maya multi-designs. It has embroidered roses and that lovely striated weave to the fabric. The woman was Guatemalan and we started talking about the Mayan