Write Your Super Ds

Here’s what my letter to Gov. Gregoire and Rep. Jim McDermott said:

I urge you to switch your Convention voting pledge from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton.

I have been a yellow dog Democrat my entire life, but the sexism and classism coming from both the DNC and Obama are forcing me to support Cynthia McKinney instead. I refuse to support a party or a candidate that does not have my best interests at heart, and as a working class, single mother, the party has shown that people like me don’t matter at all. Only Hillary has shown concern and real plans for fixing the state of the poor (of all colors), of women and of the economy.

I also will not be voting for any candidate that supports sexism, and that includes super delegates that vote for Obama. While this may mean little to Rep. McDermott, Gov. Gregoire is going to be in another tight race with Dino Rossi and needs every vote she can get. Mine won’t be one of them.

Some people say that I am betraying my party by refusing to vote for Obama, but a Democratic party that uses sexism and exclusion of the working class and ALL other races besides black and white (sorry Latinos- you may be that fastest growing demographic in the country, but the Dems don’t want you) is no longer the Big Tent party. If there is no room for me in the tent, then you don’t get my votes.


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