NObama- the definitive post.

To follow up on my pro Hillary post, here is why I will not now, not ever vote for Obama.

Sexism, sexism, sexism. I have no intention of voting for a person or a party that uses misogyny as a campaign tactic. Obama has shown his own sexism , and that is bad enough. But the real problem is that he has used misogyny to benefit his campaign and has never, not once, spoken out about it. If he did now, it would be a blatant campaign move instead of any real change of feeling.

Abortion. Is he for women’s control over their own bodies? Against? Does he waffle depending on who the audience is? Are women full people or do we only deserve “some” control over our own bodies? We don’t know. And since he has already shown his sexism, I can’t trust his wishy washy record on bodily autonomy.

Economics. He knows very little about economics to begin with, but what he likes is Republican style to the winners go the spoils kind of policies. Capital gains taxes, won’t raise them any higher than Reagan. Torte reform- let’s make it harder for the American people to use the one remedy they have available when business screws them. Corporate deregulation, well we’ve seen how well that works (Enron, ecoli spinach, downer cattle in the food supply, FDA approving drugs that kill).

Reagan worship- no no no no no no no no no no no.

The poor- while Obama talks nice about opportunities, truth is that he knows which side his bread is buttered on. While getting unicorn sweet deals on real estate from Tony Rezko, Rezko was screwing the poor in Obama’s district by taking public money and leaving them in rat infested, unheated, low income slums in the middle of Chicago winters.

That hypocritical campaign funding stance. Sure, you think Obama is only getting money from small, individual donors. Do you also think he shits rainbows and pisses chocolate milk. He’s backed by banking, insurance, nuclear power companies, etc. etc.

Healthcare- perhaps all the insurance money is the reason why Obama has the most craptastic plan ever.