That Squicked Out Feeling

I gotta write this quick as it is my standing SYTYCD dinner date night. I may come back later and update if it comes out wrong.

In comments on this post a while back– Wonder, B and I were talking about that squicked out feeling you get when you get when faced with a moral dilemma.

I’ve been getting that squicked out feeling a lot these days. Every time I have to tell a fellow Hillary supporter that using racist or fear mongering tactics to bash Obama is wrong.

It would be some much easier to sit back on my heels and watch the ratfuckers on the right tell the people that Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya who wants to institute Sharia law everywhere. I mean paybacks a bitch and you get whats coming to you after all.

But I think there are plenty of arguments to be made against Obama without resorting to using the same sexist, racist, fearmongering tools that right has used forever and the left has discovered recently as a way to shut the bitches up.

I think Obama is the worst possible thing that could happen to our country right now. Not because he’s black or has a funny name or even because his wife may have been a black separatist in college (seriously- if you weren’t some kind of radical in college- what was wrong with you?), but because he is a megalomaniacal sexist with no experience, bad economic plans, and the backing of a very corrupt Chicago political machine.

So I am sucking it up, ignoring the squicked out feeling, and continuing to tell people who really are on my side that if they don’t have any arguments against Obama that don’t use racism then their arguments are weak.

Anyone else feeling squicky yet?