What A Real Post- Feminist Society Would Look Like

Over on the Online Zenana post, Carissa asked “I just wish someone could explain to me what the hell “post-feminism”is”.

So post-feminism is a world where feminism is no longer needed because all sickness of misogyny has been cured.

What would a post-feminist society look like then and how will we know when we get there? For those who think that feminism is only about those educated white lady values like equal pay and reproductive rights, then maybe it is almost a post feminist world.

But it’s about so much more than that.

We will know we are in a post-feminist world when rape is not just something to be prosecuted, but is something that doesn’t happen. As long as men keep raping women, and children, and other men, we need feminists fighting to change the culture that makes rape acceptable and/or excusable.

We will know we are in a post-feminist world when the gender of your baby doesn’t matter to the success of your family to carry on the family name.

We will know we are in a post-feminist world when woman are not financially punished by pregnancy and childcare and when economists no longer need to explain the gender gap by blaming women for doing something that men cannot.

We will know we are in a post-feminist society when we don’t have to teach daughters to be afraid of men from childhood. Don’t walk alone at night will never have to be said to girls and women as warning again.

We will know we are in a post feminist society when we no longer have to worry about electing the first female president, the first gay president, the first trans president, or the first gay, fat, old, brown transwoman (or transman) president. Because the barriers will have been broken so many times that they are a footnote in history.

We will know we are in a post-feminist society when the only professions where women routinely make more money than men (sex work and modeling) no longer exist.

So what do you think makes a post-feminist society?