Contrary to popular Blogger Boy opinion

I don’t think they can rely on the AA community to be their street rioting war fodder should the Precious not be nominated. And I’ll tell you why.

I live in an AA community, that’s no secret. We’re poor, we live where the housing is used to be cheap. I would imagine that I have wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more daily interaction with AA folks than the Blogger Boyz do, simply by,you know- actually living near, working with and talking to them every. single. day.

And for I don’t know what reason, grandfatherly type AA men like to talk to me. Not in a creepy way, but in a friendly neighbor way.

One of those men is the janitor at work. He likes to come hang out in my lab and we talk politics and poverty and violence (both of us have noticed the increase in violence in our neighborhood). He knows my feelings on Obama, I know his feelings. Yet I have not heard a single riot threat. Huhm. Perhaps the Blogger Boyz are using a racist stereotype of black people being excessively violent to bolster their candidate’s claim to the thrown.

So if it were just a sample of one black guy, who I happen to have a friendly relationship with, that would be too small of a sample.

So let’s go to today. I’m waiting on the corner for the bus when the grandpa equivalent of the coffee clatch is hanging out. One of them snuck up and tapped his cane on the widow of the bus shelter and nearly gave his friends a heart attack. When I started cracking up with them over the joke, this lovely old man with a cane decided to show me his basketball moves. And then he asked me what I do and I have taken to calling myself a writer (unpaid-except for generous donations, but I always said I wanted to grow up to yell at people, travel and write stuff- since I’m doing that I’m calling myself a writer) on politics, election stuff came up again.

Now since I don’t know him well, when he asked me who i was supporting I said I didn’t know if I wanted to tell him. HE said “Not that McCain” with big terrified eyes. “No, Hillary’s my girl.” “Well what do you think about Obama?”

“I can’t vote for him either, it’s either Hillary or Cynthia McKinney”.

Guess what- no riot threats. Huhm.

Now coming home on the bus I got into another chat with a less elderly black man. It started cause he thought the fact that I can read ebooks on my phone is cool (OMG Blogger Boyz- there’s another of your deeply held stereotypes blown to shreds- black people DO like to read!) And once again things came around to the election. I told him I can’t vote for Obama cause he’s a sexist. He said “You’re not voting for McCain”

Which I responded to with a “Hell no! It’s Hillary or Cynthia McKinney for me”.

And then he asked me the most important question “who you think is gonna win?”

“Honestly,” I said, “McCain. And he’s a fuckwad.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know”.

But once again- no threats of riots. Huhm, I’m sensing a pattern here.

Could it be that the O’bots are using racial stereotypes to their advantage? OMG. It’s not like they haven’t been doing that with sexism since forever.

So all I have heard from black men so far is that they hate McCain as much as I do. And unlike the Blogger Boyz, when I point out the sexism in the campaign they neither deny it or minimize it.

I starting to think the Blogger Boyz think of the AA community as their own army of Orcs. What do you think will happen when they discover that African Americans are real, thinking people and not an easy manipulated army out of LOTR?

Their heads may just explode.