Hillary, Racism, Obama, Sexism part 2

So yesterday I wrote all about how practical privilege is what is driving the “racism” against Obama.

But does it work the same way for the sexism against Hillary. Only sort of.

Racism is not part of Hillary’s campaign strategy (despite the O’bots crying). She is not endorsing it, she has apologized when someone, herself even, has made a comment that seemed racist. All she has done is appeal to working class and poor voters, many of them white working class voters.

Sexism is a part of Obama’s campaign, whether being dished out by him and his campaign personnel (99 problems but a bitch ain’t one?) Or whether he is using the sexism in the media to further his candidacy.

And women, to the liberal elite boyz who get all tingly over the koolaid, are a much bigger threat to them than AAs are. AAs aren’t directly competing with them for college admission and graduate programs. And AAs aren’t their biggest competition in the workforce. Women are. Well educated white women.

But once again, Obama misses an opportunity. He could be talking about making things easier for everyone. He could be talking about more access to college educations for everyone or fostering industries that will create more creative class jobs for everyone. Instead he lets the boyz and their anger loose. And he sells out the rest of us.

Racism and sexism are real and awful, but whether the candidates try to improve the situation for everyone (like Hillary) or use those things to their own advantage (Like Obama) says a whole lot about what kind of president they will be.

I don’t want a president who will pit struggling people against each other for political gain.